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Sunday Driver

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Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time - that really was the most awful bad luck SD.

I sincerely hope you both make full and quick recoveries and that we see you back on the board soon. Laptops are allowed in French hospitals aren't they ? [6]

Good luck both [:)]

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To echo everyone else, hope Mr and Mrs SD have a speedy recovery and my thoughts are with all those involved and their families.


Can it be arranged for flowers or a card to be sent from us all on here to let them know we are thinking of them ? 


A lovely idea. I hope someone can organise that on behalf of the forum members.

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[quote user="Ysatis "]

To echo everyone else, hope Mr and Mrs SD have a speedy recovery and my thoughts are with all those involved and their families.


Can it be arranged for flowers or a card to be sent from us all on here to let them know we are thinking of them ? 


A lovely idea. I hope someone can organise that on behalf of the forum members.


I agree, what a wonderful idea, hopefully it can be arranged.

How are Dave & Brenda - is there any news?  I thought I saw some new postings today, they seem to have vanished now - but my PC has been playing up recently.


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I've never met Dave or Brenda but SD's knowledge and advice was so useful to us, and gave us so much confidence to continue and tackle what seemed insurmountable at the time, please pass on to both best wishes for this time and hopefully the thoughts of all here will help give them the confidence to get through this.


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Only just found this thread...

It was good to see as I read through the posts that there has been some improvement in SD's condition. I too send him and his wife sincere good wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

Sunday Driver is one of a small group of posters who regularly pop up on here with timely and helpful information about subjects under discussion. The forum is only as good as it is because of people like him...

Get well and get back on here soon Dave - your 'countries' need you! 


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[quote user="Anton Redman"]As above all the very best for a speedy recovery. I have half an idea flowers are not encouraged not French hospitals as they cannot be cleaned properly.[/quote]

In that case maybe a print-out of all the postings on here would let him  and his wife know that we all wish them well.[:)]

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Like many others I have only just picked up this thread. Love and Best Wishes to Sunday Driver and his Good Lady wife. I hope you both have a good and speedy recovery.

Kindest Regards

Nell [kiss] 

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I called in to See them this lunch time, both are recovering well, so much so that they will now be releasing Brenda tomorrow Wednesday, and now as Dave is now up and about chasing the nurses, they will soon want to get rid of him too, possibly near to the week-end and where better to recover from your injuries than at home. Brenda got the flowers, very nice too, and Dave wanted to know what happened to the bottle of Whisky.



                                                 Mr Wiggy.

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery from me too.

Just discovered the thread and it puts my own little 'fender bender' at the weekend firmly into perspective [:'(]

Goes to prove that you really never do know what's lurking round the corner [blink]



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