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Christmas telly


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Dunno what channel it was on, but I watched a fascinating programme about an autistic young man named Derek Paraviccini.

His only?.....skill is to be able to play any complicated tune, heard for the first time, on the piano.

For those of you who never saw it, if you do a search, using his name, on You Tube you can see him in action.

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Mrs A, Thank you for your link.  It appears to be the programme that I watched, in its entirety, on the television.  I found the whole thing to be absolutely captivating.  The most amazing part I found, was that he could remember a whole sequence of notes upon hearing them for the first time simultaneously.  For example ( I didn't watch all 3 parts of your link) a 50 piece orchestra played different notes at the same time and he could remember and pick out each one and play them back.

Strange that I had never heard of him before.  We can only hope that people will enjoy his playing and not look at him as a sort of odd peep-show.

I am glad you found it interesting. 

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Some years ago, there was a programme about a young black autistic man - late teenager.  He was shown the frontage of St Pancras station for about 5 mins and then taken off to a studio and given the time to draw what he had seen.

Anybody who knows that station knows that it's quite complex architecturally.  He drew it perfectly.

It has always stuck in my memory.  

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Must have stuck in mine too, just needed your jolt to recall it.

Incredible wasn't it. What we don't know about the human mind.

Kenn Dodd on Christmas eve was about the highlight for me, not saying it was great, just the best of a bad lot.

Q: Has there ever been a Christmas WITHOUT The Great Escape [blink]

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[quote user="Fiona"]

Not one that I can remember ErnieY!! Nor Bridge over the River Kwai which I is on as we speak and OH watching it as if for the 1st time!!!


Won't get any better over the next week either I bet.






Watching for the FIRST time Fiona, you're lucky !    What with that one and Great Escape [:-))] and Zulu [:-))] and Sound of Music [:-))] and all the James Bond tosh [:-))] and the "newies" are joining the vicious circle......Titanic, The Queen.     We're almost due to see The Green Mile and Die Hard 1, 2 umpty3, Lethal Weapon 1, 2, 3, umpty4 again just for a change too.    As I said before thank God for good friends and bright sunny days to get out.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]I wonder what they did before 1963 when The Great Escape came out, probably listened to radio and complained about repeats of ITMA [:D][/quote]

Nope, they were at the pictures watching How The West Was Won or Ben Hur.  

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[quote user="Fiona"]

Good Friends & Sunny Days?????


Had rain, sleet and snow here today - SUN, if only!!!!  Oh How I hope I win the lotto tonight.




[blink] But you are in Glasgow Fiona, Scotland always has rain, sleet and snow anytime of the year (only kidding), we have been extremely lucky on every visit to Scotland and had beautiful weather each time.    So if you win the lotto where are you off to?     Not thinking of buying Chitty Chitty Bang Bang are you?   [;-)]

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[quote user="Fiona"]If the lotto is up tonight - off to the Var (83).  Spoke to a friend there yesterday who was sitting in the garden reading a book!!!  Oh how I dream of sunshine.[/quote]

Remember its not ALWAYS sunny here, but we do have seasons at the right time of the year!     We've had  -11 degrees during the night this week, but awoke to a clear bright blue sky and our 22 mile view looking like a magical Christmas card.    Beautiful.

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What dept are you in??  I don't mind the cold mornings/evenings/nights if I can see some sunshine!!!  We've had it pretty cold here too -12 I think was about the lowest.  Suppose I shouldn't complain - not been too bad a winter so far - but I would prefer to be in France!!
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Sorry to disagree with everyone but I actually have thoroughly enjoyed the TV this week despite being laid up with flu since Monday and watching far too much of it.

I can honestly say that I havn't seen one repeat, or to be accurate, not one programme has been shown on any of the channels that I have already seen before.

Because I watch French TV and no longer Sky. One of the many things that I am glad to have left behind me, although one of the last to go.

Seriously if things are really getting that boring and repetitive why not tune in to French channels for at least a few hours a week?

One of my favorites this week has been "Johhny Saucisson" (every evening on Canal* unencrypted) which was a lighthearted look at French culture through the eyes of English and American immigrants, very funny especially the accents!

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[quote user="J.R."]

Sorry to disagree with everyone but I actually have thoroughly enjoyed the TV this week despite being laid up with flu since Monday and watching far too much of it.

I can honestly say that I havn't seen one repeat, or to be accurate, not one programme has been shown on any of the channels that I have already seen before.

Because I watch French TV and no longer Sky. One of the many things that I am glad to have left behind me, although one of the last to go.

Seriously if things are really getting that boring and repetitive why not tune in to French channels for at least a few hours a week?

One of my favorites this week has been "Johhny Saucisson" (every evening on Canal* unencrypted) which was a lighthearted look at French culture through the eyes of English and American immigrants, very funny especially the accents!


We do and found French telly 100 times worse than English !    Still we can't all  like the same things, otherwise the world would be boring.

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Good point JR.

Whilst I'd be loath to say goodbye to UK TV completely I'd quite like to have French TV on tap, 'er indoors would for sure and it couldn't but help to improve our French, but I admit the thought of having to put up a separate dish plus the associated pularva has put me off doing anything about it yet.

I haven't done any real research on it but I presume one of those supermarket cheapo kits is all I need but which satellite is it best to aim for ?

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