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95% of French people don't exercise!


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On the news this morning I heard that 95%of French people don't exercise. Down here it must be the other 5% who do!! Everyone here, so it seems, is either riding a bike in the mountains or running/ walking in them! What did interest me more was that even with this lack of exercise obesity or being fat wasn't mentioned. 

I know obesity is on the increase in France but I thought it refreshing that lack of exercise wasn't connected to it. Often, and incorrectly,  lack of exercise is blamed for being fat. Being fat has little or no connection with exercise, other than making exercise  more difficult!! But it's amazing how many people believe otherwise.

Only one way to become fat and if people haven't 'twigged' it they must be truly dim! But back to the 95%! If that figure is anywhere near accurate then it is a ticking time bomb in terms of the nations future health. Almost certainly unfit people will tend to be overweight but that is because they eat too much not because they don't exercise. A combination of being overweight and unfit is a recipe for an early death, one that can be avoided or at least mitigated.

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The problem is that most folk in France live in apartements. So it is really difficult to exercise.

When we lived in Paris I just walked everywhere. Everywhere. 

In terms of exercise, well for me gardening is the best. You are using every part of your body. 

And if you grow the green stuff that you eat as well....it is a win win.

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12 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

The problem is that most folk in France live in apartements. So it is really difficult to exercise.

Huh? Finding an excuse not to indulge in exercise is easier than falling off a bicycle. If they don't happen to reside on the 1st floor, just using the stairs on a regular basis is an excellent form of exercise.

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Anses actually said that only 5% tale enough exercise, and spend too long sitting down, which is not quite the same thing  as saying they don't exercise.





Edited by NormanH
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People like to split hairs when it comes to exercise, or being fat!! Usually it is the fat ones doing the most 'splitting'!! Fat people will always dispute findings, what else can they do? It's not as if they can hide their failings!!

Exercise is essential but it won't get rid of fat, no more than it will get rid of protein or carbohydrate. The body uses all three in varying proportions and fat is last on the list!! 

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15 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

The problem is that most folk in France live in apartements. So it is really difficult to exercise.

We live in an apartement and walked (according to the Fit on my wife's phone) some 2227 kms last year, urban trails, city walks and holidays!

A couple of years ago, there were loads of posters around Nantes - got a bad back, go out for a walk, overweight, go out for a walk, sore knees, go out for a walk.   These seem to have fallen out of favour with the French.  Too much personal effort?

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1 hour ago, NormanH said:

Perhaps in the same way that pompous opinionated  windbags  are too mentally lazy  to bother to quote the correct sources for their ideas, or even to check  the accuracy of what they claim to have read or heard?

Maybe pompous opinionated windbags should get out more and learn how to google in French. Not mentioning names Mr Norman. Ooh I just did.



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2 hours ago, Lehaut said:

We live in an apartement and walked (according to the Fit on my wife's phone) some 2227 kms last year, urban trails, city walks and holidays!

A couple of years ago, there were loads of posters around Nantes - got a bad back, go out for a walk, overweight, go out for a walk, sore knees, go out for a walk.   These seem to have fallen out of favour with the French.  Too much personal effort?

Lots of people will catch a bus to go 100 metres rather than walk.

But there is more to this story.

Kids these days (report on French news again) have lower heart function (or strength in the heart/smaller hearts if you like) than their counterparts 20/30 years ago.

I.e....they are not fit. 

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2 hours ago, NormanH said:

Perhaps in the same way that pompous opinionated  windbags  are too mentally lazy  to bother to quote the correct sources for their ideas, or even to check  the accuracy of what they claim to have read or heard?

Not to mention even greater pomposity  added to childish behaviour  rushing off to search the internet for alternative views, how very sad!

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2 hours ago, NormanH said:

Perhaps in the same way that pompous opinionated  windbags  are too mentally lazy  to bother to quote the correct sources for their ideas, or even to check  the accuracy of what they claim to have read or heard?

Norman, you have just condemned the whole class of politicians, business representatives, onion leaders, educators…. in fact most folk who open their gobs and give an opinion. T’was ever thus.

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1 hour ago, Ken said:

Not to mention even greater pomposity  added to childish behaviour  rushing off to search the internet for alternative views, how very sad!

You began your waffle with 'On the news this morning' ..The link I gave was the source of that news item as you would see if you managed  to decypher it  with some translation software. It is not "alternative views"; it is the  detail.

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Still being childishly pompous. I heard it on the news, you don't know where I heard it, which channel or anything. I simply related what I had heard You, in your overbearing and obnoxious manner, then rush off to find something on the internet. You have no view of your own but can only come up with a link. A link that had nothing to do with the veracity  of the segment I heard. You really are quite pompous. What a sad life you must lead chasing 'lincs'!! Was it that I talked about fitness and being fat that set you off on your quest?? Have a complex do you?

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But the news (all of the reports) no matter where you heard or saw it, were based on the study in the link that Norman posted.

Example https://www.bfmtv.com/sante/95-des-francais-ont-un-niveau-d-activite-physique-insuffisant_AN-202202150220.html

Were you once very overweight Ken, is that why you are so zealous now in your posts on being fat?

And, before you ask, no I'm not fat. ?


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16 hours ago, betise said:

s for being fatBut the news (all of the reports) no matter where you heard or saw it, were based on the study in the link that Norman posted.

Example https://www.bfmtv.com/sante/95-des-francais-ont-un-niveau-d-activite-physique-insuffisant_AN-202202150220.html

Were you once very overweight Ken, is that why you are so zealous now in your posts on being fat?

And, before you ask, no I'm not fat. ?


What I heard may well have been based on the one sole source but that doesn't mean the reporting was accurate. I simply repeated something I heard, something I found interesting. I went on to say "if the figure was anywhere near accurate" the implication being that it may be incorrect information. Next is a pompous 'correction'!!! Highlighted for emphasis. You tell me, is that the way to impart information or is it the act of some self important  person being arrogant who hasn't a view of his own but likes to score a point by rushing off to the internet to find something? Of course I'm going to respond to that sort of behaviour. 

As for being fat, no never. I have too much self respect and in addition value my health. It's also incompatible with the amount of sport I do.  Why just like this Norman person, you make a statement that simply asks for argument? why put the question in such a fashion as to try and score a point; it's childish and unnecessary. If you want to talk about fitness and health I'm happy to do so but if all you intend is point scoring I'm not really interested. And quite honestly, I 'm not concerned if you are fat or simply overweight, it's your life!!

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