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3 hours ago, Ken said:

As you like irony how about this then: We are being asked to make sure all electric appliances are off, no necessary lights etc. because there is heavy demand on the supply of electricity this morning. The news channels have repeated the message several times. In between the news bulletins the adverts featured several ads for all electric cars!!!!!!

But electric car enthusiasts think they are powered by pixie dust don't they?

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43 minutes ago, Harnser said:

But electric car enthusiasts think they are powered by pixie dust don't they?

At least a good deal of 'hope' anyway!! Personally I have no preference regarding petrol or electric but I do have a preference with regards getting where I want to go and at the moment electric doesn't fulfil that.

I take with a pinch of salt all the claims, for and against, regarding the environment. My brain (such as it is) tells me that electric cars, with production and use, are as polluting as a petrol or diesel car. An electric car has to travel an incredible number of miles in its lifetime to break even regarding pollution. Given the problems with generating electricity and the lack of 'electric' stations I feel sure petrol (diesel) is still the best.

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Diesel is the fuel of the future.

How can you power a big tractor or 400 hp combine, maize or bean harvester with batteries or the big white hope of the greens - hydrogen - totally impractical.

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6 hours ago, Ken said:

At least a good deal of 'hope' anyway!! Personally I have no preference regarding petrol or electric but I do have a preference with regards getting where I want to go and at the moment electric doesn't fulfil that.

I take with a pinch of salt all the claims, for and against, regarding the environment. My brain (such as it is) tells me that electric cars, with production and use, are as polluting as a petrol or diesel car. An electric car has to travel an incredible number of miles in its lifetime to break even regarding pollution. Given the problems with generating electricity and the lack of 'electric' stations I feel sure petrol (diesel) is still the best.

And no amount of data will convince you otherwise so no point in saying anymore. 

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4 hours ago, Harnser said:

Diesel is the fuel of the future.

How can you power a big tractor or 400 hp combine, maize or bean harvester with batteries or the big white hope of the greens - hydrogen - totally impractical.

But you dont drive one so the point is? The majority drive cars and not that far usually. Only occasionally going across country and having to stop for comfort breaks allows a top up.

Hydrogen isnt green, it produces Nox when burnt. It takes 5 times as much electricty to produce so may as well power 5 cars.

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11 hours ago, Teapot1 said:

And no amount of data will convince you otherwise so no point in saying anymore. 

One of the problems, if not the whole problem is the pig headed and self righteous  that won't, at least, respect someone else's view let alone keep an open mind! Data, is supplied from both camps. I read the data supporting electric vehicles and hybrids and I also read the data that comes regarding production, pollution and recycling of electric cars. I am far from convinced about the recycling of millions of batteries and as for pollution and the environment an electric car does have to travel an inordinate number of miles to break even on that score let alone the question of rare metals etc.

Those problems aside the infrastructure isn't in place for electric vehicles and neither will it be anytime soon. When I drive somewhere and need to refuel I don't want to wait at a charging point and have a cup of coffee or whatever, I don't want to have to plan my route around charging points that may or may not be free or  even working.

I have had my latest car for three years and now show an interest in perhaps replacing it; but with what? I genuinely don't know and I'm not talking about the marque but electric, petrol or diesel! I don't have a preference. I simply don't believe all the 'publicity' surrounding electric or hybrid but quite obviously governments are forcing it upon us. 

Just yesterday the government here asked us to use less electricity, I don't think that bodes well for the immediate future; perhaps in years to come these problems will be solved and I would be happy to drive an all electric car but at the moment there are far too many question marks regarding pollution, longevity and probably most important of all convenience. 



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16 hours ago, Teapot1 said:

But you dont drive one so the point is? The majority drive cars and not that far usually. Only occasionally going across country and having to stop for comfort breaks allows a top up.

Hydrogen isnt green, it produces Nox when burnt. It takes 5 times as much electricty to produce so may as well power 5 cars.

"Hydrogen isnt green, it produces Nox when burnt"

Exhaust system after treatment like adblu urea/water injection is being used by Cummins Diesel in the USA now in preproduction testing to limit Nox just like euro 6 diesel cars here.

And if you've got a new car that uses adblue don't start it from cold and bend down to check the towing hitch as I did last week and got a lungful of exhaust fumes - it smells like a mixture of ammonia and bleach and makes you cough and retch.


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1 hour ago, NickP said:

Unfortunately Norman, the Toreygraph  is paywall.

If you want to know what MLP's manifesto and policies are use this link. It's her official plan without journalistic spin. Remember, scribblers always try to influence your opinion with their opinion.

