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Fireproof Plasterboard or similar


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Help! We want to move our woodburning stove/cooker next to a partition wall (non-load bearing not brick) and therefore need to insulate the partition with as thin as possible sheet of fireproof board or cladding. Any ideas what we can use and the name of same?
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The pink placo is good advice for fireplace areas, but is still only rated at 1/2 hr fire resistance I have often sought advice from this site http://www.backwoodsman-stoves.co.uk/index.html - the information links on the right hand side contain a lot of very useful installation advice. It may be a more simple solution to leave a sensible gap all around the stove rather than rest it against a wall containing anything flammable but ultimately that is your choice.

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I will admit to making a drastic error on this subject. One house we had in Bournemouth I put a Regency style glass door woodburner in the existing fireplace. I built a french style fireplace and canopy over it and boarded the back recess with marine ply,a layer of superlux fireboard and then marble tiled the face. The metal chimney pipe came out of the back of the stove so I cut a hole through the marble.+boards for the pipe to go through and packed around it with fire rope. One night my wife noticed a nice glow through the closed lounge glazed door. I said the fire should be out!!!!  On opening the door we saw the back boards were well on fire with the marble tiles cracking and falling off. An air draught was going around the pipe and as the pipe was nice and hot the plywood backing had caught fire.Lesson learnt,don't put any combustible material near the smoke stack/pipe or back of the fire.

I note from an estate agents blurb sent to me by a friend, that although we sold that house about 10years ago,the house is on the market again,sold in impeccable  modernised order.The stove is still in situ,and my  wife also noted,as they do, that so are the same carpets,curtains, net curtains,kitchen and even our Lazy Susan kitchen rack. The price is nearly £200K more!!! I think they have installed a new garage door.

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We have a woodburner about 5 cm from a placo wall. And it got really hot, I had nightmares of it all bursting into flames. We now have placed a sheet of steel behind the woodburner  (we bought them in England at a car accessory shop) , which does not look that nice but really throws the heat back into the room and the steel does not get very hot at all. Eventually we might tile it, but that again might create problems. I have seen a sheet of fireproof glass placed behind a woodburner, which looked quite good.
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Of course if you can bear what it looks like, aluminium foil is the best thing to face it with as it throws virtually all of the heat back. though few people would like the look of it.

Because of the way we are 'camping' in our soon-to-be-living room*, the side of the fridge is about 80cms from the side of the wood burner. It was (of course) getting bloody hot when the fire was going full-blast. but spray-gluing alu foil to the side returned it to a cool-to-the-touch state again. Just how effective this is was brought home to me when I was stood with the fridge door open gazing sightlessly into it for about 2 minutes (remind me: what have I come here for?) and when I eventually remembered it was a yoghurt I was after and closed the door I nearly burnt my hand on the metalwork!


(* - 'soon' as in 'between ice-ages)
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