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Complete France Forum

Totally rubbish


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I now confirm that this forum for me personally is the slowest one I know of. Promises of a faster forum and all the things available for IE users to be OK for Firefox users have never happened.

Why, why, why is this forum the slowest one I know of ? Don't tell me, I know, you are waiting for an update which will be online very soon...yeh right, b*******.

To be honest, I think that the slowness (well if others find it the same mind you ?)is getting a little too common and I am getting rather irritated by it but that's just me perhaps ?

Getting that bad, that I have taken to reading books again !

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Miki, I totally agree with your comments. One area that frustrates more than anything is when one wants to "Mark all topics as Read" and it takes for ever to work. Unfortunately, if one ignores this, then when coming back and clicking "Topics since last visit" all the topics previously read reappear.

Perhaps it is now time that somebody can give us a firm date for all the amendments promised.


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I've only found it slow on very rare occasions, even when I had dial up (gloat).

One of the factors could be the sheer number of postings ?

And there could be a trade off in drastic pruning v speed v loss of useful data ?




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Ah now I think yous are all being very unfair to the poor old James lad now! He is a grand lad, very polite and good natured and very kind to animals too! Here he is giving yous all a grand forum to chat away and argue and mess about with each other till the sheep go home, and all yous can do is complain! Be thankful for what yous have and all for free too! If yous were paying for it, bejaney I could understand your moaning, but yous aint paying! There are heaps of poor human people (and some women too) out on the streets tonight with no food and maybe an old second hand Sugar Puffs Box to sleep in after that big sugar monster has decided to move out of it, I don't think they will be worrying over the speed of a free internet forum tonight!  So leave that little James fella alone, he's very nice, and does not deserve them terrible and very rude excretias like "b*****ks" being thrown at him in such a viralant and agressive manner! There is just no need for it. They say "the best things in life are free" Look at the wonderful things around you, The blue sky, the birds singing, the lovely flowers and trees, those cute little ginger squirrels playing with their nuts, the sound of the waves lapping on the beach, playing with the neighbours badger, I have all these pleasures in life, and they cost nothing! Can you imagine complaining that the birds are not singing loud enough?

"when the goose has lost it's feathers, it is time for him to wear a coat" as they say in County Kildare



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[quote]Ah now I think yous are all being very unfair to the poor old James lad now! He is a grand lad, very polite and good natured and very kind to animals too! Here he is giving yous all a grand forum to c...[/quote]

I suppose a few people think quite a lot of you FK but, sorry, to me you are nothing more than someone who walks in a pub and clears the bar quicker than the old and truly lamented cry of "time gentleman please".....I am probably years behind the time and I will be told, it is postmodernist humour again?

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[quote]I suppose a few people think quite a lot of you FK but, sorry, to me you are nothing more than someone who walks in a pub and clears the bar quicker than the old and truly lamented cry of "time gentle...[/quote]

I remember a song about an old drunk who spent a lot of his time in pubs! I think it was by the Dubliners, but I aint real sure?it went " as I came home on a monday night, as drunk as drunk could be, I saw a  sow  upon me bed where my old wife should be. So I called me wife and I said to her, will you kindly tell to me, who owns that sow upon the bed where my owl wife should be.....Ah your drunk, your drunk ya silly owl fool........

They don't make them like that anymore!

I think that "post modern" thing is the new Royal Mail service for sending brand new electronical things like ipods in the mail. You know sometimes you get 2 post boxes together, one for normal mail and one for modern mail.

I remember when I was a lad back in County Kildare, Me Mammy bought one of those hollowed out elephants feet from Mrs Nolan's second hand shop in Newbridge, It lasted us for years, and never once did it leak!


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Your story about the sow in the bed reminds me of a French joke, which has nothing to do with your story.

Gaston and Pierrot met at the local café and Gaston said to Pierrot "Alors, comment ça va mon vieux Pierrot" and Pierrot replied "not too bad, et toi?"

Gaston said "ah moi, ça ne va pas du tout, last night I got home and found my wife in bed with a lumbago".

Pierrot replied "But Gaston, I always told you to be wary of foreigners!"


