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Yeah; I'm due to fly to France next Tuesday, and was getting a bit worried about the snow that's forecast in UK. But I just had an email from Air France to say there are going to be spasmodic strikes between 6 & 9, so it sounds even MORE likely my trip may not happen as planned!

I hope you are not flying!

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[quote user="cooperlola"]No, I am tunnelling.  The shovels are in the car....[/quote]

Never fear, Coops, I did a 320ml round trip on Sunday without a hint of problem from Dorset to London, when the country was said to be in the Grip of whitestuff and all the roads were completely clear (snow to left of me, snow to the right) if anything the journey was all the better for the lack of traffic. Hopefully it will be just as clear on Fri on my journey to Tunbridge Wells[Www]

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[quote user="just john "]

Hopefully it will be just as clear on Fri on my journey to Tunbridge Wells[Www]

[/quote]My friend Paul is driving me from Cranbrook to TW so I may not arrive at the Assembly Halls in one bit (he has a Ferrari, a Morgan -yes, that Morgan - and a Mini Cooper and yet cannot drive for toffee).  Look for us in the middle of the front row (my fate now my knee doesn't bend!)

I think the worst bit is going to be between here and the motorway but we have 9 hours to do a 4 hour journey so with luck we'll be fine.

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[quote user="cooperlola"] Look for us in the middle of the front row (my fate now my knee doesn't bend!) [/quote]

I did laugh at the possibility that if there are two people with legs sticking out how would I recognise you[Www]
how on earth will you manage to get into any of those cars with it sticking out? go for the convertible and stick it above the windscreen[:D]

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="just john "]

Hopefully it will be just as clear on Fri on my journey to Tunbridge Wells[Www]

[/quote]My friend Paul is driving me from Cranbrook to TW so I may not arrive at the Assembly Halls in one bit (he has a Ferrari, a Morgan -yes, that Morgan - and a Mini Cooper and yet cannot drive for toffee).  Look for us in the middle of the front row (my fate now my knee doesn't bend!)


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In fact it bends enough for me to drive but not to get between the average row of seats in a theatre.


Arrived safely yesterday after a steady, uneventful drive across northern France.  The only dodgy bit was getting out of our drive.

Managed to down 4 pints of Master Brew in good company yesterday evening in front of  a roaring fire. One of the few things I miss.[B]

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[quote user="Théière"]

Bumped into her twice? [;-)]

[/quote]And bisous-ed me four times (a la Sarthe!)

Band was on form so a good evening was had by all.

Great to see you and BG, John, hope you got home safe.  We did - just. I think the guy in the Audi whose nose we nealy knocked off might have had heart failure though.[Www]  The thaw is beginning but sadly we had a dusting of snow which has frozen in some places so I can't safely get out today as we're a bit remote here.  Looking good for Ascot on Saturday, though.

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="Théière"] Bumped into her twice? [;-)]

[/quote]And bisous-ed me four times (a la Sarthe!) Band was on form so a good evening was had by all.

Great to see you and BG, John, hope you got home safe.  We did - just. I think the guy in the Audi whose nose we nealy knocked off might have had heart failure though.[Www]  The thaw is beginning but sadly we had a dusting of snow which has frozen in some places so I can't safely get out today as we're a bit remote here.  Looking good for Ascot on Saturday, though. [/quote]

We could have bumped again but for your date with Colonel Sanders [Www]

No problem getting home listening to the new CD, except for the biddy's doing 40 in a 60 limit; isn't it annoying how the BMW's sit on the crown wondering about their rear wheel drive grip, until you overtake the line and then they are on a god given mission to thrash past you; we came back via the coast and lovely it was too.[:)]

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[quote user="just john "]We could have bumped again but for your date with Colonel Sanders [Www][/quote]

Who had firmly locked his doors ten minutes early.[:@]

 It's not always the biddies who drive badly.  Oh, and have you noticed that they who do 40 mph in 60 limits do so in 30 limits also?

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