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Posts posted by Harnser

  1. You need to research historical droughts and famines in France - the current sleight of hand of "it's the highest temperature ever recorded in France" is deeply suspect IMHO.


    Ok - here we go. 

    In the days of yore, distinguished educated gentlemen of a scientific bent would religiously record temperatures at the same time time every day from their scrupulously calibrated mercury thermometers installed in a standard stevenson screen at the scientifically correct location for that device -away from buildings, roads, trees, and any source of  radiated heat. This was to avoid any undue influence of the surroundings on the accuracy of the measurements.

    What do they do nowadays?

    Stick an electronic sensor on the top of a building in the middle of a town with black tarmac roads everywhere and call it an " absolutely true temperature reading - honest guv"

    Do you see what I'm getting at here?


     If a sensor or a thermometer is installed within a classic stevenson screen ( that's those funny looking square louvered things on metre high legs painted white) if it's painted with modern paint containing modern titanium dioxide pigment as against the old standard pigment of limewash even that can raise the measured temperature by the contained thermometer by 0.8 F.

    You can see why nobody is objecting to this.

    The whole object of this deception is to prove that there is a warming trend.

    But there has been no warming trend in the USA since the 1930's - it's been cooling ever since then.

    The warming trend you are seeing in the media is due to fraudulently altered ( adjusted) data, the past records are "cooled" and the current readings are "adjusted" to "prove " warming, that's what is going on.

    All the above is documented and provable.





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  2. "But now my President’s continued equivocation is unforgivable.

    Macron should shut up.

    Just add up his latest statements. No EU membership for Ukraine for decades. No NATO membership for Kyiv either. Repeated warnings not to humiliate Russia. All this plays in the hands of Putin and no-one else. Recall that back in 2019, Macron was waxing rhapsodic on Russia as “a true European nation, heir to the Enlightenment” – a notion that applied in its time to Turgenev and Chekhov, not to Vladimir today.

    Look at Macron’s latest project, the “multi-tier EU” (or EU-lite) for those European countries that France and Germany disapprove of. That thing doesn’t exist, isn’t financed, has no known shape and hasn’t been agreed by anyone except a Macron-called “Conference for the Future of Europe” in which citizens drawn by lots were invited to provide “unmediated” public opinion, which somehow would be truer.

    Macron’s entire education, like that of most French elites, has taught him to respect strength and power, not courage. It’s the ethos of the civil service that shaped him, and it’s simple defeatism"

    Anne-Elizabeth Moutet


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  3. Volodymyr Zelensky has hit out at Emmanuel Macron and accused him of trying "in vain" to have a constructive dialogue with the Russian President.

    "We must not look for a way out for Russia, and Macron is doing it in vain," the Ukrainian President told the Italian TV channel Rai 1.

    "I know he wanted to get results from mediation between Russia and Ukraine, but he didn't get any," Mr Zelensky said in an interview that was published on his Telegram channel.

     The Elysee said that Mr Macron had "never discussed anything with Vladimir Putin without the agreement of President Zelensky".

    "He has always said that it is up to the Ukrainians to decide the terms of their negotiation with the Russians."


    Somebody needs to tell Macron to stop interfering!

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Ken said:

    Oh! How I hope Melanchon gets the job!! I follow politics and love nothing more that it to be 'interesting' With Melanchon as P.M. it would be extremely 'interesting' He hates everything I love!!

    As the president appoints the PM why would Macron appoint Melenchon? Oil and water spring to mind!

    As for my hot tip about Elizabeth Borne I just took a look at her record- 

    Graduate of the College of Engineers, the National School of Bridges and Roads and the Ecole Polytechnique
    Senior civil servant at the Ministry of Equipment
    Advisor to the Ministry of National Education to Jack Lang then to Lionel Jospin
    Technical Advisor in charge of Transport in the office of Prime Minister Lionel Jospin
    SNCF Strategy Director
    Director of Concessions at Eiffage
    Director General of Urban Planning at the Paris City Hall
    Prefect of the Poitou-Charentes Region
    Director of Ségolène Royal's cabinet at the Ministry of Ecology
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of RATP (2015)
    Minister attached to the Minister of State, Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, in charge of Transport (May 2017 - July 2019).
    Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition (2019-2020).
    Minister of Labour, Employment and Integration (since July 2020)

    Impressive -  But far too knowledgeable for Macron to appoint her, she knows 10,000% more than he does about what makes things tick.

  5. On 07/05/2022 at 18:08, danny said:

    Has anyone got an idea of the cost of tiling a 16 m2 terrace. It will include the cost of removing the old tiles ( Most of which can be removed by hand ) and the old chape Mortier, putting down new chape Mortier and tiles costing 30€ per m2.


    In these infrlationery times, a friend says it could cost 6,000€ which has shocked us.


    We had a terrace of about 12 sq metres retiled about 4 years ago by a local english bricklayer. That included removing the old tommets (small paving bricks about 3" square) bedded on sand and lime, digging out 3-4 inches to get down to solid ground, laying rough concrete tamped, then bedding the new tiles on adhesive mortar and pointing the joints.

    We supplied all the materials - with a proper devis it cost €600!

    So €6000 does seem a tad excessive?

  6. This all started a few days ago after this site was offline, presumably having been being jacked up, greased and had it's oil and filter changed or whatever the technerds do with websites.

