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Cost of plaster skim coat for walls


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I'm not looking forward to having to tape and fill all the plasterboard joints in our house. I reckon it will take me a lot of time and work, just to get an acceptable finish. So, my mind turned to the idea of a skim coat, to cover all my mistakes.

Assuming I can find an english-style plasterer to do the work, can anyone give me an idea of the rate (per sq.M?) for this? (if it's relevant, I'm looking at four rooms with a total wall area of around 180 sq.M.)


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[quote user="teapot"]Big Macs not busy [:D][;-)][/quote]


Fairly typical room 5 metres x 5 metres x 2.4h = 48 square metres skim plus ceiling 5x5 = 25 sqm so 73 sqm less openings for convenience say 10 sqm so surface to be skimmed 63sqm. A two man gang will do two rooms of this size (Skim coat) in a day. probably leaving the ceiling of the second room for the following day. 48 + 48 + 25 = 121 metres

Going rate for a gang is about £450 per day extrapolate trade rates if you like?  Labourer @ £21 per hour and skills at £28  both times 8 working hours = £168 and £224 respectively so cumulatively £392 plus the dreaded at 15% £58.80 = £450.80.

(Prime cost of the labour would be about £11ph for the labourer and £18ph for the trade.)

Big Mac is pretty busy yes, but not plastering.

Lets play with the other figures for a laugh?

Same room sizes so 121 metres @ £15 a metre was the revised quote from the panel? 121 x £15 would equate to £1,815.00 not inc vat! would anyone pay that to skim two reasonable sized rooms in virgin plasterboard? (And not forgetting they may need to come back to do ceiling No 2)

Nah didn't think so........

The NSR (National Schedule of Rates) will allow about £12 per metre for patch plastering in isolated areas (If memory serves), this however is entirely different from skim plastering new walls and there is an upper limit of not exceeding 1.5 m2 or some suchlike.

Note, when taping and jointing flexible fillers will be used as the filling medium whereas gypsum plaster skimming for all its glasslike appearance will be less resistant to cracking and shrinkage. If skimming please use decent quality fabric scrim rather than paper tapes.

Ian, I would suggest probably two maybe three days work as smaller rooms are a bit more fiddly generally speaking  so a budget in the order of  £1,500.00 exc materials should be sufficient. (Works out about £8.50 per m2) plus local taxes (Works out to be about a tenner)

Not quite sure why I should have to defend what was a fairly reasonable assessment but there you go.....

Hope this helps

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I am still in shock at these prices, I know they must be correct as BM has explained it very well, but why oh why pay all that money to skim plasterboard if it has been well fitted as opposed to taping and jointing which in my experience is less likely to crack.

I am still sore 2 years after being (what I thought was) shafted by a bandeur working on the black, I have just calculated the area of my small flat and it is 142 m2 walls and cloisons and 76m2 ceilings albeit very well posed.

The bandeur would only work on a forfait of €500, the going rate was €17/hr on the black, he worked hard and fast and was finished in 15 hours, I cant really complain because the finish was, and still is superb but I have another 6 apartments to do and no longer having the means available I will be doing them myself.

But the thought of paying £1800 or £3270 makes me shudder, and to think that I thought that I was a pigeon at the time until hearing of someone else (English) who had paid €2900 au noire for a similar size gite, and the finish was appalling.

Tape and joint, dont even think of skimming.

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"I am still in shock at these prices....."

You and me, both.

It's obvious I know nothing about true tradesman costs - these prices were a fair way away from what I'd imagined.

I'm afraid that your quote, Mattstra, has come too late. Even though it's affordable, I've already decided to go with fill-and-tape, and live with the rustic finish I'll probably end up with. What the hell, it's in keeping with the rest of the house.....................

Thanks to all of you for helping me with this. I appreciate it.


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I bet you get a better finish than you anticipated. flex fill is very forgiving.

Please spend some of the money you are saving on decent tools you will find that using pukka jointing tapes and tools are a worthwhile investment.

There are a few videos on the web which show the basics but the DIY sheds also do practical demos (I was watching one in Leroy's last year)

Top tip.... buy a few decorators sponges.... I rarely need to sand the filler on top of screws when when taping and filling plasterboard I fill..... and when I see the edge drying I simply wipe it with a firm damp cellulose sponge this is sufficient to provide a finish without damaging the paper surface of the board.


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[quote user="mattstra"]hi , the going rate is about £5 a metre plus materials , although most plasterers would prob give you a price per room.

The 'going rate' is definately more than £5 a metre. We use Euros in France and we have to be registered to work here and pay our charges and taxes. Most legitimate tradesmen are also TVA registered.

