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[quote user="krusty"]how come you get no time at all to delete a posting ?[/quote]

It's because the administrators are evil sadists who want us all to live forever with our idiot posts right there, for all to see.

Once you are aware of the restriction, it does tend to make you consider pressing 'send'. 

Have you been caught out? Please provide a link.[:)]


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]Actually 90% of all my posts are deleted ones that I've edited to within an inch of their lives late at night when I think you're all tucked up in bed[:)][/quote]

Really? I must stay up later to witness Full Force Twinks.

What am I saying? I have stayed up late and witnessed full force Twinks. I had nightmares and I won't be repeating the experience![6][:P] [;-)]

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

I went to a lot of hard work that night - it's hard being the last poster on 16 consecutive threads and I think you were the one to witness the phenomenonoonmonmom[:)]

I shall edit this later when you're all in bed[:)]


Well you can't now because I've quoted you!

I wasn't referring to that night, Twinks. I wonder whether anyone apart from us are aware of the fact that one memorable (for us) night you were the last poster for the whole of the front page (so to speak).

I really did LOL in real life, and I dread to think what I spat all over the 'puter' while laughing, but I thank you for the merriment.[:D] 

Have you got a screen cap? I'd love to relive the moment.[:)]

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Re: Hi

ThreadLast PostRepliesViews


Is it too late to book?

 by TWINKLE in Holidays in France

Today, 2:02
6 141

Axminster or other suppliers delivery to France.

 by Bud in Working with Wood

Today, 1:43
6 67

Did you educate your children in France? What jobs are they doing...

 by Mackyfrance in Education in France

Today, 1:31
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" src="/cs/images/emotions/tongue.gif">The songs we are singing

 by Frenchie in The Lighter Side Of France Page: 1, 2 ... 330, 331, 332

Today, 1:30
3,313 37,162

Rubbish. Ggrrr.

 by The Riff-Raff Element in The Complete France Post Bag

Today, 1:28
3 150

" src="/cs/images/emotions/blink.gif">3G Mobile Broadband in France

 by Pixie Toadstool in French Satellite TV, French Internet and Telephone in France

Today, 1:26
2 28

Rodez to Dublin

 by Ron Avery in Travelling to/from France

Today, 1:23
1 52


 by Fridgeman in French Food and Wine

Today, 1:19
1 134

Neglected Horses

 by Hoddy in Pets in France

Today, 1:18
3 79

Bit late, but anyone fancy a bit of bird

 by Bugbear in Other Topics

Today, 1:16
1 61

Travelling from Brussels to S.W. France

 by TWINKLE in The Complete France Post Bag

Today, 1:13
8 65

research for a survey: British couples living in France (Paris)

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Today, 1:12
1 68

6000 members ?

 by Pads in The Lighter Side Of France Page: 1, 2, 3

Today, 1:09
28 228

" src="/cs/images/emotions/blink.gif">Banging my head in frustration here

 by Pads in French Language Page: 1, 2

Today, 0:56
15 155

hi im a south african married to a french citizen living and work...

 by nikki scheepers in Making the Move to France From Outside the EU

Today, 0:42
1 51

 Page 1 of

Am I going mad?

This a copy/paste of the page that I copy/pasted to you on the night in question in case you didn't see it!

Notice that it only took me about half an hour[:)]

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Twinks, it's as brilliantly funny and spectacular as the first time I saw it (in real time).


You recall that I was up that night and engaging in conversation with you. I did wonder why you were being brief with me, at the time. It took a while before I realised you were on a mission.[:D]

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