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Insect repellent paint

val douest

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We brought one of those spray bottles of the stuff in a supermarket once after looking at the video presentation you spray around doors and windows, found it a waste of time! but our new bedroom window always has dead flies on the window sill, don't know what the window is coated with if anything but it works.

Years ago our french neighbours used to get something you paint around the door and it seemed to work, but don't know whats its called or even if it can be obtained now.

good luck in the search



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Aha,. I know the stuff you mean....not paint at all!

This stuff used to be sold on French television sales. You spray it all around the frame and the insects won't cross it. I've been looking for the same product, but haven't been able to find it in the shops. No longer have French telly, so if you find any I would be most interested in any info. It sounds just the right thing for our house (I refuse to kill any living thing so something to stop them coming in  would be just the answer).

I do hope you find some,


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I think the posting I originally saw was about some emulsion which insects and spiders found uncongenial and so they tended to go elsewhere.  But I can't find it in the archives so maybe I did dream it!  Anyway, thanks for all the additional info - we are off to a big brico this afternoon so I will have a good look round and report back if I find anything new/useful.

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Did you find what you need?

I found this in in the atelier this evening:

   Artilin (trade name) / Peinture anti-insectes/ ISOLCIDE+/ Peinture Glycelrophtalique mate isolante - interieur.

If you haven't got sorted out, just copy all that down and confront an assistant at your brico with it!!



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