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Avis d'imposition 2016 for 2015


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I am in the chicken and egg situation that even after making déclarations for 2012, 13, 14 and 15 I still dont have un numéro de télé déclarant to be able to see anything on line, so I will have to wait for the paper avis to arrive in order to see it on line [:'(] 
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Nope, last time I tried it sent me round the houses and would not allow me in without a télédéclarant number, my guy at the hôtel des impôts said I would get one with my next avis which is probably now on line but I wont be able to see it until I get the paper one which should have the number on.


Only a 2 year wait to be able to join the modern world thanks to yet another example of France's stupid old ways.

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That's strange Chancer, usually the number you need is on your very first avis. Then once you've created your espace you don't need it again, you can log on with a password in the usual way. You will need to set up an espace pro at least this year, even if you don't set up an espace particulalier, because they did say that they're not going to send out paper CFE bills to businesses, you have to pick up and pay the bill online.
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  • 2 weeks later...
We received our paper avis today. All our money comes from the US, and since I have been filing our amount owed in France has been zero because we pay plenty in the states. According to the Tax treaty between the US and France, we are protected on paying twice on the same income.

This is the first year, we had to file online which I did. To my shock, we must pay almost 20,000 euros in French taxes. We receive no monies from France only from the US.

There is no way my spouse can handle this. Given my physical situation, I am too weak to deal with the kind people at the impot office. I am at an absolute loss. Maybe, I should just take my exit now.
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Victor: Don't panic yet.  Concentrate on your medical appointment tomorrow for now.

You have some time to "appeal" this Avis.  I hope someone will post on here with a name or link to an accountant who can deal with US/France tax and they may be able to almost immediately spot what has gone wrong.  I will do some research myself later but am out most of today.  I know of English/French accountants but not sure if they do US too.

The form did change a bit this year so perhaps you have just put something in the wrong box. If by any chance the amount is right because of a change in the treaty then perhaps you can get a refund from the US - that is what happens to many of us Brits.

Best wishes

Mr H.

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[quote user="AnOther"][quote user="Chancer"]I am not a business[/quote]how do you figure that ?


Income declared as Revenus des locations meublées non professionnelles.

No numéro de Siren

No extrait  K-bis

No numéro de TVA

No C.F.E.


On a practical level I am unable to convince anyone that I am a business in order to make purchases at Metro Cash & Carry for instance without the above.


Ergo I am not a business.


Unless you know different.

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When I filled it out, I had not been feeling well for a while so I may have made a mistake on the form. Just checking the avis they sent, it looks like they doubled our income. Even so we should not have been taxed on it because of the treaty. If any changes had occurred with the treaty, I would have been aware of them.

The money we currently receive from the states has already been taxed once during our working lives. Then if it is over a certain amount, which ours is, we are again taxed on it every year after we retire.

Appreciate your offer of checking out some things. Thank you!
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 But Victor that would have skewed the figures and taken your income over threshholds, and you would have had to justify that the tax had been paid to the full amount over and above the french amount owed on it.

ie at one point we were paying PAYE in France on french income and living in the UK. Declared the income in France and UK and for all we had paid tax in France, that was simply deducted from that which was owed to the UK and we paid the difference.

As usually in France your declaration will be joint, how about just letting your wife go and see the tax people with all the figures and sort it out.

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[quote user="idun"]

As usually in France your declaration will be joint, how about just letting your wife go and see the tax people with all the figures and sort it out.


Id, Victor is the wife and she has already said that her husband wouldn't be sorting this out.

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The above is a link to the website of an American CPA. I know nothing about him at all but he belongs to a professional body so in the same way that I would hope someone would trust an FCA in the UK (I am one...) he may be able to help Victor. You could email him, although not exactly in your area.

If the French tax office have doubled your income they could just have made a silly mistake. Perhaps it is written in two boxes (for different reasons) or from the pink to the blue form the transfer is to the wrong boxes.

Good luck for tomorrow, I hope they come up with a treatment plan you are happy to agree to.

Mrs H.

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