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  1. Not just me then. I'm far more inclined to choose salty, sour and spicy foods now and would gravitate to those kinds of things on a buffet table, entirely avoiding the chocolates and cakes. Maybe an age thing?
  2. haha, he cc's it to the FBI and also the North Yorkshire Police Force, clearly a world-class organisation in the fight against criminal masterminds!
  3. I remember applying for a promotion in the 70s at the advertising agency in which I worked. One of the directors invited me out to dinner to discuss the position. He was a very fat American guy, very charming, and wanted to move the discussion to his hotel bedroom. I must have looked fairly horrified because I remember him leaning over and saying "my dear, don't worry about my size, I'm very light on my elbows". I spluttered something out about "well thank you but no thank you" or something like that to reject his offer and he said "well I hope you don't mind me asking, when you're my size you have to ask and if you ask enough someone might accept". Then he said that it wouldn't affect my job prospects. I didn't get the job, being considered too young apparently, although the personnel department did say that this director had personally recommended me after the interview as someone who was composed and poised in a stressful situation! Subsequently I worked in the oil industry when nude calendars were plastered all over the office walls. It was just a case of developing a thick skin and making it clear that you were a professional working woman and not an airhead, after which I found that the men's attitude was more respectful.
  4. On your mail page at Orange go to 'Mes Preferences' (top right, next to 'Aide'. Third option down is 'Mes Dossiers' ... and click 'Gerer Mes Dossiers'. Does it still show only 20 or does it show more?
  5. I've got a bat nursery in the verandah roof just outside the patio door so every morning is a pile of bat poo ..... it runs the whole length along the wall. I used to complain as it's messy and, even when swept, I turn round and there's more. But now I think that each bat poo is probably equivalent to four or five chomped mosquitoes or flies, and I don't care as much.
  6. Same with me, there's no reply button on the 'going back' thread, Nor the 'Mods! Problem' posting. Physically there just isn't one (Google Chrome user here). However, as you can see, one has appeared in this posting.
  7. We've had no internet problems for several years, always worked, then about a fortnight ago we were without internet service for three days. FT said we should uprate to a black Livebox (although it was an FT-network in the area). Since then, internet is good although once or twice a day it goes down for about a minute, then back on again. Not enough to complain about but the new Livebox flashes up the fault, then the network is back on. I assume that FT might be doing some works somewhere or uprating equipment?
  8. I believe that if you find something on your land then it belongs to the French State. However, if you find it within the walls of your building then it belongs to you personally. Of course I am not suggesting, no of course not in a million years, that if you find a haul of gold in the ground that you immediately fill in the hole and go to one of your old outbuildings and make a similar sized hole in the ancient walls from where you now declare you found this fortune .........
  9. Some useful abbreviations: Some terms to know: En 3D = movie is shown in 3D (three-dimensional) lunettes 3D = 3D glasses projection numérique = a digital projection (usually meant to denote it is not in 3D) version restaurée = restored version (good sign it is an older movie) v.o. -or- version originale -or- VOSTF -or- version originale sous-titrée en français = original version that has NOT been dubbed in French (in original film language may it be English, German, or Hindi) but will have French subtitles v.f. -or- version française = version has been dubbed in French PL -or- plein tarif = normal ticket price TR -or- tarif réduit = reduced ticket price (such as for students, children, seniors)
  10. Mr. Nectarine rather unkindly said that our fruit has dimply orange skin and a soggy interior. I prefer to think as myself as ripe and luscious (and no, NOT ready for peeling). Actually I'm never sure of the difference between mandarins, clementines and nectarines either ...
  11. Gorgeous here today in Lot-et-Garonne. A real spring day, grus flying overhead so spring is on its way. Plus it's my birthday and everyone knows that the sun shines on the righteous so if you've enjoyed today's gorgeous weather, there's no need to thank me !
  12. Gluestick and Chessie - excellent posts! I'm with you on this!
  13. gosh this is such a useful posting, thanks to all contributors. I've got these phrases in my head now ready for when / if I need then ..
  14. hmmmm OK, just the one for the Dordogne looked jolly young although according to the France Bleu she is in her 40s. But thanks for all replies.
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