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A thought - but is it legal


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We currently have a seasonal business registered under AE.

Being seasonal, naturally we have a down-time. We get pretty bored!

We have an approx 1 acre plot and have been sourcing some products from China etc (nothing dodgy!) but things that we can buy inexpensively in bulk and think will appeal to the French market.

If we were to advertise our products on the basis of holding a 'monthly market' on our own premises (with other half setting up as another AE for any profits), could we do this?

Ie could we effectively set up a market stall in our own back yard and sell products (nothing electrical or difficult to control, let's say house-hold textile type stuff). Our other thought was that we could make a 5% donation to something like local pompiers or children's fund, to appease neighbours with parking situation.

Does anyone know if this is possible or is there some kind of regulation against it.

We are only in the embryonic stage, so feel free to be blunt!
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Can I suggest that one of you applies for a 'carte de commercant ambulant' (possible under A-E) and you start selling your products at the local markets, where you have a captive audience. You can enquire at the Mairies in various towns and villages to check availability and rates, and/or simply turn up - usually by 7.00 am - and ask the 'placier' for a space. Costs are low - around 2 or 3 euros per metre of stand, and I have friends who manage comfortably with just 3 metres. Products that appeal to women - clothers, household items - seem to go best and you can learn a lot walking round and seeing what others are doing, how they display and price their stock etc. I have been helping a young friend during the summer and we found the other stallholders friendly and receptive, and they tend to look after each other - for example, if you have to leave your stall unattended for a few minutes. Things like trestle tables, awnings and other ingenious foldaway display items usually come from a company called La Retif or you can pick them up second hand. Worth a try?
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[quote user="P-D de Rouffignac"]Can I suggest that one of you applies for a 'carte de commercant ambulant' (possible under A-E) and you start selling your products at the local markets[/quote]

You apply at the Chambres de Commerce - this is a new system this year (previously it was the Prefecture).  It can be listed as a secondary activity under the AE scheme (although I am not sure how you do this if you are already registered as an AE).  It takes a while to come through but without the carte, the placier in the market will not give you an area.

There are quite a few threads about market stalls on this Forum, which give info.  Far from being a closed shop in France, the markets are very much open to newcomers.  Market traders usually want their markets to thrive and grow.

My husband started on the markets this year (2 metres) and has really enjoyed the camaraderie between traders.  As you are going to do it in the winter, you will have to pick something that is sellable in the winter i.e. not geared to tourists.

Try to buy second hand umbrella and table stands to reduce your set up costs.

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Hi Cathy

Many thanks.

Currently I am registered as AE but OH is not, so he could register I assume under AE in his own right to do this.

We have a series of products in mind but need to have a trawl of the local markets in the next week or so, to see what the competition is (none hopefully!) and if there are competitors what their prices etc are and whether it will be feasible.

Do you actually have to go and visit the chambre de commerce ?

Anyway, will search for other threads - I did but clearly I am not doing a very good job as nothing came up - will try again.

Many thanks for responding.
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It probably makes sense to register OH for this activity -- keeps things simple. However, if anyone does want to register a secondary activity then it can be done using the form available here:


I registered boat building in addition to computer consultancy (don't ask!).

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  • 4 weeks later...
If they have a farm, for eg, they might be selling under a family SIRET. Or not. [;-)]

[quote user="londoneye"]...but things that we can buy inexpensively in bulk and think will appeal to the French market. [/quote]

Under AE, you are assessed on a fixed level of "overheads" - about 25% of turnover, iirc. If your expenses (market fees, mileage, purchase of goods, any insurances) is more than 25% of your turnover, AE might not allow you to cover all your expenses against profit.

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[quote user="Catalpa"]

Under AE, you are assessed on a fixed level of "overheads" - about 25% of turnover, iirc. If your expenses (market fees, mileage, purchase of goods, any insurances) is more than 25% of your turnover, AE might not allow you to cover all your expenses against profit.


Sorry catalpa but that's not correct. Under AE there is no allowance whatsoever for costs. You are assessed entirely on turnover (income) so if you are a business with significant costs this regime is not usually appropriate. The rates of assessment to tax and cotisations vary depending on the type of business so maybe this is what you were thinking of.

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Greyman cautions you well, Londoneye!  A friend who is registered as a builder under AE (he only does about 10 hours a week so the scheme seemed perfect for him) helped us out a bit with our loft.  Because he has a van he was buying the materials and we were paying him for these on his normal bill.  When he went to pay his cotis for that quarter, he had to pay on all the materials he had bought on our behalf as they were part of his turnover - it was quite a shock to his system and his bank balance.  So do be careful.

To my mind a business based on high turnover/low margin retail is not really suitable for AE for just this reason. 

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Hi - I'd more or less come to that conclusion myself actually but always useful to have other input.

Not to worry, I can always trot off back to UK for a few months when it all gets too dull here in winter, and earn a lot more money. Only problem is that I have done it once and really worried about the animals when I was away. For good reason, actually as OH nearly poisoned cat and dog positively rolled out of the house to greet me on my return, having put on 10 kilos in 3 months !

Ah well .....
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