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auto entrepreneur/social security number


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Can anyone advice me. I registered as auto entrepreneur in June have recieved siret number but nothing about social security to get my carte vitale .It has now become urgent as I am just out of hospital having had an emergency appendix op and am faced with a large bill. Any ideas on who to approach would be greatly appreciated !
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Have registered with ursaaf when we contacted RSI they said whats your social security number, when we said we were ringing to get one they said it was down to INSEE to provide one , rung them and they said they wouldnt deal with private individuals on the phone!
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  • 4 weeks later...
I am having the same problem. URSSAF told me to speak to RSI. RSI have no record of any information being sent to them from URSSAF and have asked me to fill out some more forms, which I have returned. However, when I try to find out the progress at RSI I can't get hold of anyone by phone or email. I too am getting desperate for my carte vitale now. I've paid my first lot of cotisations etc online and am getting nothing in return. I had no social security number before as moved over from the UK this year. If anyone else has any luck I would be interested in finding out what route they took to get their social security number!
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I too have had a terrible time getting a Social Security number.  I was previously covered by my PACS partner's Social Security number.  I kept contacting my RSI (Midi Pyrenees) and eventually we got a helpful gent on the phone who gave us a verbal Social Security number.  This though not the end of the problems, eventually had to visit RAM Gamex in Toulouse to get registered (looks as though no info is being passed from the Auto Entrepreneur scheme for those of us without Social Security Numbers.  We can pay our cotisations, but get nothing back until it is sorted out!  Still have problems with Social Security number but wont bore you with that.  My recommendation is to keep calling RSI and to send a letter Recommande with Accuse de Reception (Registered letter which has to be signed for), this at least will give you proof of contact.  Good luck I truly sympathise.

Bertiebe's other half.

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I dont know but would imagine that for those who transferred to AE having been registered either as inactive but had a SS number or having been micro are proabably OK as they had already jumped through the hoops to get a number in the first place and can quote it when asked.  Those like the OP who started out with AE are having truoble because the varios agencies are not set up to register a number through.
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  • 4 months later...
Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but there don't seem any positive reports here.

I am helping a friend whose French is limited.

He télédeclared his business in February and got a reply saying that "Votre demande de creation d'entreprise a ete transmise a l'INSEE, au

service des impots des entreprises et aux organismes sociaux dont vous


I read that as meaning that the 'centre de formalités' have contacted the relevent Social Security body.

He has had his Siren number, a letter from 'les Impots' asking for some more details, but nothing from an 'organisme social'.

Does this in fact mean that of you don't already have a Social Security number ( as is his case) there is another step to go through which is not mentioned ? (I assume that for those who already have a number there is no problem)

The Auto-entreprendre site ( http://www.auto-entrepreneur.fr/inscription-en-ligne.php )


Le Centre de Formalités des Entreprises se charge

de communiquer tous les éléments :

  • A l'Urssaf (Union pour le Recouvrement des

    cotisations de

    la Sécurité Sociales et des Allocations


  • Au RSI ou la Cipav en fonction de votre activité

  • Aux services fiscaux
But in practice is this the case, or must we contact RSI ourselves despite what is said on the site?

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Norman - I think (from what I remember of the form) that when teledeclaring he would have been presented with a list of primary health assurance providers according to the type of business he was declaring. He would have chosen one of these, and this would be the caisse that issues the social security number, carte vitale etc. The caisse would be affiliated to a body like RSI, which would act as the collection agency. So it would be the chosen caisse that he should be talking to - there may have only been one, or there could have been a dozen or so. Failing that RSI might be able to help, but it's not an organisation that's known for its helpfulness or efficiency.

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I registered as an AE in late Feb 2009 and got my attestation in early July. I can't remember when my SS number turned up but it must have been between Feb & July-- I do remember having to provide a translation of my birth certificate and waiting a fair while. However, that was when AE was just starting and there were probably a lot more applications in the backlog than there are now.

Before registering for AE I was not in the French system in any way, having only been here a couple of months. Still don't have a carte vitale, but the attestation covers all my reimbursements.

