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How will I sleep tonight?


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I'd heard enough after 15 secs and it was a 5min film !!

With effect from tomorrow, you'll be even more of a gibbering wreck than you are now!

Thinks: why not put half an hour of synchronised swimming on a continuous loop?  That'll send you to sleep. 

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In the last say 20 years, I have found that I love many things with mass drums. So me, I 'd be listening.

Put your ear phones on with your favourite music and sleep to what you like. Or, use EAR, ear plugs and keep the windows shut.

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O ye lucky Biterrois! What a pity you're not a fan! I love drums and most rhythms, these are no exception (so, just you and me Idun!). Mind you, I too would prefer them away from my bedroom windows...But yes, it does seem like you should be heading for the hills...much quieter here today, we just had our reggae night 2 days ago, and that bass travels far and high...
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I took the bull by the horns (it is the Féria after all [6]) and went to watch.

Better with a gallon of sangria...

I am not against well-played, interesting non-amplified percussion.

We had some authentic African drummers at the Féria a few years back and they were infectious

I went to a wonderful concert at  Dartington in the early 80s given by les Percussions de Strasboug

playing Xanakis


Perhaps it is just this year which has gone very 'techno'

Normally we have acts such as this, which even I thoroughly enjoyed when they came up from Barcelona


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I WAS being serious, actually - I saw them perform live in edinburgh, a tear or two ago, and they were fabulous

Maybe it's only something a scotsman could appreciate - yet another handicap of being english.

And only a scotsman could describe bagpipes as "the missing link between music and noise"

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[quote user="Ian"]I WAS being serious, actually - I saw them perform live in edinburgh, a tear or two ago, and they were fabulous Maybe it's only something a scotsman could appreciate - yet another handicap of being english. And only a scotsman could describe bagpipes as "the missing link between music and noise" Slainte[/quote]Wonderful instrument the bagpipes. They lift the hearts of all Scots and fortunately have the opposite effect on our opponents. Mind you I think they are definitely an outdoor instrument.
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[quote user="Ian"]Maybe it's only something a scotsman could appreciate

Yep, totally agree [:D]

yet another handicap of being english

Since the Scottish have enough handicaps to cope with already I'll let that one pass [;-)]

And only a scotsman could describe bagpipes as "the missing link between music and noise

If you do really mean the link between music and noise - as opposed to noise and music - then yep, with you on that too [:P][/quote]

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