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DIY Major works


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Probably been asked a thousand times on here already but if I want to carry out roof replacement works myself or with my Brothers  apart from the declarations / permis do I need to register as an artisan or anything? Do I need to arrange contract specific insurances in case we drop a hammer on someones head etc?

If so...................you know it's coming!.................how?

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Your existing insurer may be able to add assurances benevoles to your policy, if not try and join a self build organisation in your area and you should get this included in your subscription. We have Les castors de La Somme in our area.

You are probably at a pinch covered for public liability even if your brother drops a scaffold spanner, where you may certainly come unstuck is if any of you get carted away in an ambulance (I speak fom frequent experience!) as their order of priorities is:

Stabilise patient.

Ask if it is an accident de travail, and if it looks like one then they will tick the box unless you can convince them otherwise.

Ask for a carte vitale.

Take you to hospital.

Editted. You should find a link to your nearest castors here: http://www.autoconstruction.info/Connaissez-vous-LES-CASTORS.html

If you read the bit under services you will see their insurance covers your pals coming to lend a hand.

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