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In case other people look at this thread:

It now appears (from discussions I have had with other new AE)  that those who are new to France and so without an existing Social Security number often have to chase up RSI themselves, despite the fact that the site implies that this paperwork will be done automatically.

For those who are just starting an AE business with an existing SS number it seems it does work. For the others RSI often don't seem really to understand the issue, and just put the paperwork to the back of the queue.

Certainly if RSI haven't asked for extra paperwork such as a birth certificate (translated or not there seem to be different interpretations of this by different offices) and a  'justicatif de domicile' then the process of getting an attestation is going nowhere.

Perhaps this is why there are so few cases of 'new' arrivals getting health cover through the AE scheme? ¨People don't realise that they have to put pressure on RSI, or lack the confidence in French to do this?

I know Albert got cover, but I have spoken to people who have waited many months with no joy...

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For us under micro-entreprise it took two years to get Carte Vitales. I gather from speaking to other people that this is not uncommon. It took six months for a temporary SS number, another five for a permanent one, then nine months to get RSI to release something or other to the health caisse so they could start the Carte Vitale process. Phone calls and emails didn't work, we had to visit the RSI office, taking the file of paperwork every time, to get anywhere. We had to keep asking and asking until they got fed up with us (and we do speak French). Once it got passed to the health caisse they were very efficient and it all went quite smoothly.

Best wishes


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Eventually I was issued with 2 SS numbers.  One given over the phone by RSI (after numerous phone calls, emails, letters etc.), and then another SS number on an estimated bill for cotisations for the last 2 quarters.  The numbers were almost identical but with one number transposed.

I visited RSI again, and my Caisse, and finally got the correct number confirmed, and proved that I had paid my cotisations online thru Net Enterprise.  

I have heard no more, and am hoping that when I pay my cotisations in April for this last quarter I will not receive anymore estimated bills.

I have received my Carte Vitale now and all is up an running, so my advice to anyone is to hang in there and keep writing, ringing and emailing RSI until your SS number is issued.  You should get there in the end.  Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...
It is totally exhausting trying to get the SS number from RSI and the same for a carte vitale. I have lost count of how many times I have visited their office and still never got anywhere. I did finally get it some 6 months after but it took me 21 months before I received the proper carte vitale after sending after two separate pictures. I found problems with using the attestation also at times, especially at the pharmacy. It is the only thing in France that has brought me to tears and was not helped by the fact that I needed hospital treatment and as is usual here you visit more than one hospital so end up going through the same process with the attestation time and time again. My husband is still waiting for his carte vitale, 23 months later! All I can say is keep at it and eventually you get there. We had a celebratory drink when we got mine
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If you don't have a carte vitale it's not really any big deal. You don't need your attestation at the pharmacy, doctor etc. You pay, and make sure you get a form (usually brown, but sometimes green) called the feuille de soins. You fill in your name and social security number (as shown on your attestation), and send it off to your primary health assurer and the reimbursement should happen automatically. Enclose copies of any prescriptions, and make sure that the pharmacist sticks the labels from the medicines on the form, which show the rate of reimbursement.

I agree that RSI can be a nightmare to deal with, and most of its staff still seem to be incapable of understanding the autoentrepreneur regime.

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 The problem is that neither a social security number, nor an attestation are issued, so you have nothing to send off, and nowhere to send it.

I think people are speaking of this, not about the actual piece of plastic:  the thread is about "auto entrepreneur/social security number" not just the carte..

I agree  with  you Will about the  attestation and Carte Vitale, which in itself is handy, but not essential

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[quote user="EmilyA"]

It made me realise my problems with RSI were nothing to do with being English......


Yup! My wife is French and registered as an AE. For some time now she has been in limbo between CPAM and RSI/RAM for her health cover. She wants to have some expensive dental work done but her mutuelle can't sort out their end until they get confirmation of which caisse she's with. This is because they apparently have different charges depending on the caisse.

I sincerely hope that one Sarko has finished reforming the pension system somebody will take the health caisses in hand. The UK gets by quite happily with one National Insurance organisation.

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