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Posts posted by Harnser

  1. 17 minutes ago, ko12x2 said:

    " Rural areas (where most Brits live LOL) voted MLP."  (ALBF)

    Take a careful look at the map below. A huge rural swathe from the West to the SW and across to the E (mostly as rural as you can get) voted Macron.


    Our commune in Brittany stuck to their guns in the 2nd tour after voting MLP with Macron third behind Melenchon in the 1st tour.

    In the second tour MLP was on 52% and Macron 47%.

    Ours is by no means a poor commune, new salle de polyvalente a lot of improvements all going on etc.


  2. 1 hour ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Outre-mer voted overwhelmingly MLP.

    Work than one out Norman !

    Perhaps they were less concerned about electing a "far right" president and having read the manifesto of the "far right" candidate discovered that in fact their lot might improve under a "far right" president rather than under a shapeshifting centre ground president who promises to be all things to all french people and ends up just helping his billionaire mates to make their next billion.

  3. 1 hour ago, NickP said:

    I tried to edit my comment about the paywall to add that I thought the article was of interest albeit restricted , but the forum software wouldn't allow it, saying that my editing attempt was too late, for heavens sake it was 5 minutes. Can't the powers to be do something about this silly rule?

    I don't subscribe to Le Telegramme but I can read the article - I have no Idea why you come up against a paywall and I don't. Are you using a VPN by any chance?

  4.  "I doubt he [Melenchon] would have any problem becoming Macron's tame P.M. In a way I would find it more entertaining than the invisible man purporting to be P.M. at the moment!! "

    Castex the current PM is the original invisible man, that's why he is Macron's prime minister, little visibility or character, no danger to Macron, the perfect choice!

    If you remember what happened when Macron's previous prime minister, Edouard Phillippe, fell from grace because he became more popular than Macron so had to be got rid of, I could see the same situation playing out with Melenchon who could play to the gallery of his left-wing supporters as PM to his hearts content!

  5. It's the same old - all over again.

    Dominique Strauss Kahn - convenient rape accusation allegedly choreographed by political enemies linked to Nicolas Sarkozy.

    Francois Fillon - 2016 convenient financial scandal following which Macron was elected.

    And now Marine Le Pen, blatant interference by the EU's tame anti-fraud investigation unit, dragging up allegations from years ago to support their poster boy Macron.

  6. Nothing to do with favourite candidates - I was highlighting the dubious action of the EUSSR doing their best to enhance the election chances of their biggest fanboy.

    And the EU seem to be continuing to try to do "a Fillon" on MLP 

    Marine Le Pen (RN) and her relatives are accused by the European anti-fraud office of having embezzled around 600,000 euros of European public money during their terms of office as MEPs, according to a new report revealed on Saturday by Mediapart and handed over to French justice.
    "I am surprised by the always strong timing about the revelation" and its "instrumentalization", reacted to AFP Me Rodolphe Bosselut, the lawyer for Marine Le Pen, campaigning for the second round of the presidential election.

    Me Bosselut also says he is "dismayed by the way Olaf (European anti-fraud office) acts, without contradictory character" and on "old facts of more than ten years" for some.


    Funny that this report should be publicised a week before the election isn't it? 

    Scummy way to run an election IMHO.



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  7. “BRUSSELS — European officials are drafting plans for an embargo on Russian oil products, the most contested measure yet to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and a move long resisted because of its big costs for Germany and its potential to disrupt politics around the region and increase energy prices.

    The earliest the proposed E.U. embargo will be put up for negotiation will be after the final round of the French elections, on April 24, to ensure that the impact on prices at the pump doesn’t fuel the populist candidate Marine Le Pen and hurt president Emmanuel Macron’s chances of re-election, officials said.”

    New York Times April 15th 2022


  8. 10 hours ago, Gardian said:

    Down here in the South, it was predominately Le Pen.  To my surprise, she ‘edged’ Melenchon in our Commune.

    I’ll probably be proved miles wrong, but here’s my theory.

    Macron was as pleased as he could be over the 1st round result.   Le Pen only just beat Melenchon (by a percentage point or so), but for Macron defending against Le Pen will be ‘easier’ than against Melenchon + M has told his voters not to vote for Le Pen.

    Some will take no notice, but many will simply abstain.  Macron will come through and I’d be happy with that.  Best of an average bunch IMO.


    The flaw is that Melenchon has "instructed" his voters to not vote for Le Pen, meaning that they should abstain or vote for Macron.

    Abstaining isn't going to help Macron, and I can't somehow see many dyed in the wool left wing Melenchon voters voting for Macron.

