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Wow, I can't believe over 60 pages.  Well I can, you're such a popular, liked and helpful person on here 60+ pages is what you deserve and many more too.  I have to admit, I haven't red many over the past month or two, I have been so busy but I will echo what everyone else has been saying and wish you all the best for tomorrow.

Take care.


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Deb set off by ambulance/taxi at 8 this morning. At about 10.30 she txted me to say she would be staying overnight. Towards mid-day I had a phonecall from a nurse saying that Deb's session had finished, her poserphone (mobile to the younger set) was inoperable and I could ring her on this number. I repeated the number back to her en Francais, so I'm sure I recorded it correctly, but despite ringing it more than 20 times since then, no b****r answers! No doubt it's unplugged, or has the sounder turned off - as Deb has been known to do to avoid her mother! But - Grrrrr!

For the avoidance of doubt - as they say - I entirely approve of D's shorter hair, which deffo takes years off her. The wig is also a great success, and as Deb said, the lady doing the cut-and-fit was a delight. If she plays her cards right I may be back to get a trim!

I see the Autumn as a write-off, but that then allows us to have occasional days when Deb feels almost human and we can still be us, which will thus seem a bonus. Managing your own expectations can make life seem more positive!
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Doh! The phone in Deb's room was defective! A friendly nurse rang me to say Deb was "etonne" not to have heard from me. After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, the instrument was changed and bingo. As expected, no ill effects so far, eating normally. Putting the patch on early proved to be a good move, no discomfort during the session itself.

Let's hope she sleeps soundly!
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[quote user="cooperlola2"] As expected, no ill effects so far, eating normally. Putting the patch on early proved to be a good move, no discomfort during the session itself.

Let's hope she sleeps soundly![/quote]

Excellent news; so far so good. Well done Debs ... and the Hospital!


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