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Thought I'd let you share a couple of photos of some bits of my lawns, I reckon they are dead posh.[:D]



A garden with a place for everything,Chris


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actually I do take offence that I dont understand nature, our garden is a haven for wild life, flowers everywhere, butterflies, bees, bird tables and a huge pond housing the whole of the vendee's frogs(judging by the racket),so no place for regurgatating flies, or vermin (moles), whilst your garden suits you like that , it wouldn't suit us (no offence intended) I can't see how you would know if you had moles anyway, so I will treat vermin with vermin like tactics. Bonn journee
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I know you didn't care for this, but I still think it's pretty.

That's just soooo not true CA, you haven't got the first idea what I care for in my outdoor space, only what you read from a few internet sentences.

I like all sorts of styles and tastes from food to wine to music to lanscape to sculpture to people to....to...my mind is wide, wide open Christine.

The pictures you've put up are beautiful and I aspire to that in my garden. Outdoors is my territory, I have a three year landscape plan that embraces all of my passions, formal, informal, semi-formal, natural, construction, sculpture, sound, texture, function and a load of other stuff.


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