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General Election Fever


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Seems that way Grecian.

Wouldn't it be nice/interesting if Labour,Lib Dems and SNP would form some sort of consensus opposition.

Fishy has moaned about Maggie May putting party first so I'm sure(?) she will happily drop independance at the moment for the sake of the country!!
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]This is all very exciting. I guess if the Tory party lost then we are all back to square one again. Imagine if they did and Marine won in France. We would have Frexit and not Brexit. Now how would that work with the whole S1 thing ??? Get your popcorn out.[/quote]


All the prédictions so far from the experts, surveys have proved to be totally wrong so you may be right ALBF, never say never.


If it comes to pass just think of all the wasted effort spent by many agonising about Brexit, turning on each other etc when all the time they had their eye on the wrong ball [:-))]

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Yes, there is a French Francophile forum I have noticed (never been a member lol) that has turned very nasty over the last six months or so.

I told the muppets their last year to keep a careful eye on the elections of the country they live in. But they were not interested/did not care because they spend their days in their idyllic French villages watching sky news, the exchange rate whilst eating fish and ships. T##ts

That place is an embarrassment. I am amazed the idiot who runs the forum has not pulled the threads and turn it back into a French forum.


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[quote user="Grecian"]All aboard the bus for the cliff-edge, hard Brexit this way, I guess you can kiss goodbye to your S1 with presumably a tory landslide, nice to see Ms May putting her party before the country.


Nothing unexpected there, Grecian.  What do you think Cameron did when he promised and then called the referendum?

And the referendum itself was turned into a beauty contest for the Conservatives.....despicable beyond words.

I hope the Tory landslide you predict does not happen!

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Wharever the opposite of fever is, I'm feeling it at the moment.

A seriously smart move by May, Labour will lose big time, the turnout will be really quite low, Lib Dems will claw back here & there, my tomatoes will carry on growing.

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decided to change the constitution with fixed term parliaments as a

cheap fix to keep the coalition together and now they are ripping it up

when it suits their agenda.


want to send a clear message that we reject her squalid abuses of power

and will fight for a Government that stands up for the whole country.'

This is what one MP said today.  You have oversimplified the issue.  It's not a private promise between 2 individuals, like when you changed your mind about keeping a date, for example.  Or one of your would-be tenants change their arrangements to lodge with you.

It was a prime ministerial announcement on which the electorate thought they could count.  So, what else has she changed her mind about?  Remain or Brexit, increase NHS contributions for the self-employed or not, no election till 2020 or till June?

What else, what else, what else?  It's about credibility and integrity.  Has she any of the latter and do we accord her the former?

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Politicians who cannot change their minds are fools or fanatics, We are living in very confused times, new events are happening which mean that a decent politician has to be flexible.

TM is one of those, unlike JC who has not changed a view or his shirts since his childish student days.
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As you observed, we have no vote, yet Cameron promised to change that in his manifesto.

Politicians need to be flexible in the interests of the country, but this latest squalid example of May's lying is simply an example of the old adage:

"How do you know that a Tory is lying?  The lips are moving...'

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Do I hear the slight note of a whig there Norman? The general opinion that I heard that you could tell when a politician was telling porkies and not down to their badge colour?

Anyway, as I have asked on another forum. Was it May called by June or June called by May [8-)]

And on this side of the cut, will Le Pen turn out to be mightier than the sword [:-))]

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As it happened in parliament yesterday..........John Grace at his most complimentary to TM mode:


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General Election Fever............ I have already had enough.........losing the will to live with it all. No idea who I shall vote for, BUT, I will vote........ and I hate the lot of them, so not an easy decision.

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]After having a read at part of that, I think he fancies her [I]

In fact I'm sure he does, especially if he works on my principle that I only ever insult people that I like [:-))]


Jonz, I LOVE your theory.........but do you think the reclusive Mr May may have something to say about that?

Clearly, he is a foot fetishist, as I read that he advises her on all her wardrobe choices[:-))]

Or, how about he is into robots in a huge way?

What do you think, Jonz?

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[quote user="idun"]General Election Fever............ I have already had enough.........losing the will to live with it all. No idea who I shall vote for, BUT, I will vote........ and I hate the lot of them, so not an easy decision.


Id, I understand how you feel!  But, I don't hate them all:  some I hate, some I despise, some I am indifferent to but there are a few that I actually quite admire.

Like you, I shall be voting.  Unless the law or our life change, I expect to vote at this election and maybe just squeak in another vote at the next one.  Then, disenfranchised like many on the forum[:(]

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In any case remember this:

We all agree that newspapers play a crucial role in British democracy, but what is troubling is that the majority of the UK press is owned by a handful of right-wing billionaires, most of whom don’t live here. In fact, almost 80 per cent of our press is owned by a handful of mostly foreign-based billionaires.

They’ve already told you what to think on a multitude of issues. You think you made up your own mind, and you think you’re right. But, you didn’t, and you aren’t.

How do I know this? Because blind policy based voting results (whereby voters tick the policies they agree with, without knowing which party they were voting for overall) are always radically different to the actual vote result when it comes to general elections and other major political votes.

Had all votes been cast on policy pledges alone, studies suggest the Green Party and Liberal Democrats would have both had a turn at power by now.

What this means is that people generally have some sense when presented with policy pledges, yet vote in a completely opposite direction. Why? Because these chaps’ media outlets are bombarding your brain with high level right-wing propaganda:

  1. Lord Rothermere, a billionaire living in France, owns the Mail, Mail on Sunday, and the Metro.
  2. Rupert Murdoch, a billionaire living in Australia, owns the Sun, Sun on Sunday and is the man behind Fox News, BSkyB, News Corp, etc, etc.
  3. Alexander and Evgeny (son) Lebedev, an Ex KGB Russian Billionaire, owns The Independent, Independent on Sunday, The Evening Standard.
  4. Richard Desmond, a billionaire, owns the Daily Star, Sunday Star, Daily Express, Sunday Express.
  5. David and Frederick Barclay, billionaire brothers living on a private island near Saark, own the Telegraph, The Spectator, and the Business.

The Sun, for example, claim to have backed the winner of each general election since the notorious Sun headline, ‘It’s The Sun Wot Won It’ referring to the 1992 John Major Tory victory.

The tabloid had led an increasingly personal campaign against the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock, culminating in the famous election day headline: “If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights.”

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