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Factual or harsh?

just john

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[quote user="odile"]Thank you Quillan

the code of conduct is crystal clear on this issue

Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not. This includes material sent via personal e-mails through this forum


Everyone is aware of the C of C. If somebody needs reminding the moderators will do it.

Thank you.

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Benjamin my friend, how would you know nobody on this thread has signed it?  As far as I know nobody you cite uses their real names (including you I believe [:P] 

Totally off topic but I have a real concern that DLA may well be exportable but to pay for it, its quite possible IB will be stopped for those outside of the UK,  now its firmly linked to job seeking, but not receiving either I have no idea how that would impact on those who receive DLA.

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Sorry Benjamen - probably going to upset many people on here - but I haven't signed and won't be signing it.  IMHO if you choose to move to another country then why should you continue to be paid benefits by your previous country of residence?    

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As has already been said it will be interesting to see what happens now IB is being linked to work!  IMHO there are a lot of people claiming benefits who are quite capable of doing some work.  It would probably be beneficial for many of them to have the structure of a working day and the social contact with others that employment gives.  The current system of all or nothing and the emphasis on 'how your illness affects your ability to do things' - rather that the serious of your illness leads to much abuse.

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[quote user="Scooby"]Sorry Benjamen - probably going to upset many people on here - but I haven't signed and won't be signing it.  IMHO if you choose to move to another country then why should you continue to be paid benefits by your previous country of residence?    


You have clearly either not followed the discussion on the exportability of DLA and associated benefits or have not read the petition.

The European Court of Justice have already ruled upon the rights of exportability. This petition is merely asking that people, whether disabled or not, support others and ask the UK Government to do as the European courts have decreed.

Plain and simple. Of course if you have some other sort of axe to grind then come out and say so as the  many disabled people on this forum are quite used to responding to the ill informed.

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[quote user="Benjamin"][quote user="Scooby"]Sorry Benjamen - probably going to upset many people on here - but I haven't signed and won't be signing it.  IMHO if you choose to move to another country then why should you continue to be paid benefits by your previous country of residence?    


You have clearly either not followed the discussion on the exportability of DLA and associated benefits or have not read the petition.

The European Court of Justice have already ruled upon the rights of exportability. This petition is merely asking that people, whether disabled or not, support others and ask the UK Government to do as the European courts have decreed.

Plain and simple. Of course if you have some other sort of axe to grind then come out and say so as the  many disabled people on this forum are quite used to responding to the ill informed.


I have read the petition and I have followed the discussion.  Why would I sign a petition to support the enforcement of an ECJ decision that I disagree with? 

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So, let me get this right then, it's probably factual that the aussie premiers perception of this crise financière has been more honest,
even Sarky won't be making the same mistakes; However none of this is as important as it is harsh to mention Gorgon's real sight limitation and we shouldn't call a spade a spade?
What is the PC terminology for this, visual impairment? Finally (forgive me it's so far off topic now) I'm sure you'll allow me to ask, since he may be entitled to it, if he qualifies for DLA , and how much this might be?[8-)]

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[quote user="Scooby"]

I have read the petition and I have followed the discussion.  Why would I sign a petition to support the enforcement of an ECJ decision that I disagree with? 


That, of course, is your prerogative.

Can we also take it that you support the withdrawl of the UK State Retirement Pension from those who exercise their right of free movement within the European Union?

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[quote user="Benjamin"][quote user="Scooby"]

I have read the petition and I have followed the discussion.  Why would I sign a petition to support the enforcement of an ECJ decision that I disagree with? 


That, of course, is your prerogative.

Can we also take it that you support the withdrawl of the UK State Retirement Pension from those who exercise their right of free movement within the European Union?


I believe there should be parity for all former UK residents - i.e. that pensions should not be index linked once you leave the UK.

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[quote user="Scooby"]

I believe there should be parity for all former UK residents - i.e. that pensions should not be index linked once you leave the UK.


I'm intrigued as to as to how you see the difference between DLA, AA and CA and the UK State Retirement Pension within the context of the rights conferred on people moving freely about the European Union.

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To answer the question in the title "Factual or harsh"

If you were to call me a "one eyed idiot" it would be factual, not harsh and I would not take offence, I would agree with you.

I cant speak for Gordon Brown but I prefer to call a spade a spade, a gollywog a gollywog, and to say "that person looks like a gollywog" (in a private conversation) if they do. 

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I don't condone abuse in anyway, but i have to add that the smell of hypocrisy is putrid here in scotland. As an englishman, i have to listen to diatribes from the likes of Alex (its all the fault of the english) salmond on a daily basis. The active promotion of the notion that any failing in scotland is the fault directly of the english is alive and well, and they accuse black people of playing the race card.

They have slagged of the british parliament left right and centre up here, and then whinge because Clarkson calls one of their own a childish little name. They even want the word british struck from government correspondence because they say that british actually means english. Pathetic
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[quote user="Quillan"]Which explains why their national anthem is about killing the British.[/quote]

That's a new and interesting interpretation...by British, did you mean the invading English armies? Now I'm confused.

just to keep it on topic - I know it won't be, but this should really be the last post on this topic as it only serves to give Jeremy Clarkson the publicity he craves.


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Well if they want a free and separate country with their own government they are welcome to it and they can take GB back as well and they can loose their vote in the English parliament. How much would it cost to rebuild Hadrian's wall? We could get the Israelis over or the Russians they know a bit about building walls and keeping people out or in depending on your view [;-)].

Didn't the English invade Wales too? Their National Anthems quite nice.

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