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Titre de sejour (Yes, again)


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Yes Nomoss and the UK will be part of the US with Trump junior as president. Having successfully invaded Russia, France and Germany will own all of Europe. The Channel Islands will be occupied by French and Germans and American warships will be patrolling the Channel. The Germans have found some of Hitlers DNA and are going to make 10,000 copies of him to rule Europe for 10,000 years. And the Brits wonder why they are the laughingstock of not just Europe but the world.
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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]Yes Nomoss and the UK will be part of the US with Trump junior as president. Having successfully invaded Russia, France and Germany will own all of Europe. The Channel Islands will be occupied by French and Germans and American warships will be patrolling the Channel. The Germans have found some of Hitlers DNA and are going to make 10,000 copies of him to rule Europe for 10,000 years. And the Brits wonder why they are the laughingstock of not just Europe but the world.[/quote]

That's a bit mixed up and confusing, which I'll put down to your lack of concentration on what you're writing, and failure to review it before posting, but it sounds pretty similar to the situation when I was somewhat younger[:D]

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Has anyone applied to the prefecture in Perigueux? Is so, was it uncomplicated and do they ask for translated documents?

I enquired and was told that I need to make a RDV to be told what we need to produce and be given the documents to apply.

I have a feeling that Perigueux are one of the awkward ones.
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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]Yes Nomoss and the UK will be part of the US with Trump junior as president. Having successfully invaded Russia, France and Germany will own all of Europe. The Channel Islands will be occupied by French and Germans and American warships will be patrolling the Channel. The Germans have found some of Hitlers DNA and are going to make 10,000 copies of him to rule Europe for 10,000 years. And the Brits wonder why they are the laughingstock of not just Europe but the world.[/quote]

What an odd post Cathar Tours.

And je m'en fiche even if Europe or the rest of the world thinks that Britain is somewhere to laugh at. There are few countries who are exemplary in their behaviour.

The world changes, nothing remains the same and never will, predicting the future, well, why would you and more importantly, why should any of us worry about it.

It will be what it will be.

And a footnote, we used to have to pay for our Carte de Sejours when we moved to France. We were told we needed to pay and to do this needed a timbre fiscale, and I caused great hilarity by going to La Poste for it..... as if they would sell such a 'stamp'. I had to go to the Tabac. One of my early introductions into the complexities of french life. But yes, get them, I always had one, and would have continued to get one even when they were no longer 'needed'. Good handy bit of french ID.

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Everything you need to know is on the following French government website.


How your department deals with the procedure of getting one is down to them. My fathers department, Aude, have an email address to which you ask for an RDV and give your name, address and phone number. They will answer giving you a date and an attachment from the above website of what you need to bring.

Translated documents are birth and marriage certificates. I also included translated copies of my father pension entitlement for the year. The rest is all in French like proof of ownership of house (my father had some document given by the French solicitor when he and my mum bought theirs.). If you rent then I guess it's the rent book or whatever it's called in France.

You need a copy of your bank statement including savings account and they must be no more than 90 days old. You need the last five years of French tax returns (you can print these of from the tax office at home). My father also had a letter from the mayors office to say he had lived there permanently for 15 years.

Take your passport and copies of it. You also need four passport photo's.

We made up two folders (as suggest by someone here) putting the originals in one and copies in the other and handed them the copies. I thought they might check the copies against the originals but they didn't bother.

Check what I have said against the website link I gave in case I forgot something as I am back in Germany now. Somebody else gave a list in this thread or one like it which tied in with what we were told by the prefecture.

Officially it can take up to 90 days to get put my father was available after 32 days which is better than Germany and seems the norm.

At present there is no cost what with you currently being an EU citizen.

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I wrote it on the plane flying home.

When people say France, Germany and Spain will be the only countries left in the EU you can tell a lot about them. They don't understand how the EU works even though they will tell you they do. Some will say the EU is doomed as is the Euro. If it is the impact now on the world economy would be devastation and it would take at least a generation to recover. Germany and France certainly don't want to run Europe, where that comes from I have no idea. The EU is actually more democratic than the UK, at least it's parliament will get a vote on accepting or not any proposed deal with the UK.

