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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. My mutuelle has gone up by 15%. Not sure whether or not that's average.
  2. Eurostar have canceled all trains until 9pm so I wouldn't expect much movement today. This one came out of the blue didn't it ?
  3. Jean Michel Jarre, Daft Punk, Stinky Toys. Sometimes you don't have to pretend. 🎸
  4. If you're going to cook it yourself you should ask for a jambon frais or demi sel. Chances are, if you ask your butcher for a 'jambon gammon' he'll probably know what you mean.
  5. Les pompiers were first, tail end of November. Tucked away inside was a little pocket version. Useful I suppose for when out and about. Then came the local cat charity where I'm a volunteer ( well I couldn't say no could I ). The fourth arrived yesterday with a food delivery followed this morning by one from my financial advisor. On the very expensive A4 envelope was a note written by madame le postie saying she'd be round with her calendar sometime this week. The message was signed with a smiley. So, go on, can anyone beat that? 😁
  6. Have you thought of moving to Ireland? The misses and the kids would be OK because of Europe and you'd be OK because of the English/Irish agreement. Looked at it myself a couple of years ago.
  7. La Poste is charged with collecting TVA on all items purchased from outside the EU. That is in addition to any custom duty that may be owed. It is possible for the seller to collect the TVA in advance and for a code to be placed on the parcel to reflect this. However the system has been known to fail and La Poste advises that anyone who thinks they've been over charged to dial 3631 and contest the payment which, if successful, will then be reimbursed.
  8. Welcome back Rose, The forum is a bit quieter than it was but I think you'll find some of the old faces still around.
  9. It's all a bit fluid at the moment but there is a way where you can get a spousal visa by having savings rather than income. There are conditions on how long you need to keep the money sitting in a bank account and it's not cheap. I think the current mininum is 67,000. That no doubt will go up as well.
  10. I am certain that having applied for, and been approved, for the issue of a CDS, having declared your income when you origially applied for it, there is no requirement to establish your income level upon the occasion of your CDS renewal. In other words, having been issued with a CDS you are entitled to renew it for the rest of your life. That's true for most CdS but we were talking about the situation in the UK.
  11. Apparently the UK accepts civil partnerships from overseas so I would assume the treatment would be the same.
  12. Same with me but what if, when you came to renew it, they said you don't earn enough ( not that you're claiming any state aid just that your salary isn't good enough for them )? And because of that you had to leave. You haven't broken the law, you've paid your taxes, your children are French and ( perhaps ) you are the main provider. How would you feel? If they were there before Brexit they would have applied to remain under the EU Settlement scheme. Post that it'll be one of the various visa schemes. If you've married a UK citizen or someone who has indefinite leave to remain the new income limits apply.
  13. I have read both the above articles and neither cover the scenario I have given. The partner of a French National, living legally in the country, applying for a renewal of their visa and having it refused for no other reason than that the family income isn't the same or above that of the top 25% of the country. And the intention for that partner to then be deported. You've said in the past ALBF that you don't have French Nationality. I wonder, by what right, you are allowed to live in the country.
  14. I would like you to direct me to reports in the French press where the government is intending to remove the rights, previously granted, to an immigrant married to a French Citizen by increasing the family income requirement to above the mean national wage.
  15. I suggest ALBF that you might have a somewhat outdated view of today's British in France. Even if they didn't 'venture out of their rural village' Brexit changed all that. Like the rest of us they would have had to queue at the Prefecture for their CdS interview and think long and hard about whether or not they wanted to stay in this country. As has been said before, a number of them packed up and went back to the UK. Those that remain are no longer looking at the world through rose coloured glasses. If they ever did. As to the UK. I would have thought that yesterdays news on mixed nationality marriages where the government is proposing splitting up families already living in the UK if they don't earn above the average wage might have given you pause for thought. A country that is that cruel to it's own citizens is not one I want to live in.
  16. Had it not been for Covid, I think Brexit would have been shown up for the disaster that it was but the Pandemic threw everything into flux . Now there is a prevailing sense of disquiet. Politicians are distrusted on both sides of the channel, "mainstream media" is vilified worldwide. Brexit has become unimportant in the maelstrom of social unrest. Was it a disaster, yes. But the world has moved on and has bigger battles to fight.
  17. Which was then registered in the UK. How did you do that out of interest S.V.A.?
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