Bonne nuit

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[quote]I now confirm that this forum for me personally is the slowest one I know of. Promises of a faster forum and all the things available for IE users to be OK for Firefox users have never happened. Why, ...[/quote]

er - yes, definitely slowest of all time.  Shame too, I keep using it regardless because the content is so valuable, if only you can find it.  Like the way you get all those incomprehensible errors when you try to do a search, too? 
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[quote]I now confirm that this forum for me personally is the slowest one I know of. Promises of a faster forum and all the things available for IE users to be OK for Firefox users have never happened. Why, ...[/quote]

According to my memory, the forum software update has been delayed but will be ready for this August (I’m sure that was what was said late last year)



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Ooooh Miki, you cross patch

Surely FK should be applauded for his bar clearing skills alone (in the right circumstances that's a very useful 'skill')

I don't think it's post modernist (i'm still not sure what that is). Surely he is just a genuine eccentric nut case? More fun than this doddery old forum software, no snide side to him  and he can leave aside certain disagreements I have had with him with good spirit; (I speak as someone who benefits from seeing a good example, it's just the following it part I have trouble with).

Oh yes, back on topic, this site/software whatever it's called is rubbish!!!

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Well that's just typical of you Christine!   I know you have a great big Alsation type dog for your Atavar, but I strongly suspect you of being a different type of 'animal' altogether.....

A Pink Fluffy One

Now, let's just see if FK storms in with an assortment of beasties for a big row with me for saying the R word

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Hello again Mrs Animal.

A woman of your intelligence needing MORE clues!!!!! No, i'm afraid you are being a little lazy, and I shan't be giving any more.

Now, where has our fine feathered friend got to?

PS, so much for the (relative)anonymity of the internet Mrs A!!!!!!!) (see your post)



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If you have something to say, could you please come out and say it openly and clearly as I do not understand a word of what you are on about.

There is no anonymity with me and there never will be, I do not need to hide behind a pseudo nor send PMs behind people's backs'.  There is nothing hidden.

Are you capable of doing the same... please ?  I do not understand this sudden turnaround in you attitude Mrs. Tresco.

PS, so much for the (relative)anonymity of the internet Mrs A!!!!!!!) (see your post)

Once again, what do you mean?


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Well reading it from here it looks like the anonymity quote was referring simply to your use of presumably Tresco's first name, Christine.... (which she never signs with) and the other stuff, that she thinks that either you are also either another user called 'pinkfluff' or simply frequent the other forum to which members of this forum refer to as pink fluffy people. 

Or there again, perhaps she just meant that you were being nice and non-argumentative and all 'pink and fluffy', like the people on the other forum (which I haven't found to be all that true of them all, actually!) If that's the case then she's just obviously not been on the prickly side of you - before now! 

The comments can be read in a number of ways, so its best to try and clarify calmly what was meant.  If all of the above are wrong then it just highlights even more how people can get the wrong end of the stick on these forums, because of the difficulty of getting the typewritten word just right.  Its common, so don't fall out about it!

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hi christine. At risk of further humiliating myself and boring everyone to death;

When I saw your post saying you had no complaints I thought, 'aaah, that Christine, she's nice and I vcan have a laugh with her', as I had done on other occassions;

it was only aftermy second comment to you that iI realised there was no smile or anything onyour post and that my use of the terms Fluffy Pink may have led you to think I was in fact saying something not nice.

We tend to use the term Pink Fluffy Bunny as a term of almost abuse here in relation to somewhere else, but that wasn't the way I was thinking at the time. yousee, I actually like 'fluffy bunny types' a lot, pink or otherwise, I just don't want to be in a roomful of them. In the private message I sent you I explained this (though clearly not very well) and said I like men very much, but wouldn't want to live in a houseful of them either!


i don't do well on the computer sometimes, I really get it wrong, but please be assuered I have not had a personality transplant, I am just exhausted and a bit hyper.

i hope you can accept my apologies

by the way the anonymity thing was about the fact that you used my  real name. You knew my name because we had exchanged a couple of private messages; I would never send private messages without my name to anyone; I do understand that some peopel find the use of fake names annoying, and as hiding in some way. I just want to add that in my case this is true, I do want tobe anonymous on the net and I have very good reasons for that. no big deal though,

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I would prefer a clarification from Tresco herself, rather than from you who are not concerned, thank you Debra.

If it's her troll paranoia, then she's barking up the wrong tree (hugger).  I have never posted on the other forum and I do not wish to fall out with anybody.  If her first name is a problem, I shall go back and delete it.


Edit:  Sorry, this is all getting too complicated for me.  What I just put above was before seeing your last post Tresco, no problem, mais je n'ai toujours rien compris, je suis bête...    

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