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On line tax records - kept ?


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OK - I know it's a daft question; more a 'what if...' but this thought has just occurred to me.

We're being encouraged to do our tax returns on-line (no choice really is there ? !!).

We go on-line, see last year's figures - then in-put new figures.

What happens to on-line tax returns for previous years ?

Are they kept ?

In 5 years time will we be able to 'go back' and retrieve our tax return for 2016, or 2017 ?

Just wondering what might happen in future, should any of us return to UK and possible confusion about proving to UK tax offices that French tax was correctly paid.... or any combination of problems between French and UK tax offices.  Or would we all be wise to print out every year's final tax figures from french fiscal ?


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chessie wrote : Are they kept ?

You have an online account where all your tax forms of every description are kept for years and years (I can't remember how many).

So there you will find all your completed online tax declarations, your taxe fonc bills, your taxe d'hab bills etc from when you signed up for your account.

You can print out what you like from there.
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In my online account I can access all the declarations and avis going right back to the first one I submitted, well before I signed up for an online account. I did the first 3 or 4 on paper (I don't know if you could declare online back then) but nonetheless they are archived in my espace along with all the ones I filed online.

No idea how it works really, but I suspect there is an espace client already set up for everyone, whether they have signed up or not. As opposed to it not being created until you decide you want to start using it. If you see what I mean.
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Thanks all for your information.

I like the idea of printing them out - will probably do that as a 'just in case'.

As for how far back 'they' keep the records what Euro has written is very interesting - in other words we 'are a number' even before we know it !!

I'm probably a 'conspiracy' geek at heart;  in the UK I certainly wouldn't want a 'smart meter';  think cyber attacks could wipe out all our important info - and after the Windrush fiasco (deeply, deeply shaming) - would anyone really trust any government, not just the UK, to be careful with our important personal details.   At the back of my mind, also, was the feeling that if the tax offices wanted to be difficult it's always wise to have printed copies of everything.   Hence question about how 'far back' the french would keep our tax returns.

Thanks for the info, posters;  as always on this forum, there's always posters who know what's what - and are happy to give advice - thank you.

Now just to have to find all our docs and get the calculator out for currency conversions.

Thanks - Chessie

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When you start dealing online with the tax office you may find you no longer quite so much look at it as 'us' and 'them'. In your espace there is a lot of information and a lot of functionalities, and I feel it makes things more transparent.

I don't print things off but I do download copies and archive them, because if I need to email a copy to another organisation it saves time if you have it already saved, rather than have to go and get it from my espace impots every time.
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Having opted to pay online for three years now, I have usually prinited out the paper forms and used those for calculating what goes where before registering the numbers on line. Not exactly "going paperless" but it suits me.

This year I don't seem to be able to find the part on their site which allows you to download and print out the blank forms..... has anyone any idea where they are now?

Chrissie (81)
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My online income tax information is online going back to 2008 however my taxe d'habitation and taxes foncières are only there from 2015.

I print the individual online screens to PDF files so I have a record of what I declared and where (since the online and printed form layouts are different). I also print to PDF the summaries, etc.

I don't think the printed forms will be available until end Apri/beginning May?
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   On your" espace particulier" on the impots page click on "consulter" -" ma situation personel documents ,avis, paiements" - on the window which comes up click " mes documents" and use the headings 1 2 and 3 to find documents going back (in my case)  to 2004.   You can also get details of your payments.

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[quote user="Chrissie"] This is year I don't seem to be able to find the part on their site which allows you to download and print out the blank forms..... has anyone any idea where they are now?

Chrissie (81)

If you type 'formulaire' followed by the form number you require in the search box at gouv.fr you should be presented with a link to that form. I printed off #2047 by the above method a couple of days ago.

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2042 is now here


2047 is here https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/formulaire/2047/declaration-des-revenus-encaisses-letranger

3916 is here https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/files/formulaires/3916/2018/3916_2259.pdf

Normally the easiest way to find them is to search for CERFA 2042 or CERFA 3916
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Thanks I had already found that page but instead of the form I get a number of boxes:


Declarer: Payer: Consulter:

Nous Contacter: Estimer une bien: Gerer mon profile



and more options none of which gives the form.

very strange.

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Cette page n'existe plus

Impots.gouv.fr a évolué

Le contenu du site a été modernisé et les adresses ont changé.

Nous vous invitons à revenir à la page d'accueil de notre site.

And going back to the page d'accueil brings me to the page I described above.
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I should have said that 2047 alone has the same result.

I am beginning to think that this is all because I do not make on-line declarations. I received the 2042 K by post a couple of weeks ago but still no 2047.

I am passing the tax office tomorrow so will pop in.
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First perhaps you need to clear your browser cache?

Then go to the page

Déclaration des revenus encaissés à l'étranger

click on Millésime 2018

Formulaire 2047 : Déclaration des revenus encaissés à l'étranger - 175 Ko

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I went back into my online declaration today to amend it because I'd forgotten to include something, and after I'd finished this page came up


which gives lots of info about how tax money is spent, and then there is a quiz to see if you would make a good finance minister, lol.

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