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[quote user="Anton Redman"]If you use 'google.fr' then 'chainage parpaing' No videos but the Leroy Merlin guide and some other illustrations.

Only thing missing is construction the top ring beam using the block with ' U' shaped channel[/quote]

Round here (23) the 'U'-shaped ones are quite a price. Not too bad for a door lintel but the price for12m made my eyes water. I stopped the blocks at the course below then shuttered the next course, filled it with tied rebar, and then filled it with concrete.

About 1/10th the price!

I'm also happier that the concrete keyed into the holes in the course below better than just mortaring the 'U' channel to the course below would have done.

I hve visions of the ring beam coming adrift of the rest of the blockwork otherwise.


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[quote user="Théière"]That has alway been my thought too, total agreement, has to be so much stronger.[/quote]

....this was for 3 sides of a patio 1m50 high to build a conservatory on, so I also dropped lengths of rebar every couple of metres or so vertically through the courses. and tied it into  the ring beam steel (something else you can't do with the 'U'-channel).

I'm fairly certain it ain't going anywhere now!

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This shows the hole that I have got myself into lol!

Next 1200 dpm then the blockwork to allow me to pull the DPM tight to the back of the blocks and fill the gap behind in concrete (The mesh wll be extended up  and is  also edge thickened below with 10mm rebar around the lower edge of the 200mm slab) I agree with the observations made in respect of the top course and U Blocks being uneccessary. The top will be shuttered and wired into the floor slab which will be formed once the reinforced block work is in - I intend opening out the corner blocks and reinforcing with small proprietary rebar cages.


How much stone came out of the hole I hear you ask?

That's just the stone we hand riddled from the dig...there's a load of sandy soil gone to level the garden a bit

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Hi Theiere (sorry re English keyboard)

It's going to be an internal stair up from my cave to my hangar which means I will be able to get to one end of the property to the other without going outside and traipsing mud in...it also allows me to store furniture etc in the hangar while working on internal projects bit of a faff but ultimately convenient particularly in the winter.

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