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How informative   to see the sub-normal  intelligence and idiotic  intellectual level of these personal  'ad hominem' attacks against Ed Millibrand , worthy of the gutter press,  (they  would probably have been 'moderated' if they referred to a poster here)  ignoring  completely the content of what he said ...

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[quote user="NormanH"]How informative   to see the sub-normal  intelligence and idiotic  intellectual level of these personal  'ad hominem' attacks against Ed Millibrand , worthy of the gutter press,  (they  would probably have been 'moderated' if they referred to a poster here)  ignoring  completely the content of what he said ...


Norman has got this just right, what a lot of very silly and wholly inappropriate comments to make about anybody.  The way he walks means this, he's too busy to marry his girlfriend but not to get her pregnant etc etc.

Playground politics and stupid comments, is this what this Forum come to now after all these years?  And Mods getting involved in it too ..........  As Norman has said, if we were commenting on a Mod having a fat a**se or wearing glasses or having a speech impediment or a user here being knock kneed or their personal lives, there's every chance the thread would be pulled.

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 Oh Tony -  I suspect that lots of women don't really like the fact that aids have stated Ed he was too busy [blink][blink] to sign his childs birth certificate

As for his gait, it makes him look kind of gangly, I've seen knock knees mentioned as a cause which is odd as even in the 50's this was easily remedied ( I had knock knees, but don't now) He is already being compared to Wallace in Wallace and Grommit in a light hearted way, in the media

The fact is that has dis-associated himself from Tony Blair and Gordon Brown  in a way that I consider less than gracious - and I'm allowed an opinion  just like everyone else

 These early days are where a lot of the public will start to get an impression and form an opinion -  as far as I'm concerned the jury is out......I wasn't a fan of either Blair or Brown, perhaps getting away from them is a good thing, is it a good thing that he thinks Iraq was a mistake etc

PS Like my grandmother I'm all fore and aft, so no need to look any further for the owner of a large derriere [;-)]

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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

[quote user="NormanH"]How informative   to see the sub-normal  intelligence and idiotic  intellectual level of these personal  'ad hominem' attacks against Ed Millibrand , worthy of the gutter press,  (they  would probably have been 'moderated' if they referred to a poster here)  ignoring  completely the content of what he said ...


Norman has got this just right, what a lot of very silly and wholly inappropriate comments to make about anybody.  The way he walks means this, he's too busy to marry his girlfriend but not to get her pregnant etc etc.

Playground politics and stupid comments, is this what this Forum come to now after all these years?  And Mods getting involved in it too ..........  As Norman has said, if we were commenting on a Mod having a fat a**se or wearing glasses or having a speech impediment or a user here being knock kneed or their personal lives, there's every chance the thread would be pulled.


So there's now a Norm and a Tone with similar opinions- Oh dear!

I think that we the UK taxpayers funding politicians and potential future leaders are allowed an opinion without such infantile comments.

If something is to be 'pulled' from the forum,  then silly insults such as these should be pulled.


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[quote user="Russethouse"] Oh Tony -  I suspect that lots of women don't really like the fact that aids have stated Ed he was too busy [blink][blink] to sign his childs birth certificate


Thanks RH

Interesting to note that it's males that have downgraded marriage and serious and responsible fatherhood.


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Sticking my head up above the parapet here. I listened to his speech and liked some of the points he raised namely Public Sector strike will not endear the general public to the unions which I thing is true, he admitted there would be severe cuts under Labour and that he supports some (almost all) of the cuts the Tories have planned (those he does not like he will reverse if/when he gets in to number10), the Iraq invasion may have been wrong (I think 90% of the general public could have told him that), saying the end of 'boom and bust' was a bit stupid, Labour has lost the support of the middle class working man i.e. trades people. In general  think it was a reasonable speech with fine words although it show his lack of charisma. Only time will tell and like many with the current government I guess you have to wait and see. Would I vote for him and his party, probably not at the moment.

As to his private life and what he looks like, well there are a few things you could say about GB looking so ugly not to mention Mrs Blair but for me in choosing a PM and government the most important thing would be, do I think they can do the job.

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So far he seems to be pretty ruthless, despite his gawky manner.

The Unions secured his leadership but it seems should expect no favors, the past Labour government (wasn't he a back room boy through this ?) is being distanced.

Is he saying what he thinks (if so why didn't he say it before) or what he thinks we want to hear.......?

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For me, the best thing about his election as leader is that he's younger than the old guard, who really do look past it. Hopefully, as he said, a spirit of optimism will come back to the labour party.

I might even join again [:D] I resigned in the 80s when you could see all the old principles going out of the window., after having been a member for years.

Looking forward to seeing him take on Cameron, though I suspect he lacks a certain type of sense of humour which he will need to survive.

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For me, by far the most amusing aspect of this has been that the first person to declare their availability for a cabinet post has been the out-and-out loser of the leadership contest, Diane Abbott.  It does appear that the woman is desperate to push herself into the limelight by whatever means. "No, really, I can make the tea, take notes, I'll just sit here in the corner, you won't even notice I'm here...." (well, perhaps maybe not the last bit)[:D]

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[quote user="ebaynut"]

[quote user="You can call me Betty"] the out-and-out loser of the leadership contest, Diane Abbott.  [/quote]

That's not what I heard on the BBC, they said she had "came fifth"



Out of five contenders...........that, in my book, makes her the out-and-out loser.

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There has been talk about how leftwing EM is, and he hasn't revealed his hand fully yet.

In contrast, last night we were watching Glen Beck on Fox News and he was alleging (shock/horror[:'(]) that Obama is actually a closet SOCIALIST! I mean democrat is bad enough, but socialist - never!

Seems they are still terrified of communism over there, and the two things are interchangeable.

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]For me, by far the most amusing aspect of this has been that the first person to declare their availability for a cabinet post has been the out-and-out loser of the leadership contest, Diane Abbott.  It does appear that the woman is desperate to push herself into the limelight by whatever means. "No, really, I can make the tea, take notes, I'll just sit here in the corner, you won't even notice I'm here...." (well, perhaps maybe not the last bit)[:D]

But is she good at "inflation"?

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[quote user="Patmobile"]I'll believe he wants to distance himself from his predecessors when he denounces the "dodgy dossier" cooked up by Blair and his cronies and calls for a proper judicial enquiry.

What's the betting all the paperwork has been "mislaid" just like Blair's expenses records.



The fact is he was in the Cabinet for three years, he was part of the mess he trying to distance himself from


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[quote user="pachapapa"]

[quote user="You can call me Betty"]For me, by far the most amusing aspect of this has been that the first person to declare their availability for a cabinet post has been the out-and-out loser of the leadership contest, Diane Abbott.  It does appear that the woman is desperate to push herself into the limelight by whatever means. "No, really, I can make the tea, take notes, I'll just sit here in the corner, you won't even notice I'm here...." (well, perhaps maybe not the last bit)[:D]


But is she good at "inflation"?


If you want her to be, I'm sure she will be. Or juggling chainsaws, white-water rafting.....whatever it takes.

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Oh Gawd - I lived in Lambeth when DA and the loony left named things like - Streatham Swimming baths would be renamed Nelson Mandela Baths! A great bloke but to name a SB after him - heaven help us - you don't want to know what they renamed some of the parks in and around Brixton....
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He doesn't have to get married on my account; but I find it hard to believe that he's so feckless that he hasn't had his name put on his child's birth certificate! Surely any man would at least find for that, however busy the life he leads! What an example to set, even if he hadn't harboured thoughts of ever becoming leader of his party.


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