The UK is now in panic mode. What was once called scaremongering is now turning out to be true. I know that my industry will close it's factories in the UK if there is no deal which will result in nearly two million job loses directly and indirectly across the UK yet it won't cost any jobs in the EU. Did you know that only one UK built car is on the list of the top ten most bought cars in the UK last quarter and its has been like that for the last 10 years. There is no alternative than to buy EU made cars.

Now Hunt is going round saying it's a hard Brexit by accident, like to know how he came up with that one. Meanwhile May and her ministers are touring the EU countries trying to negotiate directly with them thus side stepping the EU commissioners. Sorry but the old divide and conquer thing doesn't work anymore. The EU is as firm today as ever and the UK is heading down a no deal path very quickly through it's own stupidity which is no accident because it's what you voted for "Out means out" after all.

There is something very sad about watching your country of birth slide like a giant tur* down the toilet. Even sadder to see its government touring Europe and beyond grovelling on all fours for some form of trade deal.

Many Brexiteers seem to think the US and Trump are their new best friends and he will do a deal. Well think on the fact he told May to sue the EU, where is she going to do that, the only place is in the ECJ which she does not want to recognise in future. What an idiot that man is. Any deal you have with the US will be totally one sided but if your happy eating GM food and steroid grown beef that has lived all it's life in a shed with a concrete floor that's your choice. Why do you think in the end Europe walked away from TTIP?
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I was imaging being on your hols like Macron. Laying on the beach with the wife and a dark shadow falls across you. You open your eyes to find May leaning over you saying "I thought I would pop over hand have a chat about Brexit.". Personally if I were Macron the first words would be something to do with urine and off followed by come back and see me when I get back to my office but make an appointment first.

If it were Mutti she would have taken Rommel's advice, kill them on the beach and don't let them near. Mind you the thought of Mutti on the beach in a bikini is enough to make you choke on your Cornflakes.
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I have just been filling in the questionaire that arrived with this letter. The last para ie 'Par ailleurs' is saying you acquire permanent status if you reside in France for more than 5 years (unless I've got the wrong end of the stick - quite possible!). So why do we need a TdS?

Vous bénéficiez de la prise en charge de vos dépenses de santé en votre qualité d'inactifs communautaires.

le questionnaire ci-joint intégralement complété, daté et signé,

les justificatifs de votre situation relatifs à votre résidence :
Pour justifier de votre résidence :

Si vous êtes locataire : du bail, des 3 dernières quittances de loyer et de votre dernière taxe d'habitation. Si vous êtes propriétaire : de votre dernière taxe foncière et de votre dernière taxe d'habitation.

Si vous êtes hébergé(e) : de la dernière quittance de loyer ou d'EDF de l'hébergeant, de l'attestation d'hébergement, d'une pièce d'identité de l'hébergeant et d'indiquer votre lien de parenté avec celui-ci.

les justificatifs de votre situation relatifs à vos ressources et celles de votre foyer :
Pour justifier de vos ressources d'origine françaises et/ou étrangères des 12 derniers mois :

Vos bulletins de salaire, allocations chômage, pension de retraite, rente, RSA, ASPA, épargne, revenus fonciers ou issus de placements financiers...

Toutes les pièces justifiant de votre situation fiscale : avis d'imposition ou déclaration d'impôt. Important : vous devez fournir un justificatif pour chacune de vos ressources.

Ce courrier et cette demande de justificatifs s'adresse aussi à votre conjointe.

Par ailleurs, si vous résidez en France depuis plus de 5 ans, veuillez nous adresser :

- vos 5 derniers avis d'imposition.

- les 5 derniers avis de taxe d'habitation de votre résidence principale.

Le statut de résident permanent s'acquiert après 5 années de résidence effective en France et si il est avéré vous ne relèveriez plus de la législation des inactifs communautaires.

