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How many /what percentage of contributors to this site live permanently in France

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I once administered the estate of a rather eccentric lady who had requested in her will that her ashes be placed in the saddle bag of her bicycle after the air had been let out of the rear tyre, a once inch hole cut in the bottom corner of the bag, and her executor was to ride the bike round her favourite woodland until all the ashes had been dispersed. He didn't ask for permission, just did as instructed - or so he claimed.

Just thought I would throw that one in.
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Alan Zoff wrote : I once administered the estate of a rather eccentric lady who had requested in her will that her ashes be placed in the saddle bag of her bicycle after the air had been let out of the rear tyre, a once inch hole cut in the bottom corner of the bag, and her executor was to ride the bike round her favourite woodland until all the ashes had been dispersed.

As a bike rider I like that .. it's certainly a different approach to scattering.
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[quote user="BritinBretagne"]ALBF, will you be laid to rest in your wife’s family plot or do you hope to be buried in England’s green an pleasant?[/quote]

I don't know Brit.

We had a very very close relative pass away earlier in the summer. There is a lot involved in a funeral. Especially when you are repatriated across France to your 'rural' village of birth. It was my first funeral in France.

Then there is the 'catholic' side of things. Most Brits living in France are not catholic so I guess that does not concern them. But what happens in that case ???

It is all very complicated.

Regarding Sue's point, I don't think you can just be scattered somewhere in France. Furthermore, being buried or cremated as I understand is basically the same in terms of cost.

Like I said. Complicated.

I think I would like to be 'placed' somewhere that my kids can visit. If you know what I mean. So in that case, it would have to be with all the other relatives.

Hard work moving abroad.
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My neighbour has brought up the subject of what happens if I die and we went into it in some detail. The first important bit is that she will contact my children. I told her that I would want to be cremated and to stay in a France and she assured me that I could book a space in a box in the appropriate bit of our local cemetery and that that would not be a problem even though I was both foreign and not Catholic. I’ve spoken about my plans in general terms with my children but I’m supposed to put it all in writing for them. Strangely it’s one of those jobs that keeps getting put off.
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BinB wrote : Strangely it’s one of those jobs that keeps getting put off.

Whilst I'm usually good at procrastinating .. in this I am ahead .. as I have been through this with our 2 non-French-speaking offspring. Assurance-vie in place to pay the taxes which will be due .. a second av to give everyone some access to inheritance-free money .. and a friend who is a traductrice assermentée to help out with any language problems and to oversee any pitfalls.

I have explained about the crematorium procedure here .. we've been to a few services over the years .. and said that I would prefer my ashes to be scattered somehow in my adopted country.

There Norman has just helped out ;-)
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Thank you for your replies interesting responses

I hope when I die my requests in my will, will l take place I

love France and its people especially the Basques but I wish that my are ashes are scattered at an old British Iron age fort where I made love to my wife many years ago and my fathers ashes remain
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[quote user="grumpyaudeman"]Thank you for your replies interesting responses

I hope when I die my requests in my will, will l take place I

love France and its people especially the Basques but I wish that my are ashes are scattered at an old British Iron age fort where I made love to my wife many years ago and my fathers ashes remain[/quote]

I shall never visit Maiden Castle again!?
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Grumpy old man, I think I would have liked a time line, and knowing that your father's ashes were scattered at a later date......... I found it slightly disturbing not knowing. However, if the time line was the reverse, then ......... what can I say, each to their own.[blink]

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You have caught me out I am not grumpy let alone living now in that terrible place Aude In the old days you could see me on a pub table dancing with a pint in hand trousers down toilet paper up my bum on fire doing the dance of the fiery arseholes

I am now off to see my old Army mates last seen 30 years ago to honour the deaths of my old regiment in NE Italy 100 years ago Its in a couple of weeks hopefully the passes near mount blanc are clear

I made love to my wife many years before my father died but it was a place both my father and I since a child knew and loved very much

PS Making love in a field with the grass, smell ,blue sky and insect ,bird, sounds/songs around is heaven best try it I still do
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Not hiding, just been on hols, and this forum just won't let me post on my tablet!

Holidaying in France from early my 20's, finally parental holiday home bought in 1994, and used by all family until we bought in 2005, on hubby's retirement.  Sister still uses the holiday home, I came out in 2008 on my own retirement.  Currently reside here permanently.

Will I stay here? Will I die here? Qui sait???

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