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Posts posted by betise

  1. I agree that the Oncopole in Toulouse is wonderful, not as personal or welcoming as the Institute Claudius Regaud, which was integrated into the Oncople when it opened, but still a centre of excellence!

    In our village, even though we have 2 doctors, RDVs with a MT are not available unless you plan 2 weeks in advance. For specialists, I have found that Doctolib is the best way to go. I was told that I might have to wait 9 months for a non-urgent RDV with a cardiologue, yet managed to grab a RDV with a local cardiologue for Novembre. Healthcare, or perhaps access to it, is certainly not what it was 20 years ago, but still so much better than in the UK.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Yes Lori, so many questions where the answer seems obvious, if you don't take all factors into account.  I practised like mad online, every day before the test, and passed first time. Although for the like of me I can't remember all the safe stopping distances,.  A bit like when I was a pompier, and was told I had to learn all of the orange hazard warning plates for HGVs, OVERNIGHT ! Can't remember many of them now either.

  3. Now I think about it, I do remember something!  It'll be one of the famous trap questions.  The car in the videos is not the instructor's car, it is supposed to represent a car being driven in traffic.  The question would show the speedo, the road markings, the cars in front, and in this case there are no cars approaching from behind in the other lane, and the driver is on an autoroute. So the question would be something like "can I overtake?" and many would answer yes, as there is no approaching traffic.  But the student is supposed to note the speed, and so the correct answer is no, as they are already over maximum speed.

    The 70km one would also be a trick question.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Loiseau said:

    A medium-sized bottle of my regular brand of olive oil in Sainsbury's is around £10 !

    On a recent trip to a French supermarket, where I thought it might be a bit cheaper, just the same prices. It's a real luxury item now.

    About the same price as two bottles of wine, but I bet the olive oil last longer.

    • Haha 1
  5. I think it is also due to electric cars charging at night on HC, so the "less popular" hours are being increasingly used.  Plus, as Norman mentioned, electricity from solar panels  Our HC are during the night, I believe this is true for all new contracts, at least with EDF.  Before, we had lunchtime HC too, but when we moved, in the same village, only night time HC was available.  EDF have a calculator to enable you to see if you have the best tariff.  For us, the current HC hours works well, as both the dishwasher and washing machine are programmed to run at night.

  6. 23 minutes ago, DaveLister said:

    Well, normally Céline Dion isn't to my taste either but, considering how ill she is, I thought her performance was incredible.

    I'm not a great fan either, and didn't think that she would be well enough, but her performance was so much better than I had feared.

  7. 5 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    You have first hand experience of French family dying ? First hand experience of viewing, signing for an ehpad for another person in a different region of France ? Booking medical taxis to transfer the patient on a 7 hr journey. Speeking to doctors and nurses concerning their end of life care. Speeking funeral directors to arrange a funeral and mass in one region then have the body transfered to another to be buried ? Sorting out their possessions ? The administration…..which never ends. Canceling a phone contract, internet contract, peage contract and all the rest. Dealing with a dementia patient who has no idea what is going on. Finding them a place to live. Visiting them everyday, shopping for them. Finding them a doctor, dentist, eye specialist. Finding them a neurologist.

    This has been a full time job since January.

    You are a very rude person.

    I sympathise with your predicament ALBF, I have first hand experience of almost all of that, with my mother, step father and parents in law.  The worst is dealing with the administration, for sure.

  8. Type one diabetes (don't know about type two) and cancer are certainly ALDs, all approved treatment is paid for by the state.

    ALBF is correct though, finding a specialist is sadly more and more difficult now.

    • Like 1
  9. Yes, but this is very different from a presidential election, if the RN, and other "far" right candidates, win the majority in the Assembly (which is a distinct possibility) then it will be Bardella as prime minister.

  10. Lori, what was offered was "La sédation profonde et continue jusqu'au décès est un soin consistant à endormir profondément une personne atteinte d'une maladie grave et incurable pour soulager ou prévenir une souffrance réfractaire. Elle est associée à une analgésie et à l'arrêt des traitements de maintien en vie."

    It is already legal, but not all doctors agree to administer it. It can be done at home, and in the case of my brothers in law, results in a coma like state, that lasts just a few days, followed by death. 

  11. In fact, if your doctor is in agreement, a dignified end of life has been available for quite some time, *IF * you are in end stage of an incurable illness. I know this for a fact, as two members of my family went down this route, here in France.  

  12. We did ours yesterday too, I dread it, it always ends in an argument!

    Mr Betise has (nearly) all of the figures on a spreadsheet on his computer, and I sit at mine and input them into the impots online forms.  He shouts a figure at me, I tell him it's not the one I need, he then can't find the right one, I start to quietly despair. Eventually there is more heated shouting (not by me) and I tell him that if he's going to shout he can put the bloody figures in himself. Every year (sigh).

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