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Air Conditioner 50% refund


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Can anyone confirm if that air conditioners (split units) that can be used for heating , "A" rated qualify for the 50% tax refund ?

Obviously fitted by a tradesman , and 50% off price of unit only.

And is it correct the scheme ends next year 2009 ?

thank you

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You need to go into details with the firm that fits them -

There have been this year many claims from the Tax Office (wanting the money back ) concerning Air/Air ones, for "crédit d'impôt" paid in previous years.

Notwithstanding, they have just received instructions,to stand down.

This will hardly be valid for the future.

Here what the State ruling writes.


As regards the rates, difficult to say anything, since the matter is coming up in December before the Parliament, and there could be at least a reduction against this year.

See more information.




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Thanks for the links GP. I have put them though a translator (me being a non French speaker/reader) and as you hint it not just a case of sending the tax man a copy of the bill , they even mention an inspection by an expert.

So I think it is back to plan B and getting a self install kit .

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