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Lockdown in France?


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I have been keeping an eye on the figures via this, hopefully live link:

I suppose that is shocking me that the french figures continue to rise so. And as with the UK there are similar percentage death rates.

The lockdown in France happened well before the UK, so why did it not work better.

Maybe I have simply not understood it all, but it seemed that France was on the ball with it very quickly. And I suppose that I want the lockdown to work, because we are now living in locked down England.

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I've put the situation here down to the French habit of shaking hands and kissing anybody who stands still at every opportunity. Seems a pretty obvious way for the virus to have spread more quickly, particularly early on.
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I think that  France is a bit further along the curve...it starts slowly and rapidly picks up speed. The Uk is getting to the faster part now.

The effects of a lockdown may well not be seen until at least 3 weeks in and we are just starting the third week...

Another factor is a possible difference in the number of people being tested.

The figures can only show those who have tested positive but if a larger percentage are tested in one country than another then that means that comparisons  aren't on an equal basis. I suspect that is the reason that Germany has so many cases but relatively few deaths; more people are tested...

I'm not sure that  the explosion of cases in the USA can be put down to cheek kissing..

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Lockdown must be a very difficult decision for the politicians to make. After all, it is going to wreck the economy.

In the UK not really helped by Corbyn trying to score points by claiming that the problems with the virus is under funding of the NHS by the Conservatives!

Looked up Spanish Flu and Swine Flu on Wiki and interesting how the population has increased so more contacts.

In addition, I once put to a senior infection control nurse that a big problem is that we live in a far more sterile world so our systems are losing the ability to fight diseases. She agreed.
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I have used that site I use, worldometers.info,  and looked at each country again and the figures were kif kif around the 6th of March.

I agree about the testing, however, even if we hadn't tested in the UK, then surely the deaths would correspond?

As this is rather precise as to how people die with it, I would hope that the Dr's would not put deaths down to other things other than this in the UK during this time. And families would be saying something if they were. As would journalists.

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[quote user="NormanH"]
I think that  France is a bit further along the curve...it starts slowly and rapidly picks up speed. The Uk is getting to the faster part now.

The effects of a lockdown may well not be seen until at least 3 weeks in and we are just starting the third week...

Another factor is a possible difference in the number of people being tested.

The figures can only show those who have tested positive but if a larger percentage are tested in one country than another then that means that comparisons  aren't on an equal basis. I suspect that is the reason that Germany has so many cases but relatively few deaths; more people are tested...

I'm not sure that  the explosion of cases in the USA can be put down to cheek kissing..


I tend to agree with this.  And yes, I guess we will have a better indication of whether we are right in about a week or so.

I think the U.S. is going to have a huge number of deaths.  It is a huge country, but it will be very very hard to keep Americans in their houses.  I don't believe they think like Europeans do in a crisis.

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