  9. Strange that there are no comments on the first round election results on this forum.

    One of the surprising local results is that around us about a dozen communes including ours voted Le Pen.

    In our commune Le Pen was first with 28.6% followed by Melenchon with 22.8% with Macron third on 22.1%

    Zemmour trailed behind on 5.5%

    Strange french political joke.

    How do you find a Le Pen voter?

    Look for a communist who has been burgled twice.

    Hmm - I'm still chewing that one over!

  10. . Statistical analysis has revealed that 66 per cent of Le Pen’s manifesto is left-leaning, focusing on healthcare, public services and redistribution. Conservative economics such as free market reforms and small government comprise only 21 per cent; in 2017 it was 35 per cent and under her father in the 1980s it was 80.

    Despite this Le Pen is still depicted, in the words of this week’s New York Times, as ‘hard-right’ and ‘anti-immigrant’. She is neither. She has made a clear distinction between Islam and Islamists, stressing she has no enmity against the religion, which earned her the ridicule of Macron’s interior minister, who accused her of being ‘soft’ on Islam. As for immigrants, as Le Pen stressed in a recent TV debate, she welcomes genuine refugees, such as Ukrainians, but not young men from Africa in search of better economic opportunities.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Harnser said:

    Any person's definition of extreme right depends on how far their politics are leaning to the extreme left!

    My answer to the rabid predictions of leftists who predict dire consequences if a free vote should result in a government that they don't like is:-

    Tough - ain't democracy wonderful!

    And the the usual torrent of nonsense has begun from the brit forums.

    I can't help worrying how things may change for us "furriners" in France if Le Pen won ..... :?

    Not realising that MLP is the daughter of a Breton.

    Where did Bretons originate from?

    Bretons came to north-west France from Britain in the fifth century as Celtic refugees fleeing the invasions of Angles and Saxons. They brought with them the Welsh and Cornish languages from which Breton evolved as a distinct language.

    But Hey! Any slur that twists the truth is a good slur!


  12. 22 minutes ago, Ken said:

    You are right of course but others prefer the left press to support their ridiculous assertions. Just what is 'extreme right' anyway!! Even Hitler was a socialist!!

    Any person's definition of extreme right depends on how far their politics are leaning to the extreme left!

    My answer to the rabid predictions of leftists who predict dire consequences if a free vote should result in a government that they don't like is:-

    Tough - ain't democracy wonderful!

  13. 1 hour ago, NickP said:

    Unfortunately Norman, the Toreygraph  is paywall.

    If you want to know what MLP's manifesto and policies are use this link. It's her official plan without journalistic spin. Remember, scribblers always try to influence your opinion with their opinion.

    I read her plan before the last, election, there was nothing that could be described as remotely extreme about it.


  14. 16 hours ago, Teapot1 said:

    But you dont drive one so the point is? The majority drive cars and not that far usually. Only occasionally going across country and having to stop for comfort breaks allows a top up.

    Hydrogen isnt green, it produces Nox when burnt. It takes 5 times as much electricty to produce so may as well power 5 cars.

    "Hydrogen isnt green, it produces Nox when burnt"

    Exhaust system after treatment like adblu urea/water injection is being used by Cummins Diesel in the USA now in preproduction testing to limit Nox just like euro 6 diesel cars here.

    And if you've got a new car that uses adblue don't start it from cold and bend down to check the towing hitch as I did last week and got a lungful of exhaust fumes - it smells like a mixture of ammonia and bleach and makes you cough and retch.


  15. I would like to see a better analysis of the accident figures quoted, like in this dual axis block diagram manner, where it would make the possible cause clearer.

    For example - From the diagram you can see that the fatalities in the vehicule leger (cars) category are in the seul category (single vehicle accident)   and are at more than twice the fatalities of colliding with other cars, which is not apparent by merely quoting the totals.


  16. 8 minutes ago, Harnser said:

    What I was trying to say , before the "can't edit" gremlin intervened ( this forum software is really weird)

    A bit sudden and and unheralded is this one - out of the blue one might say.


    I would ask the serious question - what are the accident statistics of drivers of various ages?

    Are us older drivers creating mayhem on the roads, compared to the usual suspects, the 20 to 45 year olds auditioning for the next mad max movie?

    Maybe some statistics from insurance companies could reveal the truth?




  17. Diesel is the fuel of the future.

    How can you power a big tractor or 400 hp combine, maize or bean harvester with batteries or the big white hope of the greens - hydrogen - totally impractical.

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