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I have a 10 year old modeel worked without any problem to date,but today on off push button switch will not stay in --light comes on and machine operates if switch held in.


I am thinking of changing one of the other switches which are not used.


Question is when i open door panel there is a plate screwed to it covering the whole door--do i remove this for acces as i do not want water to enter here if switches can be prised out from front of door panel


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JUST for your interest I have had a quote for the complete selecter switch of£90!!!!!

wow the machine was under £400 new ---it makes me wonder if it is worth repairing--perhaps the wife will wash the dishes the old fashioned way!![:D][:(]

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THE switch is a complete row with 6 selecters with copper spring behind each while the on off  is different and has no spring.

T[:D]hey come as one unit and e-spares you can only buy the complete unit!!!modern obsolete design to hit your pocketI think,at £90.00 to replace without labour the shop will charge unless i can connect myself.

I might take it in to shop as it will fit into my  estate ,the dishwasher, and see whether they can check it out-at least it saves £30 call out minimum fee. 

My wife is already sick of washing dishes by hand--and I CANNOT AFFORD AN EXCHANGE MODEL AS SHE IS NEARLY 70!!!

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[quote user="Ab"]

THE switch is a complete row with 6 selecters with copper spring behind each while the on off  is different and has no spring.


This is contradictory to your first posting where you say the problem is with the "separate on-off switch", if this is indeed the case why not do as GS suggested?

However if you are unsure of how to access the switch perhaps taking it to the shop is a better idea, the £90 should have already softened the blow yet to come!

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Or bypass the duff on-off switch in the row by drilling a neat hole in the facia and mount the new Press to Make-Press to Break in any convenient space on flying leads.

Or Plan Two: dissasemble the switch; clean the contacts; overlay the contact points with Silver Solder; wash out with switch cleaner; reassemble and job done.

So OK: I'm mean!




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Well a bit of good news amongst the gloom of bills and breakdowns---I managed to take the door off and disconnect the switch unit which has the on/off and the 5 other temperature selection switches as one piece.

I took them into the  shop and asked electrician if he could confirm switch was broken and any chance of putting in a  cheap on/off switch instead of me paying£90.00 for the complete unit.

He said the main on /off switch had 2 good spades and 2 not working  and said a simple solution would be to  in unclear to me technically as naturally he spoke very fast french-which had me struggling to understand.

So I asked could he do it and I would pay him,.

5minutes later he came back from his workshop with a 5cm.piece of wire with a bayonet connecter crimped on each end.

He said connect them to the electric wires females which normally fitted the switch and hey presto.

Magic---THE machine washes,only on light not illuminated which is not a problem.however program indicating the position of wash cycle not in correct position but this also gives no problem to wash/rinse and dry etc.

Thanks for your suggestions but I  thought this may help others as a solution  with the same problem.

Good news---------------- he said no charge------------------ .my present for the year[:D]

At least I did not get a bill for inflated repair COST  as normally expected ,when I lived in the U.K.

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