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Titre de Sejour

Mr Huge

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Seven months after applying for her TdS (she already has a CdS) my wife still has heard nothing. On the Prefecture website (Beziers sous-prefecture) there is information about the average delays you can expect. There are four columns headed T1, T2, T3 and T4. Anyone know what these mean?
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[quote user="Mr Huge"]Seven months after applying for her TdS (she already has a CdS) my wife still has heard nothing. On the Prefecture website (Beziers sous-prefecture) there is information about the average delays you can expect. There are four columns headed T1, T2, T3 and T4. Anyone know what these mean?[/quote]

A link to the information on the website would be useful.

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Délais moyens de mise à disposition des titres de séjour (pour des dossiers complets)Année 2020
comprenant le délai de l’instruction, la fabrication et l’envoi de la convocation pour la remise de titreT1T2T3T4
1ères demandes d’admission au séjour4 mois6 mois6 mois et 3 semaines  5 mois
Demandes de renouvellement d’un titre de séjour3 mois et 2 semaines7 mois     4 mois et 3 semaines 4 mois
 date de mise à jour : 10/02/2021
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Beziers here too .. heard on another forum that to cope with the influx of WARP cards, Beziers are taking applications from the top and the bottom, ie early and late applications .. so if you were in the middle ..

I applied for ours the first week it was possible in October.  First RDV offered was in Feb, had to change due to medical appt, next appt was mid March, cards arrived about 3 weeks later .. Easter got in the way.  Simple change over of 10 yr permanent cards.

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I just rather think that there’s no need for panic.

I really can’t see the Gendarmerie turning up on anybody’s door this Autumn with a ‘Get out, you’re not wanted here’ notice.

It just isn’t going to happen.

Of course you need to have made your application before 30th June - that’s the date I think?

From there, it’s for each Prefecture to wade through the documents at whatever their speed is.

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For once, Montauban has been pretty efficient! I applied in November, had an email telling me to get a rdv online, went to the Prefecture in April with my passport, had fingerprints done again. The card arrived by registered post two weeks later. A friend applying for the first time had an email requesting a copy of her birth certificate; her friend who applied two weeks earlier and was not asked for a birth cert. She now has an appointment in Montauban.
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Interesting that they asked for the birth certificate, they are not supposed to as the need was phased out a few years ago. Just a reflex back to old times, I guess.

When I went to get my first CDS the lady asked for it and I pointed out that it was no longer needed. She smiled and said that it was an old habit. As she was very nice I pulled it out of the envelope and she made a quick photocopy with a smile.

My CDS went through very quickly!
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I was asked for my birth certificate last year when I renewed my 10 year card (Paris prefecture).  He said it was because way back when the last one was made (in the Vaucluse), they did not have the same computerized system.  Therefore the documentation to prove my maiden name was no  longer on file.

I didn't have a copy of it with me, though I said I could come back with it.  He just went ahead and sent the file forward and warned me that I MIGHT be asked to provide it at the next 10 year renewal date.

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