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Water leaking???????????

Barbel Bob

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I know this is a bit of a long shot on you being to help however.............

I have what looks like an air vent at the front of my house under a window close to the floor on the exterior wall, this last week water has been coming out of it!!!! We have no idea where from or whom to call out to diagnose the problem??? or even if it is a problem or just some sort of overflow?

Any ideas on what this could be? it has not happened before in the last 2yrs we have lived here.




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Yeah aircon could be a likely suspect.

I once stayed in a very downmarket hostel in Isla Los Rocos Venezuela, my room was airconditioned and when I arrived at least, dry.

In the morning my backpack was floating in the flood that seemed to have no source, eventually I found water running down one of the partition walls, on the (leaky) roof stood the aircon condensor with drain tube.

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Photos show the vent and water leaking onto the roadside...............also note the wall looks wet, first time i have noticed this!





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The air vent looks blocked with earth and there is obviously a build up of water in there.

First thing is to let the water out - dig a knitting needle in to clear vent.

It could be a void under the whole house so may be difficult to pin point what is leaking into it.

Certainly lift floorboards in that corner of the room.

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Its dog pi55 [:D]

If you look carefully you can see another trace higher up where a bigger dog has already marked his territory.

Or just possibly you may be suffering from the same type of rising damp that over the years nearly caused my gable end wall to collapse, you arent by any chance on the return route from a café or bar are you? [6]

I suppose it could also be something as mundane as a leaking pipe under the vide sanitaire, turn off all taps, cisterns etc and check your water meter is not still registering a discharge.

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[;-)] As this has been happening now for about a week then i dont think its a dog! ( Wish it was though) You can actually see the water slowly coming from the vent, its not a lot but enough to stay wet all day even in these temps!

We have not had any rain for weeks as far as i can remember?

The area where the leak is has concrete floors.

I will try clearing the vent with a knitting needle, and check the water meter.


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Solid floor however is the vent at or below floor level? are you sure you dont have a screeded timber floor?

The provision of  a vent in this kind of location usually suggests a sub floor void, maybe you have a filled in cellar / priests hole!

Water creeping out could be as a result of a spring rising due to excessive rain? or a water leak subfloor. As water is creeping I suspect this to be groundwater if you shut off all the taps in the house then place a long screwdriver against the stopcock (Blade end) and then hold the handle firmly against your ear you should be able to hear little if there is no leak in the system and a distinct rushing sound if there is. If its a heating pipe leaking then the make up device will be constantly topping up or you will physically need to if a sealed system, vented you will notice the FE tank keeps replenishing.

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I had a client with an identical problem last year

I checked the property for leaks internally and concluded there were no leaks

The advice you have been given on turning off all water and checking the meter is good advice, the first thing I do

Meters are calibrated and very sensitive instruments

If you have no water leak then I suspect a blocked drain, this was the case with the problem I encountered

We finally found a grease trap buried underground and totally blocked, this was cleaned and the problem dissapeared

Do you have any drainage from kitchens or bathrooms in the locality, have you ever had the fosse emptied and the drains flushed

If none of these your problem is groundwater, unlikely given the recent weather or some sort of construction fault

My money is on a drain blockage or a leak, if you have been in the property a long time with no problem I would be surprised if it was anything else

Le Plombier 

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Actually having thought about this a little more, check your fosse if you are on one.

It may be that you have a leak in soil line.

If  LP's recent weather comment is correct (I wouldn't know  I haven't been over since Easter) then a blocked rainwater drain equally unlikely so foul is likely the guilty party if a drain issue.

Wants checking as this kind of leak can undermine footings besides who wants a house floating on poo?

LP equivalent should be able to do an air test on line.


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Went out with a knitting needle moved some of the debris and the water came gushing out, immediately switched water off and husband traced a leak to an old dis-used water softener machine!!! God knows how longs it been leaking for it to soak under the floor and out onto the street.

Feel mad as we had a leak last year from the pipe that comes into our house feeding the water, and this went undetected for a month or so ! Then we recieved a 1000€ bill [:(]

Plumber en route!

Thanks everyone



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Check your insurance policy escape of water from a fixed appliance is what you are looking for  (But in French) you may find that the leak has undermined floor slab, caused damp etc,  I have dealt with some of these and claims can run to thousands.
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Last year, when I had a leak on my side of the meter and was losing approximately 1m3 per day, my insurance said that they would pay for the leak to be located but not for ther repair.

In the end I decided that the best long term solution was to replace the entire pipe from the meter to the house which is what I did.

Fortunately I'm not on mains drainage so my water only costs about €1/m3 and the bill for the wastage was some €300 when it could have been 3x that if I had been [:'(]

In the process I discovered that there was also a significant leak on the other side of the meter and how long that had been there for I have no idea but all it required was a retightening of the connector on the incomer and by fixing it myself I probably saved SAUR a darn sight more than the €300 my leak had wasted !

In some respects France is still akin to a 3rd world country but it all adds to the charm and adventure don't you think [Www]

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