I read her plan before the last, election, there was nothing that could be described as remotely extreme about it.


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33 minutes ago, Harnser said:

If you want to know what MLP's manifesto and policies are use this link. It's her official plan without journalistic spin. Remember, scribblers always try to influence your opinion with their opinion.

I read her plan before the last, election, there was nothing that could be described as remotely extreme about it.


But if she wins it will be with the support of Zemmour and his supporters, who will form part of her government. His campaign was there  to draw the fire away from her, making her seen relatively only mildly fascist, but that would come roaring rabidly back were she to get in. Remember too that her 'programme' is  populist in that it promises social benefits (which would ruin the economy) for nationals... a true Nationam Socialsm

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The billboards are out (like they do in France) showing all the different presidential candidates lined up with a happy smile..

I passed one this morning and the only person in the line up to have their picture defaced was Macron.

I have a feeling that MLP is ahead of Macron in the second round. 

I got a feeling she will win. 



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45 minutes ago, Harnser said:

If you want to know what MLP's manifesto and policies are use this link. It's her official plan without journalistic spin. Remember, scribblers always try to influence your opinion with their opinion.

I read her plan before the last, election, there was nothing that could be described as remotely extreme about it.


You are right of course but others prefer the left press to support their ridiculous assertions. Just what is 'extreme right' anyway!! Even Hitler was a socialist!!

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22 minutes ago, Ken said:

You are right of course but others prefer the left press to support their ridiculous assertions. Just what is 'extreme right' anyway!! Even Hitler was a socialist!!

Any person's definition of extreme right depends on how far their politics are leaning to the extreme left!

My answer to the rabid predictions of leftists who predict dire consequences if a free vote should result in a government that they don't like is:-

Tough - ain't democracy wonderful!

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6 minutes ago, Harnser said:

Any person's definition of extreme right depends on how far their politics are leaning to the extreme left!

My answer to the rabid predictions of leftists who predict dire consequences if a free vote should result in a government that they don't like is:-

Tough - ain't democracy wonderful!

And the the usual torrent of nonsense has begun from the brit forums.

I can't help worrying how things may change for us "furriners" in France if Le Pen won ..... :?

Not realising that MLP is the daughter of a Breton.

Where did Bretons originate from?

Bretons came to north-west France from Britain in the fifth century as Celtic refugees fleeing the invasions of Angles and Saxons. They brought with them the Welsh and Cornish languages from which Breton evolved as a distinct language.

But Hey! Any slur that twists the truth is a good slur!


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The devil may be in the detail
Réserver les allocations aux Français et lutter contre la fraude
La candidate souhaite que « toutes les allocations et primes de politique familiale » soient réservées exclusivement aux familles dont au moins l’un des deux parents est français
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. Statistical analysis has revealed that 66 per cent of Le Pen’s manifesto is left-leaning, focusing on healthcare, public services and redistribution. Conservative economics such as free market reforms and small government comprise only 21 per cent; in 2017 it was 35 per cent and under her father in the 1980s it was 80.

Despite this Le Pen is still depicted, in the words of this week’s New York Times, as ‘hard-right’ and ‘anti-immigrant’. She is neither. She has made a clear distinction between Islam and Islamists, stressing she has no enmity against the religion, which earned her the ridicule of Macron’s interior minister, who accused her of being ‘soft’ on Islam. As for immigrants, as Le Pen stressed in a recent TV debate, she welcomes genuine refugees, such as Ukrainians, but not young men from Africa in search of better economic opportunities.

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5 hours ago, Harnser said:

. Statistical analysis has revealed that 66 per cent of Le Pen’s manifesto is left-leaning, focusing on healthcare, public services and redistribution. Conservative economics such as free market reforms and small government comprise only 21 per cent; in 2017 it was 35 per cent and under her father in the 1980s it was 80.

Despite this Le Pen is still depicted, in the words of this week’s New York Times, as ‘hard-right’ and ‘anti-immigrant’. She is neither. She has made a clear distinction between Islam and Islamists, stressing she has no enmity against the religion, which earned her the ridicule of Macron’s interior minister, who accused her of being ‘soft’ on Islam. As for immigrants, as Le Pen stressed in a recent TV debate, she welcomes genuine refugees, such as Ukrainians, but not young men from Africa in search of better economic opportunities.

In short, if people could get away from this ridiculous 'hard right' label whatever that means, then her credentials are quite acceptable. It is unfortunate that some people won't research  an accurate picture of the candidates but  depend on Google and the appropriate press which  simply suits and supports their views.

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