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how much?


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right my parents moved to france earlier this yr and me and my hubby have recently gone to see what they love about the place (to be honest i thought we would hate it) it was lovely!! they live about 4miles from st savin in the counrty there nearest town is merigny i think!! anyway they have a farm house and quite a few barns!! me and hubby have been wanting to get out of this country for ages now and are currently deciding (well.....i think we have decided to make the move to france!!) we hate our job hate the area of nottm and what our life is all about at the moment to be honest! i know we are only young (23) but we are looking to start a family and definatly do NOT want to bring up children in the uk!! we couldnt believe how all ages got on with eachother in france it was  sososo nice and the kids have so much respect for the older peeps


anyway im getting to the point (soory i have gone on) we have asked my parents if they would sell us one of the barns to convert! although they have said yes they havent give us a price and when i ask them why they say because they really dont know how much it will cost to put everythin in it like electrics,water etc...... just wondered if any1 here has converted a barn and at what cost? bearing in mind its close to parents house for water,electric etc....


thank you!!


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Hi angel,

Have you considered buying something a little more independant to your parents.  I don't want to sound pessimistic but speaking from experience you can live too close to family.  We moved here 3 years ago with my parents and although we all got on famously in the UK it went pear shaped when we all tried to live together in the same property whilst renovating a large barn on our land.  We're all friends again now but it caused a lot of heartache for everyone for about 18 months after they left.

The only other thing I'd add is definately to go for it - albeit in your own place - Bonne chance!

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Buiders rates in France are no cheaper than in the UK. Property condition tends to be worse. Paying peanuts for a barn is not wise (purchase price +professional renovation cost will almost certainly be more than it's market value) unless you are able to realistically assess it's condition and then do all the work yourself. If you do ever want to sell it there will be extra costs to put in seperate water and electricity (when you buy it there may be extra Notaires and Geometres fees)
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[quote user="angel"]

right my parents moved to france earlier this yr and me and my hubby have recently gone to see what they love about the place (to be honest i thought we would hate it) it was lovely!!


Feel free to call me Ms Negative, [;-)] but does one visit to another country give you enough information to decide whether it's a country in which you can make a life? What work do you and your husband do? Did you know that 25% of the under 25s in France are unemployed? Also (getting comfortably into my Ms Negative stride) be very honest with yourselves: is the reason your parents seem unable to suggest a price for the barn because they thought they were empty nesters, with the freedom that suggests, and suddenly one of the fledglings is planning to annex their new nest? [:P]

If you are really keen, arrange to come over for a couple of months - rent somewhere if necessary (though I'm sure your parents will be "accommodating" [6]) and go and find out about work opportunities. Ideally do this during January and February. [Www]

Kicking off my Ms Negative walking boots, I wish you good luck with what you decide. You will find a lot of information on these sites but also bear in mind that a heck of a lot of people who move to France return to the UK in the first few years. The percentage varies and I don't know that any figures can be proved but British estate agents who post on the forums seem to reckon it is somewhere between 30 and 50%. There was a big discussion recently on why people go back. It might make interesting reading for you. I'll try and find it.


there you go: click on those and have a read and a ponder.



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