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Re: Freezing Pipes and etc:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I now have a HOT shower [:D]

I spent Saturday morning taking the shower unit apart.  You have to take the doors and front/rear panels off to get at the pipework.  I took the tap assembly apart thinking I would find something broken inside but all there was, was a large gobbit of crud (technical term there) in the hot water feed. 2 minutes to clean it out, a quick test then an hour to reassemble.  I also took the opportunity to clean an re-silicone eveything.  Result?  A hot shower that doesn't leak!

I hope Gluey's repair will be as easy.

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Labouring under what seems at present a pile of paperwork which fails to diminish [:'(], Pierre, I have yet to address the matter of the valve.

Hopefully, I can nick some time away from the desk and PC to sort this out on Thursday. need to, as we are over again for ten days at Easter and otherwise we'll be a bit rank by day ten![:-))]

I fear mine is not a simple matter of crud, as the whole valve assembly has been forced forward by the expanding ice and has sheared the retaining allen grubscrew in the brass core. Thermostatic adjustment spindle is also "Freewheeling": indicating to me, it has detached from the wax cartridge compression gizom (Yet another highly technical term!).

I'll post pics as I dismantle and hopefully, sort it out.

Glad yours is now OK!


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Slip of the fingers, Peeps!

Interesting to me, how the term "Gizmo" was used in the US in WWII to describe clever inventions from scientists working on the war effort.

Then became "Widget" which for me, was done to death, by writers, commentators and management lecturers. Then, of course, Steven Spielberg revived "Gizmo" in his film Gremlins, for the nice guy gremlin.

Now a Gimzo of course is...........................................................


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As promised: the Shower Valve Repaired!



The valve body mainly disassembled: the Thermostatic "Cartridge" is still stuck inside.

If you look carefully, Jo, top left, brass 90 Degree Manchon, you can see "1/2" stamped into the casing! For 1/2" BSP! From Leroy-Merlin: in France.


Valve body split.


The Cartridge:


The culprit Grubscrew can just be seen: the freezing water pushed the cartridge forward with such force, it broke off the head and "Smeared" the remaining bit inside the valve housing!


I had to mount the valve body in a machine vice in the pillar drill, and carefully (very carefully!) incrementally drill out the remnants of the grubscrew, until it was cleaned out from the body and I was thus able o pull the cartridge forward. Note the slave screw I used to exert forward force against the bench vice.


The Cartridge disassembled: note that it functions just like a tap: twisting the control splined shaft, drives the inner piston nearer to the thermostat mechanism, thus limiting hot water supply: and visa versa.


The thin copper sealed ended tube is the Wax Capsule: expansion of the wax, drives a slave piston upwards in the barrel.

Now you all know how they work!

The Valve Cartridge is manufactured by Vernet; a major French manufacturer. I discovered that Vernet even sell capsules and cartridges to Chinese shower valve manufacturers! Who then sell them to European "Brands"..............

I have emailed Vernet in France asking for possibilities of the supply of a new cartridge: just in case!



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Nice disassembly and very nice pics.

You have more patience than I.  If I had got to that stage I would be reaching for the Lidl replacement tap by now [:$]

I hope you can get it all together again !!

Just a very small point from my excursions into the same tap mechanism, on either side of the tap body you will see 2 largish black 'bolt heads' Unscrewing these (quite stiff, need a socket or ring spanner) will reveal metal mesh filters on the water supply sides.  This is where my 'gobbit of crud' was located so while the thing is in bits you may want to clean these out too.

Bon chance

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Thanks Pierre.

All fixed: all back together and indeed, I did remove those two bolts and most everything else too and cleaned all out.

New "O" rings and a nice smear of special automotive sealer which sets pliable into a sort of neoprene gasket, around the shoulder where the valve cartridge nests onto the body; so I now hope the main problem (Water under mains pressure  flooding out from the front escutcheon, cause dby the valve body moving forward) is fixed.

Off to la belle on Thursday and plan to completely (At last Hooray!) take the cabin apart; and reseal the damned thing correctly: so hopefully, no more water dribbling out onto the floor from the bottom joints!


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Nice one.

It's hard to think of freezing pipes when temps were pushing 20 deg at the weekend!

When resealing the cabin I discovered that 'Less is More' when it comes to silicone.  My shower tray is dead flat so just a thin film of silicone has given a perfect seal, but I'm sure you knew that anyway.  When I installed the thing originally I used far too much and that seemed to provide me with leaks!

If you happen to see a Norfolk Line ferry heading towards Dover on Thursday evening give a wave as I'm heading in the opposite direction to you for Les Paques !!

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

If you happen to see a Norfolk Line ferry heading towards Dover on Thursday evening give a wave as I'm heading in the opposite direction to you for Les Paques !!


If I do see a Norfolkline bateau, it would probably mean I'm drowning: as we always use the Sous la Manche!

Pâques Heureux !

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Hi Gluestick, apt name for someone about to re-seal their cabin [:D]

Before you head off may I sugest a really good polymer adhesive for the panels, it is so good you can actually use it underwater.

CT1 from that manufacturer it's expensive, others have copied it now and cheeper but worth taking a tube with you IMO

Geocel version, "the works" just as good around £6.00 a tube various colours.


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  • 3 weeks later...

All taken apart, Pierre.

All pressure-washed.

And decided to start sorting out the shower-room first: as you do!

So all decorated and back together and the shower awaits next trip!

One thing I must share: the alleged plombiere (he who apparently works at the nuclear power plant at Dunkerque: so if you see a black mushroom cloud then you know who to blame! [:'(]), had assembled the shower with zero sealer on the three back mouldings and the joint to the base!

He had however, left the clear plastic sheet on in strips!

No wonder the bloody thing leaked like a sieve.

Strange you should mention that: even dogs and cats were giving us a wide berth............................


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Sounds like a result!

Oh dear, I have to pass that neclear power plant later today [:-))]

Next plumbing job I have it to replace the mixer tap on the washbasin in the bathroom.  Bloomin' hot tap came off in my hand last time, fortunately in the off position.  I have all the bits to replace it.  The hardest part so far has been to find my basin wrench (I'm sure I had it here the last time I used it 15 years ago.....)


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Interestingly, that also happened to me with the kitchen sink mixer a couple of years ago.

And it was the hot bit which came unglued: with a Ballon full of scalding water..................................


Gluey jumped about a bit with that one!


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

He had however, left the clear plastic sheet on in strips!



He is not the only one to make that error, whilst repairing all my ruptures I discovered that my acrylic back panels still had the original plastic protection film on after a couple of years, at first I thought that it was a delamination but knowing they were acrylic I had to take them outside in natural daylight to be sure. I have also nearly made the same error with a white meuble de salle de bain.

Regarding the acrylic shower back panels (fond de douche) I notice that Brico-depot are no longer selling them, they were very practical allowing a traditional shower to be built without tiling and also allowing access for repairing any burst pipes (for which I recently gave thanks) does anyone know of any other companies that still sell them? I have several appartments to fit out and dont want to use cabin showers any more

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