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Canadians wanting to Immerse two children, where to start?


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Our two children are in french immersion here and our long term goal is to take them to france to immerse them for one year.  Yikes where to begin?! I am up for the challenge. We would prefer a smaller village/town with a school which supports international students. I also understand that there would be a mountain of paperwork to submit for visas etc, any recommended reading what have you.  Any information or insight!?.  We are not sure if we would long term lease or house swap. Work or not work?! This is just the beginning stages of research, so any input is greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much

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[quote]Our two children are in french immersion here and our long term goal is to take them to france to immerse them for one year. Yikes where to begin?! I am up for the challenge. We would prefer a smalle...[/quote]

I don't think such a thing exists (let's face it why would it?). From what I have seen, there are a couple of possible situations.

If you move to a big city, then you would certainly find facilities to welcome your children, with extra French lessons, and support and so on, as is offered to children who emigrate here. Or you could find them a place in a state run international school. There is one here in Lyon that is apparently very good.

Your children could probably come here on an exchange basis, with the rotary club or similar.

You could move to a smaller place, and choose it on the basis of there being a school that might have some credits available to give your children extra support, possibly where there are already English speaking children (so much for the immersion!)

But a school that supports international students in a smaller town, is, I think, wishful thinking. Will they really need extra support if they are in a total immersion school? I have Canadian cousins who went through the system, and they are fluent French speakers and writers.
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