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Moving back to the UK


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We are due to move back to the UK in the new year leaving the house in the care of our son here in France. What he needs to be able to do is sign any papers on our behalf concerning various matters - especially regarding the sale of our house - which might avoid us having to return to France just to sign papers. 

I am told there is document called 'a qui de droit' that can be drawn up and signed that would allow this. Nor sure either if we'd have to go to a notaire to get this done properly.

Any ideas guys?


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I did a similar thing with the purchase of my property as I had signed the compromis just prior to backpacking around the world. I signed a document with the notaire giving the equivalent of power of attorney to a French friend with whom I lodged the settlement sum.

At the time I barely spoke one word of French so I cant help you with the name of teh document but it wasnt anything out of the ordinary for the notaire which is who you should consult.

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The procuration defines the act or sequence of acts authorised; the mandataire is the person given the authority. Looks like you may need two procurations, one for your bank account and the other for the Compromis and Acte de Vente.

Procuration bancaire, chez la banque.

Procuration notaire, chez le notaire.
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