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What should I do please,.....


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Depends, if they're prepared to discuss it and whether they are being responsible about safe sex, I'd say yes to the first if they say yes to the second. Truth is I said not until you've finished college and started work; Daughter and friends would stay over at each other parents, all lovely intelligent girls and we didn't worry. One morning we got a call from her friends mum asking to speak to her daughter, we said - but our daughter is staying with you this weekend isn't she . . . ? There was a different dynamic after that weekend.
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I say yes.  Seems to me that they will play the beast with 2 backs anyway.  I think the biological imperative is pretty much independent of environment.  If you are open with the kids then there is a better chance that they will be open in return, plus it makes their sex life somewhat more formalised which might in turn imbue a sense of responsibility.  

On the other hand if one wants to perpetuate the fallacy that one's daughter would simply never do such a thing then say no.  I'm sure there is a car back seat or alleyway somewhere that will act as a suitable alternative venue.

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[quote user="Jimmy"]Just as it would be unwise to ice skate on a lake in the middle of summer, it's also unwise to have sex with anyone who's not your wife. God will judge as guilty those who take part in sexual sins.[/quote]

Luke 6:42 How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother’s eye. . . .[:P]

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They will be having sex anyway so it will be nothing new for them. Perhaps there will be less risk of pregnancy if they have space instead of fumbling about in the back of a car. Plus what do they get up to when you are not there.

She seems to be being adult about it perhaps the parents should be as well.

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[quote user="just john "]

[quote user="Jimmy"]Just as it would be unwise to ice skate on a lake in the middle of summer, it's also unwise to have sex with anyone who's not your wife. God will judge as guilty those who take part in sexual sins.[/quote]

Luke 6:42 How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother’s eye. . . .[:P]


Lol. Nice one.

Log removed, well bit of a splinter really - guilty as charged.

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Me I'd say that if they make too much noise then they go somewhere else.

Safe sex, is a conversation that should be had a long time before someone is asking to sleep with their girlfriend or boy friend.

So what would you, did you say, Wooly? Were you asked or was saying X will be here with me was informing you in advance?
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My daughters lived with their mother and so the decision as to such things was never mine to take, but one had a downstairs bedroom with a low level window opening onto the garden so one can draw one's own conclusions.

Anyway, I am now gonna hijack my own thread with a hymn of praise to Peter Jones in London. Many years ago, when I was on forced stay in London, my adolescent, elder daughter decided to come and live in UK to go to the Lycée and to enjoy the London highlife. She was at the blushing, stamping stage.

One day she came to me, bright red and clearly in distress and announced "Dad, I need unnndrrrr"

"Eh, what???"      


After some time and eventual recourse to writing, the word was 'underwear'.

Now, what then heck was I gonna do as an unreformed, single father who didnt even go into the ladies lower clothing departments for fear of seeing ..... welll ...... ladies lower stuff? Panic, sweating, clammy palms.

Anyway, brainwave, try Peter Jones. So off we trotted, child glowering with advanced embarrassment.

And entered the dreaded department, upstairs in the middle, me wearing eye patches, got to the middle where a number of delightful creatures seemed to be sitting and discussing, even fondling samples of ladies, well, silky stuff.

But no helper at hand. So, ever resourceful, I put up my hand clutching a newspaper and cried "Help" in a Titanicesque voice.

Daughter trying to hide under the floor and amongst the articles of attire.

Appears my Florence Nightingale, in the shape of a little grey old lady with sparkling eyes. I point to daughter and to an array or articles, no word being spoken.

She laughs "I understand, sir."

Takes daughter, now vermilion and steaming, quivering with adolescence, by the hand and leads her into that zone where no man should ever go in daylight, on pain of excommunication, whilst I collapse on a bench, much to the amusment of a delightful, young thing who began holding up tyhe most flimsy and impractical articles almost in front of my face. Silly girl, if she wore those she would soon get into trouble, but then maybe that was what she wanted. Really, where was her mother?

Two pages of newspaper and they return, daughter radiant, relaxed, chattering.

Without a word, I hand over the credit card to the lovely lady who is now something close to the Madonna of shop assistants in my eyes, she does the deed, and I thank her with a big smacker on both cheeks. She goes pink.

Thank you, whoever you are.

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