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Tour de France 2022

The Tour has just had a couple of days in Denmark. What a lovely place, if a little flat. Massive crowds and so well behaved, unlike the rabble in the high mountains of the Alps or PyreeKnees.

They are my way tomorrow, Dunkirk and Calais; plenty of road surfacing being done and good hills to climb. But will watch on the telly.

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......and that he wants to stop non-Europeans having dual nationality. Would that last affect you?

Am I missing something here?  I always understood NormanH to be of European extraction, i.e. he is British.  If it transpires that he is, after all, of Russian descent I won't be at all surprised.  ?

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It depends on whether you define European as meaning someone from an EU country, (a  political definition) or by racial origin.

In the case of nationality it might be argued that only those in the EU  would be allowed to hold double nationality since to distinguish by origin might be considered as racist.

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NormanH, if in fact you do happen to be of Russian stock then as long as you were born west of the top of Ngodyayakha Mountain in the Polar Urals nature park you are safe in the knowledge that you are European.  Politicians of the 27 EU nations who are hoping to become the head honcho of their respective countries should learn a few basics and understand that the EU does not have exclusivity to the term 'European'. ?

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Looks like poor old Poutou is out of it then!

Maybe the French voting public enjoy watching Macron pose on the world stage as he tries to get Putin out of Ukraine. But were the election held in say twelve month's time when inflation and rising living costs are beginning to bite then the result might be different.

On the other hand there is no really coherent, plausible opposition.

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Can the French enjoy watching Macron make a fool of himself? Surely even the strongest supporter of Macron must feel embarrassed at the way he keeps contacting Putin! It almost smacks of collaboration!! Given that France hasn't helped Ukraine militarily one has to wonder if indeed France prefers to trade with Russia rather than oppose its actions in Ukraine.  French companies are still operating openly in Russia with no sign of let up yet not a word of criticism from 'Jupiter'! No doubt he will claim something from his 'phone calls' to Putin should there be a ceasefire before the elections but will the French public fall for it? Probably!! It must really irritate him that Zelensky has praised the U.K. for the help it has given and slated France, not much of that mentioned on French news either!! Such a shame there is no opposition here, he would be out if there were, unfortunately he will strut his stuff again!!!

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14 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Looks like poor old Poutou is out of it then!

Maybe the French voting public enjoy watching Macron pose on the world stage as he tries to get Putin out of Ukraine. But were the election held in say twelve month's time when inflation and rising living costs are beginning to bite then the result might be different.

On the other hand there is no really coherent, plausible opposition.

The main opposition comes from candidates who are more implicated with Russia than Macron  is. MLP previously took out a Russian loan for her campaign and this time had one from Hungary https://www.lemonde.fr/election-presidentielle-2022/article/2022/02/02/marine-le-pen-a-obtenu-un-pret-de-10-6-millions-d-euros-d-une-banque-hongroise-pour-la-campagne-presidentielle_6112009_6059010.html

and Zemmour who has openly sympathised with Russia     https://www.nouvelobs.com/politique/20220225.AFP7859/a-chambery-zemmour-tente-de-defendre-sa-position-sur-la-russie.html.

and is seen as having been Putin's candidate for the Presidency ..https://www.nouvelobs.com/election-presidentielle-2022/20211031.OBS50484/le-kremlin-vote-zemmour.html....

So the War in Ukraine hasn't bolstered their position even if Zemmour  is Ken's favorite as he said previously

Edited by NormanH
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What seems to be doing most damage to Macron is his intention to reform pensions, and to make those in receipt of the RSA do several hours of Community service in exchange.

MLP , strange though it may seem at first, less eager to do either of these. Her method of saving money is more aimed at  removing benefits from all non-French residents, which plays well with the working-class base she targets.

For a similar reason, and partly because he is the only left-wing candidate to have reached double figures in the opinion polls, so some  see him as a 'vote utile'  Mélonchon is making a late run, though it  is unlikely he will make the last two and impossible IMO that he could win..


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I mean seriously, who is going to vote ?

Who in their right mind (unless you are a right wing nutter) going to get up in the morning and vote.

Apart from Norman and Betise exercising their right to vote...mind you !

And on that mater...are Norman or Betise....going to vote for my kids future ?

No. You are just going to vote because you can. 


Rant over. ! 

France is going down the pan fast and it desperately needs a new leader. But there is no one. 

How sad is that ?

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So Decathlon have been forced to withdraw from the Russian market. That only leaves Leroy-Merlin and Auchan!!! It's quite disgusting that the French family seek to exploit the withdrawal of other companies. Then again Macron doesn't want to upset the Russians, and bring pressure to bear. Putin's useful idiot is a disgrace though he is not alone in the E.U. In fact the whole E.U organisation is a disgrace regarding assisting Ukraine. Yes he will get another term. The French public have little choice I suppose; they probably feel embarrassed at his posturing.

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1 hour ago, anotherbanana said:

Your weekly rant albf? What would you suggest that an incoming President should do?

Yes ?

To your second question, the new president needs to sort out schooling.

Life begins in school.

French schooling is horrendous. 

And it needs sorting.

Rip it all up and start again. 

Jeeesus...I tell you retired folks. Schooling is shît in France.

Designed to make kids delinquents and hate learning.

Learning should be fun. It should be a journey of happiness.

The kids hate it, the parents hate it and the teachers hate it.

There you go. ?

Will Norman vote for for changes in schooling. No. Because he has no idea how bad it is. 

Too busy being pompous on French forums. ?

Edited by alittlebitfrench
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