Pensez à le faire rapidement, votre situation pourra ainsi être examinée dans les meilleurs délais. Avec toute mon attention,

Isabelle BEUNARD
 votre correspondant de l'Assurance Maladie
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Why does one require a carte de sejour? Well I guess simply because, the authorities can't tell by looking at a person what that person's status is, ie whether or not that person has resided legally in France for five years. So you go along to the prefecture with documents to prove that you've lived here legally for 5 years, and when they're satisfied they issue you with a carte de séjour, and thereafter whenever anyone needs to confirm that your status, you show them your carte de séjour.

Like passports, you could say I am a British citizen so why do I need a passport. The point is, you need to prove your status to other people, and to do this you need the appropriate document.

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[quote user="ebaynut"]Your progressive Liberal tears are as sweat today as they were two years ago. ;-)

O' Tommy Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy Robinson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

Must stick in your throat that I was right then as I am today.

How's the wall going? Is Clinton in jail? How is denuclearisation going with NK? Fancy aligning yourself to a world loser, what an idiot.

I think your mention of that fascist Robinson says all anyone wants to know about you. I am surprised with your bigoted and racist comments over the years your still allowed to post here.

Gone Fishing.
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The Carte de Séjour is simply a card which shows that you have been through the process of proving your right to residence. It doesn't change that right but it states it, and incidentally is a very useful  wallet-sized piece of ID .
Remember that French citizens themselves carry an ID card, so it is only applying that to other residents.  It was always needed pre-about 2002 or so..

The actual card has to be renewed every 10 years (supposing one is still  alive) , just as a UK passport does.

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Can I return to the original postings ... re CdS, and how, why etc.

We go tomorrow for our rendezvous, so you might say I am at this moment fully au courant with the procedure.

Each prefecture is different, some you have to call in and see, some want all the paperwork by post, some you make a rdv by email (like Herault does), some produce a list, some do not (Herault again), and so on.

Can I suggest, that without wanting to negate any post on here which gave of useful advice and links, that one of the best sites to use is:


It is also a facebook group for those who do facebook, and has created a great deal of factual and accurate information about obtaining a carte de sejour, living in France, the effect that Brexit might have etc.

Meanwhile, wish us luck for tomorrow, 10.45 and 11am, some good vibes would be useful, as Beziers has an interesting reputation, is it helpful or not, I cannot tell, but it is going to be very hot, and we have a long walk from parking to sous- prefec to get there.

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[quote user="idun"] .............. We were told we needed to pay and to do this needed a timbre fiscale, and I caused great hilarity by going to La Poste for it..... as if they would sell such a 'stamp'. I had to go to the Tabac. One of my early introductions into the complexities of french life. .........


Fiscal stamps are sold in tabacs in Algeria, as well as in tobacconists in Spain, where they also sell postage stamps and all the forms needed for official procedures, so we were already used to that when we moved to France.

People from those countries were quite amused that, in the UK, we got so many licences and permits from the Post Office[:D]

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Two reasons my father got his is because if there was a no deal Brexit he wouldn't be left in limbo and could stay for as long as he likes in France.

The second reason was to use it to travel (by plane for example) within the EU like to visit me. Using that instead of his UK passport thus not having to pay any sort of travel permit fees etc. for non Europeans.

Strange thing is when I gave his card a once over it only mentioned France and had nothing about the EU on it. I guess I was rather expecting to see an EU symbol on it rather like say my UK driving licence. Am I right in these assumptions or totally wrong?
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Hi NormanH, nice to see you are still around! have been locked out of this forum and have just managed to get back on.

Applied for and received my Titre de Sejour last year, my brother treated me to a trip back to Berlin this year, had always intended to go back with OH but didn't manage it before he passed away, didn't think to take my passport (D'oh!) but had no problem using the TdS instead.
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[quote user="EuroTrash"]I wasn't aware you could use a carte de séjour instead of a passport.[/quote]

You can't. The link Norman gives says and ID Card, the CDS is a residency permit and proof of residency or so it says so my dad did it all for nothing really. Still I guess with the exception of the translation stuff it was free.
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