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Anyone lives near any of the stades for Rugby World Cup?


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Yes, Gardian, Portugal were spirited and entertaining and I hoped and hoped they'd pull off some miracle!

As for the red card, I think the ref these days just use the "bunker system" which debuted in the world cup this year.  If they gave a red card first off, they get booed and called names.

Must admit I am very much behind bunker.  Does take the player off the field and the bunker judges can take their time (is it 10 minutes?) away from the noise and febrile atmosphere on the pitch, to make their decision.  They can review the video from more angles than are shown to us and there are 3 of them to come to a decision.

If they decide to upgrade the yellow card, the player can stay off and if not, then when their sin bin time is up, they can rejoin their team.

That way, shouts like in the old days when they'd say things like "they was robbed" could be consigned to the history books.

BTW, Gardian, did you hear?  They say that Dupont could come back for the quarter finals!!!

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Well, we overdosed a bit on the rugby yesterday!

Wales were pretty average and the injury to Faletau is catastrophic.  Anscom’s isn’t great either.

England were absolutely dire.  Should give due credit to Samoa, but there’s no way of dressing it up - England appeared to be entirely clueless.  The daft thing is that they’ll probably beat Fiji and end up undeservedly in the semis.

Ireland were fantastic and ended up with a scoreline that frankly flattered the Scots.  

Looking forward to seeing Fiji win this evening and put the Aussies on an early Qantas flight !

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I know very little about Rugby but as it is a hot topic in Béziers who in the distant past were Chamions of France 12 times (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouclier_de_Brennus )    so I have to seem interested. I find the French  TV commentators on France 2 and TVI so totally chauvinist  (as they are in the Tour de France) that I triad a hack to ITV.... and there a shrill voices HARRIDAN was going on an on so I had to switch ofv...

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Well, for someone who knows "very little about rugby", you sure have managed to find and post a piece about le bouclier de Brennus which I have never heard about!

I know what you mean about commentators.  I often watch with the sound off but then I really quite like all the noise of the crowd.

All comentators are pretty dire and that goes for most events, the tennis, the tour de France, the football.  In particular, I don't like how the British lot mispronounce all the French names and the French lot repay the compliment by mispronouncing all the Bristish names.

You'd think if you knew that millions are going to be listening to you, you'd do some homework and some practising, wouldn't you?

OTOH, it's incredible how they can follow all the action and do a running commentary, so I could forgive them a few indeciperable mumblings.

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The French captain has been bitching about the refereeing of the match, basically saying that the South Africans got away with stuff that should have been penalised? Did anyone think this or notice anything? Or is it just traditional French loser moaning? Though I must say that the rules are now so complex and obscure that I no longer understand them!

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I am no specialist in the finer points of Rugby as I said in a previous post; but just as French commentators are biassed so French sportspeople tend to crow in Victory and whine in Defeat, more especially since the latter is more often the case than the former.

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I was channel surfing on Sunday evening and happened upon the game 10 mins in. I'm glad we decided to follow it, as it seemed to be a match of considerable action to we novices.  (I'm a more major league Baseball follower than a Rugby fan.)

Unfortunately, madame took the dog for a toilet trot and missed out on a try, a conversion, and two penalties.

I understood, from the commentary, that 'preventing a transformation' was only illegal on the taking of a penalty?

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That is what I heard too cajal, so it wasn't 'illegal' as such. On the other hand the person charging down the ball is supposed to remain behind the try  line until the kicker moves and some people were questioning whether he had.

In anycase what's the betting that the Rugby World Cup receives much less attention in the French media from now on 😈

Edited by NormanH
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18 hours ago, cajal said:

I was channel surfing on Sunday evening and happened upon the game 10 mins in. I'm glad we decided to follow it, as it seemed to be a match of considerable action to we novices.  (I'm a more major league Baseball follower than a Rugby fan.)

Unfortunately, madame took the dog for a toilet trot and missed out on a try, a conversion, and two penalties.

I understood, from the commentary, that 'preventing a transformation' was only illegal on the taking of a penalty?

That too is my understanding, cajal.  Cannot charge down a transformation and also not meant to move at all until the kicker has started the kick.

Even the English commentator (watched this one in English so that OH could follow the commentary) said in surprise, I have never seen THAT before.  Of course he hasn't, nor have I!

Some said, to have been able to stop the ball in such close quarters, he would have had to started moving beforehand.

THAT wasn't the only questionnable decision on the part of the ref.  So, no, it was not loser "bitching", it was justifiable with so much at stake and a ref not sufficiently experienced to referee a match at this level.  And that was all that Dupont said.

OTOH, although Dupont passed the ball over 70 times, he didn't get hold of the ball and run as he would have done.  IMHO, it was much too early to play him after that horrendous injury.  Just thankful that he wasn't injured further as the Boks were targetting him at every opportunity.

As for French media now paying less attention to the competition, can't say I blame them.  I too have lost interest and glad I have things planned for this weekend.

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I think that you are both absolutely right.  Kolbe would have to have done 35m in 2secs from the try line, so he must have been ‘lurking’ on the touchline.  (Impossible, & what on earth are the line judges doing ?).  But, he got away with it.

On balance, did RSA deserve their win ?   For me, just about yes.

We’ll be really up against it vs RSA next weekend.  Not optimistic frankly, but you just never, never know.

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Gardian, there was also the question, amongst a few others, when there was a deliberate knock-on by the SA player right at the beginning when France was 7 nil up.  The ref said he was simply trying to catch the ball in one hand.

Well, he was no Harlaam globetrotter was he?  So why would that be OK and passed over?

A few more instances came to mind, Gardian, but it would be boring for others less interested to do a detailed post mortem.  As they used to say in the good old days when people called a spade a spade:  France was robbed?

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13 hours ago, Gardian said:

I think that you are both absolutely right.  Kolbe would have to have done 35m in 2secs from the try line, so he must have been ‘lurking’ on the touchline.  (Impossible, & what on earth are the line judges doing ?).  But, he got away with it.

On balance, did RSA deserve their win ?   For me, just about yes.

We’ll be really up against it vs RSA next weekend.  Not optimistic frankly, but you just never, never know.

Well, if he started running from some way behind the line so he hit it running then he could have timed it right, and he also plays club with the other guy so he might have known predictors, which is what he said. I was driving at the time so am only speculating.

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Well, France lost which is all that really matters.

It was a 50/50 game and they came out on the wrong side.

Pleased for us though .......... I just feel that we have a ‘glimmer of a chance’ vs the Springboks.  A pretty tiny glimmer though !

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We lost - predictably.

I’m not blaming anybody, but when our props were sub’d after 50/60 mins (they were knackered), they had to be taken off.  Their replacements just weren’t up to it, as a result of which we were murdered in the scrums.

Overall, I think that we performed excellently against a really good RSA side.  Much better than most of us expected. No complaints over our defeat though.

However ............ it was a horrible match, wasn’t it ?   I mean, if that was one of the rare rugby matches that you watched, you wouldn’t be eagerly anticipating the next, would you?  Everything played 15m either side of the halfway line - hardly a foray in to the other side’s 25.

I just don’t like RSA, and I mean them as a team.  But, they’re very good.  Really hope though that the All Blacks stuff them next Saturday.

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