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Lori last won the day on September 29

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  1. That is wonderful news Menthe. I'm glad it went smoothly and the results were good. 🙂
  2. If he refused to give you a copy of the certificate, that would indicate to me that he is not insured. What other reason could there be ? I know you can look up a SIRET number online, but I don't think it will include the contractor's insurance details. Those can change for any number of reasons. Has this builder already begun working for you ?
  3. Yes, if they have it, their insurance company will issue them a certificate and it should have the dates of the validity of their contract with the insurance company. You can ask for a copy of the certificate. Many reputable service providers will offer it without you even asking. You can also call the insurance company named on the certificate to confirm the policy is current and valid.
  4. Honestly, the more we find out about the chemicals/plastics in the food/drinks we ingest and the earth in which we grow our food crops, it is a miracle we are all still walking. Seems nothing is safe.
  5. Thank you for the update Norman. OH sometimes takes Tramadol, so I let him know about the new rules so he won't be surprised when he discusses it with the MT.
  6. We had one at the rental house in the Vaucluse. Horrible !! It had been installed just before we rented the house, so it was brand new. The electrical circuit breaker to the house could not cope with the power need of the heat pump, so we lost power continuously. Once we increased to an 18kw circuit breaker (for a 100 m2 house !!!!!) at a huge increase in cost, we didn't lose power too often. However, the system couldn't heat the house when the temperature dropped below around double digits. We'd have to crank it WAY up and the cost was astronomical. I gather the cost to install it wasn't cheap either. We decided after 1.5 years with that horrible system, we would never purchase one. We've since spoken with other folks who had similar experiences. Good luck Menthe. I gather a lot depends on the type of house you are trying to heat and the exact system you are considering installing.
  7. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who received his PM's. 🙂
  8. Yes, i see stuff like this all the time. Often worse than your picture. I always wonder how in the he** anyone can be so stupid. But, obviously, there are plenty of stupid people out there. I remember one guy that was working on an exterior wall at our house in Bédoin with a power tool and no eye protection. The blade on the tool flew off - apparently not attached correctly. Missed his eye by a few centimeters. Scared the he** out of me. Off to the hospital he went. I never saw him again. He was a worker for the macon. I always wondered if, after that, the guy learned to use face protection. Somehow, I kinda doubt it.
  9. I think I'll pass, but thank you for posting all the info. as I might have considered them otherwise.
  10. Yes, we had mist and fog yesterday and a bit this morning. I'm not quite ready for the cold weather to begin. And, for heaven's sake, please not another Fall and Winter with non-stop rain, floods and rock slides... As for Labor Day, it was just a day off of work when I was working. If not working, a day like any other, unless you needed a bank or government service. I don't really think about the U.S. holidays anymore.
  11. Heaven forbid ! And I dare describe myself at all these days. All this, IMO, has lowered the frequency of verbal communications with other people. Sad.
  12. The entire world has gone mad ! I find it all very sad. I am no longer young, but I do have a few years left (unless I'm hit by a bus or fall terribly ill). I find all this craziness hard to watch and extremely depressing. It has a direct negative impact on life and the outlook of happiness.
  13. Yes, they are already using that excuse. Look at the Taxe Fonciere on properties in Brive, among others.
  14. I always figured they'd find and/or implement ways to recover the loss of the Taxe d'Hab. It was inevitable. So they are and they have begun. The trash collection fees are, IMO, just the beginning. In the end, I suspect the Taxe Fonc. will have increases that will come close to the removed Taxe d'Hab. Am I a negative Nelly. Yes, probably, but I guess we'll see in the coming years.
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