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On a thread somewhere else someone mentioned they commute weekly to the UK - set me thinking about how practical, costly and tiring it actually is. 

Would be interested to hear from anyone who does this.  Is it really viable?


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It's more common than you would think. I commuted for a while from the South of France, once every two weeks and work at home for the rest of the time. It was OK, bit tiring, stayed with friends so OK, downside was difficult to progress in my career, and impossible to sort out social security payments. Worked out cheaper for me than living outside London (colchester for example) and commuting in daily.

I used to meet other people on the plane who were doing the same thing, and I've heard of a lot more - one guy worked at the Guardian for three days a week, and commuted from Paris on the

Think it's best as a transition strategy, if you are a couple of years from retiring and want to move to France. or one half of a couple and the other person wants to set up a business and you need a couple of years steady income during the set up phase



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I will hopefully be completing on my house in Limosine area in a few months and intend to commute on a fortnightly basis by car & air.

I run an Insurance business in the UK. If you, or you hear of any body else intending to commute regulary, It has given me an idea to suggest, in the Central France forum, of car share to share the cost.

Obviously people would have to be in a perticular area or on the route back to the ferry.

Any ideas your welcome to contact me.



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Hi Roger

In "Dolly Daydream Land" I regularly entertain the idea of commuting and was kind of thinking aloud when posted on the forum - just out of interest.

However back in the real world it's simply not practical or viable for me personally.

Good luck with your move and commuting - hopefully someone may be able to share the journey with you. I'll try not to go too green with envy!


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