There's probably no difference in cost but products available in France are completely different from those in general use in the UK. UK plasterers who have changed over to the French products have usually found it much slower to work with.

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[quote user="mattstra"] beware of these people they are knowingfully conning decent people,, thanks,matt[/quote]

Firstly the going rate is the going rate, supply and demand will dictate what plasterers can charge in the UK. Right now with work falling away, a lot of jobs are having to be quoted more keenly. Secondly I think you maybe in danger of over playing the 'I'm a decent/fair/honest/cheap/experienced' card while you are also all over the chats advertising for work.

Nothing personal at all, I am not in the building trade, just a sense that you are trying too hard to make yourself look good at everyone else expense.

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£5 a metre "Off the back of a fag packet Guv knock it out in a weekend"...public and all risks Insurance...VAT Registered...City and Guilds Trained...by the by........

I am involved in the assessment and licensing of proper Building Contractors on a national basis. The rate for the proper job is the rate for the proper job, we aren't in the business of employing Wild Bill Hicupp or any of his henchmen.

What we do provide is Skills tested, Licensed, Safe Contractor Registered, Insured, CRB Checked, Properly equipped and instructed Professionals who will ensure that proper protections are deployed and guarantee their work unconditionally for 12 months (Including shrinkage). They won't roll up to your doorstep in a clanky old van dripping oil on your pavoirs. They will introduce themselves properly and present their card which will detail their skills and provide an ID No (Similar to a Taxi Licence). The guys are obliged to comply with a code of conduct which is displayed on site and will work in accordance with their risk assessment and method statement.

Please note I do not name my employer. As far as I am aware advertising isn't permitted on here equally we have more than enough work as it is, because we are pretty damn good and demonstrate this consistently on a daily basis the length and breadth of the British Isles.

Then again there's always Mr £5 a metre.....you pays your money...

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[quote user="mattstra"]im not claiming to be cheap , just fair and honest, i  still earn between 250 and 300 quid a day. in my opinion anyone who is prepared to pay someone 3000 a day is either very rich or very stupid. this thread is about the price of skimming, and i can assure you that mine is the most accurate, ive been a time served spread for twenty years, working in the uk , germany , the netherlands ,france, and portugal, and i can tell you that anyone with a knowledge of the trade would laugh there bollocks off if given a quote of fifty a metre, im just trying to inform people of the going rate that has been the same everwhere ive worked for ten years,from my experience over inflated prices are given by semi skilled lasbourers who cant perform all areas of plastering, only skimming which is by far the easiest aspect, ripping people off and taking work from genuine time served tradesmen at the same time ,matt[/quote]

So what aspect of my figures do you take issue with? I note than you charge slightly more per day than we pay fully licensed operatives and suspect this is more of a backdoor advert for your wares rather than any genuine intent to help the original poster.. 

I am not and never shall be your kid...thankfully

I shall not be posting further on this thread, it is clear you have not read it fully therefore there seems little point.

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Even at £5 per hour skimming would have cost me double what I paid for taping and jointing and remember I am still sore about that.

Going rate or not it is inconceivable to me to pay the sort of sums suggested to skim over perfectly flat plasterboard, unless it is put up like a pigs ear (and in this case a good spread will really have to earn his money) why skim?


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[quote user="mattstra"]ive just secured 800 metres in charente 5 a metre including accom ,, fantastic,,[/quote]

You'll be working illegally in France - I hope you client is aware of the risk he is taking. hopefully a local registered tradesman will follow it up with the authorities as some of them are finding work harder to come by at the moment.

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The issue is that some people want a proper quality job, some people want a cheap job and never the two shall meet

In my book someone who is known and of proven quality is the cheapest option in the long run as they will probably be recommended by a source you trust

If they are recommended it means they are good and also fair on their price

Having worked in the UK and spent the last five years working in France, due to the very high cotisations etc france is more expensive so quoting UK rates is a non starter

Le Plombier

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[quote user="mattstra"] i was

born in france and still have citizenship, my brother has been

registered there for 15 years and charges roughly the same as me, im

just waitng for my policy to come through and off i go...i will gladly furbish you with my details as it

is on all relevent paperwork i would issue you with,, although you

would probably find it misleading. JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE GIVES YOU A



SUFFER ,[/quote]Going aginst the grain here as I really do not want to post again but as you are now by your own admission of French birth so little excuse about not knowing the rules, unregistered, touting for business on this "fantastic site" and providing prices although not in a position to do so. I would suggest that your tenure here is likely to be short and I just hope that when you go phutt as you most assuredly will you don't take too many good people with you.

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