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Maisy has arrived


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Is she French or British?  Also, presumably a youngster?

Our Belgian neighbours (it’s their residence secondaire, so they’re here just 3 or 4 times per annum) have had golden labs for a number of years.

They had two half brothers for a number of years, but sadly ‘lost’ both of them in the last year or so.  They now have a slightly bonkers youngster of about 18 mths who, like his predecessors, is never further than a few metres from his ‘master’.   I’m no dog expert, but they’re a lovely breed.

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Black lab or cross, four years old, was owned by an old lady now deceased. Our first night was a little unsettled but she is definitely a seeker after comfort as she took over the sofa in the evening, must have done it before, I guess. Also prefers women, we think and my grandson who has a natural gift with animals which are seriously drawn to him. A bit nervous outside so does not seem to have had much exterior experience, nor walking as she is terrible on the lead.

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Ah, well if you want her to stay off the sofa, you'd better start training her now to use her own bed. 😉

  We did that with our Collie as we had a new sofa that we didn't want stained.  He got used to using his own bed.



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