    The biggest problem is when you try to post a reply, you press the submit button and nothing seems to happen, you don't quite know if your reply has been posted, ignored or binned.

  7. 2 hours ago, menthe said:

    What a limited range of topics we have these days so French History is the nearest fit.

    I see that Macron has still not appointed his new PM.  Is there always a new PM if the president is re-elected?  Is poor Castex to be cast aside?

    Must admit I didn't like Castex when he was first elected.  I compared him poorly with his predecessor and didn't like his accent or the way he always seemed to shout when he talked.  Then I warmed to him as I thought he was quietly efficient and he could hold his own just fine in parliament.

    Does anyone have any historical knowledge of this process?  What happens when it's time to elect the legislature and still no PM?

    Macron cannot appoint a new prime minister until Jean Castex and his government have resigned, which they are scheduled to do on 13th May 2022, the day after the legislative elections of the deputies.

    The hot tip for the new prime minister is Elizabeth Borne.

  8. I tried to edit my post but the electronic forum nanny wouldn't let me.

    Edit ( addition) 

    .However, according to our information, another Bluebus had also been the cause of a fire in Germany on September 30, 2021, causing the destruction of 25 vehicles in Stuttgart. The police had estimated with "a high probability" that this was due to a " technical defect" , reported our colleagues from 20 Minutes .

  9. Think twice before boarding a bus in Paris


    It's the second one to catch fire in about a month..

    The images are intense and the cloud of black smoke that emerges impressive. A line 71 bus caught fire in the 13th arrondissement of Paris this Friday morning, mobilizing around thirty workers, according to the firefighters contacted by Le Parisien. It is a 100% electric bus, from the Bolloré brand Bluebus 5SE series, like the bus that burned down at the beginning of April . This afternoon, the RATP decided to temporarily withdraw from circulation the 149 Bolloré electric bluebuses that circulate on its network.


  10. 4 hours ago, cajal said:

    Personally, I would say 'wonder' no more.

    The 'waning popularity' you refer to is certainly not a cause and effect of 'confrontational attitudes' of posters, as this thread has shown.

    No, the demise of posters on the forum must surely be attributed to the recent installation of the appalling  software by Archant's misguided hierarchy.

    Just check the double posts this week alone due to the inordinate amount of time it takes to load a reply.  The hassle and aggravation, so many experienced, attempting to sign-on following the installation of the 'updated'  software. The lack of input from the technical dept. The spam. The list is endless. Check out the online users at any time of the day, and I guarantee you will find there are at least 4 or 5 times the number of Guests viewing the forum than there are Members viewing.

    Archant need to hurry up and sell it on, as we are informed, to an organisation or body of people who are in a position, should they so choose,  to fix these issues or install fresh software.

    If that situation is achievable, then  the forum just may survive. Failure to act, and it will be dead in the water.


    Having been a member of many forums over the last 15 to 20 years both UK and French of many genres , cars, motorcycles, engineering etc all these forums have  suffered from the Facebook effect. Members just find it easier to be on Facebook and drift away.


  11. "In the UK it's no longer necessary to have a road fund licence on your windscreen" 

    Five years on from the abolition of paper car-tax discs, the number and proportion of untaxed vehicles in the UK remains about three times as high as it was before the introduction of a digital-only system.

    The resulting lost duty is costing the exchequer £94m per year – an amount of money far exceeding the projected savings estimated by the government shortly before it got rid of the physical documents.


  12. On 27/04/2022 at 22:01, Riggers said:

    What does Angela Merkel have to do with it

    Assuming you don't know, a simple explanation is that AM was the chancellor of germany who oversaw the closure of germany's perfectly viable nuclear power stations using the Fukushima power station tsunami explosion as an excuse.

    Thereby sentencing germany to be reliant on Russian gas for power generation and domestic and industrial heating.

    Suspected of being one of Putin's useful idiots due to her east german communist roots and past employment there. 


    • Like 1
  13. Relevant to us recently - we bought a new car from an online agent, not a dealer, in January.

    As it had been pre-registered in Slovenia previously we were allocated a WW- prefix French temporary reg number with a white A4 size carte grise so it was insured on that number -   so we then got a white insurance vignette for the screen. Then the proper french carte grise was delivered - but someone got the year date wrong  making the car a year older.

    So back it went and after another month's wait we got the correct permanent carte grise - we checked everything on it, VIN number etc so back to the insurance office who then posted us a green vignette with the wrong reg number. Back it went again and finally we have the correct green vignette - Phew!

    The online agent paid us for another set of plates and the handbooks which were not delivered with the car.

    I wouldn't have been super confident with just a database entry somehow. 

  14. Elon Musk has attacked an “extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech” after Brussels regulators threatened to ban Twitter if it violates social media rules in the wake of his $44bn (£35bn) takeover.

    Thierry Breton, the European Union's economics tsar, said that any company operating in the continent must comply with the bloc's rules, for example on hate speech. Mr Breton said that, if required, the EU will take action to force Twitter to do so.

    Mr Musk insisted on Tuesday night that Twitter would abide by laws -- but take no further action to limit what users can write. 

    He said: "By 'free speech', I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people."

    Telegraph today.

    So the EU had no problems with the Taliban posting on Twitter, until Elon Musk bought it? 

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