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She is 10 years old now, and is a chihuahua cross westie, although I had her at 8 weeks she was not from a proper breeder so she had not had her dew claws off as a small puppy and only after catching and riping them so often in the fields that I had them taken off when she was about 6 years old. I also have two yorkies.


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Awww  lovely .............

I am surrounded by a cat who s snoring on a shelf , on my right;  and a dog begging me to take him for a walk to my left  ..

What sort of house is that ?? [:D]

[IMG]http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r20/regine79/GUILLJULY07.jpg[/IMG]  My son is the smiling chap on the right...[:D][:D]

The smiling dog is Shadow   LOL LOL

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Awww  lovely .............

I am surrounded by a cat who s snoring on a shelf , on my right;  and a dog begging me to take him for a walk to my left  ..

What sort of house is that ?? [:D]


A happy house [:)]

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Here is the same 'lovely' little dog I showed you all earlier in this thread, this one was taken this evening after said little dog went AWAL, looked quite pleased with itself till it saw the hose pipe[:-))]



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Our "baby". When not seemingly velcro'd to her favourite blanket, she loves to play with mice or frogs, she brings them in the house when we are not looking, then lets them loose, we then spend hours of endless fun trying to capture them and release the poor things.


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One of ours - Harley our rescue Dogue de Bordeaux.   She is daft as a brush and absolutely dotes on our three year old grand-daughter - its a joy to see them together.   She has only been with us since Easter when we took her in but as settled beautifully.  Can't imagine life without her now. [:)]



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She is a lovely girl.   She also is devoted to Ed our ancient Bull Mastiff x Lab, running him ragged with her puppyish ways!

These are my special boys.  Before you all cringe, they are both hand fed and tame.  Becks likes nothing more than to sit on the windowsill to watch the traffic, especially buses.  Oscar is a sleep specialist!   I am hoping to bring them both to France with me but we need to build the vivariums first.

[IMG]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t285/moya011/IMG_0811.jpg[/IMG]                Becks - Water Dragon


[IMG]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t285/moya011/IMG_0812.jpg[/IMG]                Oscar - Bearded Dragon


Surely I'm not the only one with pets that are a bit different?


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Thats strange, because Beck's has his vivarium on a large shelf beside the stairs so he sees everyone coming & going. 

If I wave to him he waves back.   Everyone thought I was mad - until they saw him do it - so really then I'm not as batty as people seem to think in waving at my lizard because he does recognise me and respond!   Oscar on the other hand just sits in his tank collecting rays from his UV mostly, until I put the locust box in there when he suddenly wakes up and knocks it all over in the rush for his bugs.

Becks is named after Beckham.  I got him when Beckham had the mohawk hairdo - resemblence you see - but I also had the female Posh until he got frisky and bit her badly, from which she died a few days later despite a fortune at the vets.   He is a lot calmer on his own and very sweet in character.    Oscar is named after the Sesame Street Grouch of course!

I prefer my lizards to cats any day [:)]   And your Tommy is an aquatic Chellonian - a shelled water reptile - what a cute little guy too.




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Couldn't decide whether to put this under Paris, candids or pets.  But they are the charm of the scene, so...




Taken in the Marais a few weeks ago, Marché Sainte Catherine.  It's amazing the quiet village life there is in some of these squares, places and cours.  You completely lose the impression of being in the centre of a big city.


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