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My wife got an email to create her "Espace Santé" .  After a bit of checking, this appears to be a new (?) legit site which is going to correlate your current health requirements and treatments in one place, separate to the CPAM and your Medecin traitant. I did not get an invite but have created my space, which had on it the Covid jabs I had and the flue jab I had same morning - so there is a link between the carte vitale which was quite quick.

We both gave permission for other Doctors and emergency services to see the info if needed.

Anyone else created their space or have views on the subject?  

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I get some medical reports on it, but usually no more quickly than I have been given at the time .. but it does at least put everything together, electroncially, so saves me making a scan of it myself.  I think the last time I looked, even the GP's last prescription.  I think, slowly, more medical specialists are using it, so in time it might become more useful, but it does not seem to be retrospective, or totally inclusive yet, so there are limits to it's usefulness, as often what has gone before impacts on what is happening now (at least it does in my case!).

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1 hour ago, Lehaut said:

Anyone else created their space or have views on the subject?

Yes and yes.

Following an intervention for the insertion of a coronary sinus reducer at the beginning of September, I received an email within a matter of days, following discharge.  It stated that all the paperwork appertaining to the lead-up and the final summary of the above procedure is now available to view on my “Espace Santé”. The email invited me to open an “espase” personal, if I didn't already have one, by clicking on the link provided.

As I tend not to click on links in emails, I opened the accessibility properties of the email to retrieve the address embedded in the link and opened it via a new browser page. I felt comfortable with the site and duly signed-up.

My account now has available, a complete paper-chain of all the correspondence from the consultant, who initially had me transported to the Emergency room, further hospitalisation for assessment and the ultimate hospitalisation for the procedure and the surgeons final summary of the procedure.

I believe this is a very useful one-stop information hub, should it become necessary in future. It also saves me having to remember everything that was said and done over this period of time.

As an aside. The above procedure is relatively new here in France. The surgeon told me he has performed approximately one procedure every couple of months during the past two years, whereas he constantly performs by-pass surgery on a weekly basis. In view of the infancy of this procedure, he asked me If I would be willing to participate in a follow-up bi annual survey over three years to which I agreed.

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I had previously signed up to a precursor of this system which never really took off. I still have the paper Icon on my CV

I am all in favour and have been trying to sign up for a while but there is a moment in the process where you have to enter the numbers which are in a vertical line   on the top right hand corner of the Carte, and 3 of mine are now illegible.

I asked for a replacement Carte but was told that as it functions for the  usual things they see no need to replace it.

I will  visit France Services (as mentioned in a previous post) since they are usually very helpful, but other wise I will  have to wait for moment when I might not need  it for a couple of weeks then "lose" it and declare the loss..


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I created mine at the time of the first covid jabs but I haven't looked at it since but I know that my latest and 5th jab has been recorded on it.

If it means my having to keep it mis à jour myself, I don't think I have either the energy or inclination.  

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13 hours ago, NormanH said:

n the top right hand corner of the Carte, and 3 of mine are now illegible.

Exactly the same problem for my wife's card!  She rang the help line listed on the site site and, after about 10 mins checking, they got it sorted.  What we don't understand is she has two SS numbers one on the Carte Vitale, and another one for the Espace Sante.

Thanks for the feedback, seems like the roll out is slower in some parts of France than in others.

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On 09/11/2023 at 19:24, NormanH said:

I had previously signed up to a precursor of this system which never really took off. I still have the paper Icon on my CV

I am all in favour and have been trying to sign up for a while but there is a moment in the process where you have to enter the numbers which are in a vertical line   on the top right hand corner of the Carte, and 3 of mine are now illegible.

I asked for a replacement Carte but was told that as it functions for the  usual things they see no need to replace it.

I will  visit France Services (as mentioned in a previous post) since they are usually very helpful, but other wise I will  have to wait for moment when I might not need  it for a couple of weeks then "lose" it and declare the loss..


We had a similar problem, in that the very old cards which we had at the time we were invited to sign up had no number in the position indicated.

I asked about this at our usual pharmacy and they signed us up and put a sticker on our cards.

However, no-one except the pharmacy has ever added any information to our "espaces"


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