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Thats a loverly one christine

Heres 2 of mine soaking up the last of the summers rays



and a close up of the loverly balloo


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Pads, I love Balloo, she is adorable.

Christine, I love your photo as well, the little Yorkie peaking out is so cute. Something must of happened as you took the photo just behind to your right to get their attention.[:)]

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This one was taken last winter. Daisy my 2nd Yorkie always likes a warm place but I think you will agree that this is going a bit far!! Also my cat Gizmo who by the way is much larger than both my Yorkies likes it in front of the kitchen log burner too.


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Yes there are days Id love to just get on the floor on the cushion and fall asleep in front of the fire and curl up with them all


Edit:  oppps I do often ...................you know what they say lay down with dogs ......................... 

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[quote user="Chateau Miaou"]

[quote user="Pads"] oppps I do often ...................you know what they say lay down with dogs ......................... [/quote]

Yep, me too + got the flea bites to prove it  [:P] - loved the photo of your cats + lab in front of the woodburner [8-|] [:-))][/quote]

I won't tell the 'lab' that he has left his spotty pyjamas on if you don't [;-)] [:P]


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[quote user="Chipie"][quote user="Chateau Miaou"]

[quote user="Pads"] oppps I do often ...................you know what they say lay down with dogs ......................... [/quote]

Yep, me too + got the flea bites to prove it  [:P] - loved the photo of your cats + lab in front of the woodburner [8-|] [:-))][/quote]

I won't tell the 'lab' that he has left his spotty pyjamas on if you don't [;-)] [:P]

Jackie [/quote]

Oops! [:$][Www][Www] - must pay attention when posting, soz . . .


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[quote user="Jonzjob"]I must admit that the cats in our garden are VERY wary. Nothing to do with my CAT-a-pult??[6][/quote]

That"s not nice!![:'(]  However I do know what you mean. [:)]

I like birds, and I like cats too. It keeps me in certain state of perplexidity (!) which I find stimulating.

We're fine, thanks. Nothing exciting to report; we're tootling along fine. There are various things we said we would do before this Winter that are still undone, but that's quite normal for us.  How are you, MrsJ? and MasterJ[:)]

I'm reminded of Guinness, speaking with you. I must get some.

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Why on Earth would I set anyone up. I would never do such a thing. Cause it's a real cat, or 1/2 cat, not sure what the other 1/2 is now? Stiffpuss I suppose? Better still, cool cat?[kiss]

Didn't even take long to clean the freezer either![6]

I have posted this one before, but the dog didn't behave either!!


Spare the rod, spoil the dog?[;-)]

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We are fine too Tresc.. At least if I get out of this one alive?[:)] The summer went too quick, but life is wonderful. Espesially with a little bit of animal abuse thrown in [;-)]. Celé is better after her little fall, broken toe bless her. Hell of a job to try to keep her quiet for a month though!

Bed calls now. Speak soon!!!

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