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Hoddy last won the day on September 22 2021

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  1. to everyone who has reported unacceptable posts lately.
  2. Thanks folks for all the reports. I was interested to see that all of them ere posted at the same time. This was not possible under the old software. As Wooly says a problem for the authorities.
  3. I have the same problem - I've deleted a number of posts recently, but have been unable to thank the reporters which I always did under the old system.
  4. I think the problems in Yorkshire cricket are much more deep seated than the casual use of racist language. I believe that the men at the top of Yorkshire cricket are aware that there is a large untapped pool of talent among the young Yorkshire moslems who are not allowed to go ‘courting’ or to drink alcohol and whose energy goes into cricket. If these young men were given a fair chance they may well end up being in the majority in the Yorkshire team.
  5. Thank goodness for that - I was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms !
  6. It's true that we weren't informed and our 'powers' have not been reinstated. We cannot, at the moment, delete advertising posts.
  7. It's true to say that communications are not brilliant at the moment. I notice that we have lost both ways of sending messages too.
  8. I've been having terrible trouble for over a week. The a miracle - last night I had an email to say that someone from Grantham had tried to log in as me and that if it wasn't me I should change my password. I did so here I am back at last. Russethouse and Idun very glad to see you both back.
  9. I've been having terrible trouble for over a week. The a miracle - last night I had an email to say that someone from Grantham had died to log in as me and that if it wasn't;t e I should change my password. I did so here I am back at last. Russethouse and Idun very glad to see you both back.
  10. At Last ! finally managed to log in.
  11. There is a good Roman villa if they are interested just a little further than Castillon which I quite liked as a typical French town. Hoddy
  12. I have deleted the last two posts of this thread. May I remind you of the forum rules and suggest that no-one else posts on this thread which has more than run its course.
  13. “I am utterly convinced that most here were anti Brexit and it shows, I believe, in the way they write.” Ken, consider the other possibility. It may be that those who voted pro-brexit do not feel the need to continue an argument which is over. May I remind everyone that we do not discuss other forums here. No good ever comes of it.
  14. There are quite a few teachers on the forum with long experience. Like me they won't be in the least surprised by any crackpot parents.
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