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Hello Everyone..


I understand  the TVA  will change in October (?) to 21 plus percent..   conveniently just after the elections !


will the special rate  of 7 percent  for refurbishment change as well ?




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[quote user="Bill"]I understand  the TVA  will change in October (?) to 21 plus percent..   conveniently just after the elections !

will the special rate  of 7 percent  for refurbishment change as well ?[/quote]

No - it already went up to 7% from 5.5% on 1st January 2012.

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Changing the subject just a tad, it might be of interest to some that this has not changed for things like stairlifts etc, as I found out yesterday.  From my installer:

"la TVA est maintenue à 5,5% pour les appareils destinés à améliorer l’accessibilité de la maison"

(excuse the gobbledegook - it's something to with quoting e-mails and accents etc, but you get the idea, I'm sure.)

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I'm glad that you posted that. It is very nice to see that they have not increased it and quite right too.

 Although, frankly, for such things I am of the opinion that no TVA should be levied at all, the idea of taxing things to help people with handicaps doesn't sit right with me. 

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I guess, Idun, that there's no reason why a person who can't get about so well can't afford stuff, but that's why I hate VAT so much - everybody  pays the same amount, regardless.  Certainly it's a shame that this can't be re-claimed for those on low incomes.  In my case, the insurance is paying but that's not true for everybody.  The longer you can cope in your own home then, ultimately, the less the state stumps up for your care.
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  • 2 weeks later...





As  I am joe public and renovation is being carried out on my house.

some people want to charge vat  at  19 percent, others are willing to do the 7 percent vat rate..

why ?

has it anything to do with  a service being attached to the product, eg supply a gate 19 percent, fit and supply 7 percent ? or am I barking up the wrong tree here ?


will I have any problems with the big bricos in getting 7 percent  ? So far asked and they say no problem. Yet to buy..

rgds  Bill

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Artisans will charge 7% for renovation/refurbishment work. Any 'new' work should be charged at 19.6%.

Artisans still pay 19.6% for materials - there's no magic ticket which allows you to buy materials at the low rate. Part of the idea of the low rate is to encourage home owners to use legit Artisans and benefit from low rate of TVA on materials as well as labour. If you use an AE or unregistered labour aprt from all the other downsides you'll pay full whack for all the materials, as you would if you buy them yourself.

The consequence is that if you're doing a refurb which involves a lot of materials (new kitchen, bathroom, central heating etc. you'll be quids in using a TVA registered Artisan - plus you'll have an invoice which can be set against CGT when you sell and the work is guaranteed.

Sorry to bang on but a lot of home owners don't seem to know about or understand the benefits of using proper Artisans - just because a lot of small tradesmen are busy de-registering for VAT in the UK to keep their prices down, it isn't the same here.

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Dear Charles


I  do mean , when I buy from an artisan, then I pay 7 percent vat on both work and materials..


your web site seems to confirm this is the case..


We are TVA (VAT) registered and most renovation work we carry out benefits from the lower rate of TVA, 7% in place of 19.6%, on both materials and labour.



However what else is not clear is the bricos , who so far have said its renovation and they charge 7 percent.. just for materials, but then maybe they dont know I am not vat registered.. (yet) . So what you are saying is they can not charge at 7 percent they have tyo charge at 19 percent.


I am using artisans, I might  (was intending to )  just buy some stuff myself thats all



rgds  Bill

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Whenever purchases of materials are made, whether by a registered trader, or by an individual VAT is charged at the full rate.

When an Artisan carries out qualifying work he charges VAT at the lower rate on the total job,materials, labour and profit, but is able to reclaim the VAT he paid when he purchased the goods.
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I have no idea how good or bad your French is, but if you have talked to the Bricosheds about getting 7%, it maybe that they have wrongly assumed that you are asking about them doing the work - many now offer installation services for all sorts of work.

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[quote user="Bill"]

Dear Charles


I  do mean , when I buy from an artisan, then I pay 7 percent vat on both work and materials..


your web site seems to confirm this is the case..


We are TVA (VAT) registered and most renovation work we carry out benefits from the lower rate of TVA, 7% in place of 19.6%, on both materials and labour.



However what else is not clear is the bricos , who so far have said its renovation and they charge 7 percent.. just for materials, but then maybe they dont know I am not vat registered.. (yet) . So what you are saying is they can not charge at 7 percent they have tyo charge at 19 percent.


I am using artisans, I might  (was intending to )  just buy some stuff myself thats all



rgds  Bill



Bill, yes I'm banging my own drum but I do find it frustrating that so many homeowners assume it is exactly as per the UK when in fact it is the complete opposite. All Artisans are very careful with their pricing and any markup is minimal so with care on an average refurb most people would save significant amount of money using  Artisans as opposed to Auto Entrepreneurs whilst still benefitting from an invoice they can set against CGT and a guarantee.

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Thanks Charles,

I must say I am finding I am being stiffed at every turn... not quite sure why, but  I  will get to the bottom of it..

I am not worried about a few percent or 100's  this way or that way , makes no odds in the great scheme of things, , but few hundred percents is begining to  make me a little cross and therefore will delay my  project.. Delay will be the price I pay..

I am trying to do the right thing, buy in France, pay french people, but they are all making it quite hard to do..Perhaps I just wait untill the economy drops into a black hole and then show my little beacon of light (work! )  

Hey Ho..

rgds  but just  a little grumpy today








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[quote user="andyh4"]


I have no idea how good or bad your French is, but if you have talked to the Bricosheds about getting 7%, it maybe that they have wrongly assumed that you are asking about them doing the work - many now offer installation services for all sorts of work.


pretty rubbish french,  but I  have managed to trade internationally for most of my career being the typical englishman hoping everyone else follows what I am on about.. !!!  


 I  do have in reserve, and from time to time set my personal Rottweiler on them , as Mrs Bill speaks perfect french, but regret  doesn't like brico stores and avoid those french trips which include them. 

Thankyou everyone for input..


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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote user="Quillan"]If you think just trying to sort out the VAT is hard wait till you ask somebody to turn up and do the work and how long it will take, both of which you can take with a pinch of salt, but then thats France. [:D][/quote]



O    HOW   TRUE  this is turning out to be  ...  but then I am just going to  have to laught at it all..    The alternative ?    Just go barmy in the process..  






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Les Flamands, I am at a loss for words too. I know that the artisans where I used to live would have a high mark up on goods that they bought. A good example was a very good friend of ours was very miffed when I had bought a kitchen tap. He fitted it for me, but he said that he never fitted anything that the customer bought and I know that he had a big mark up.

Maybe this is regional. It was not like that where I lived, is all I can say.

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[quote user="Chancer"][quote user="LesFlamands"][quote user="Bill"]



All Artisans are very careful with their pricing and any markup is minimal [/quote]


For once I am lost for words!



Dear chancer ,


I don't think I said that......................[:-))]




 edit:  got you  les flamands said it..   no worries..

I was going on to say..



As I am three months down the line, I am finding, that there is a French way of doing things, and that is not doing it !!!!

I have learnt the Gallic shrug as I work around all of the issues,  !

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