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Working UK, Family living in France


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I'm living, working, paying tax in UK while my wife and kids are living in France. In the process of applying for her Cart De Sejour, my wife has been hit with a bill from the Maladie people which amounts to 8% of my pre-tax income.

There must be an E-something form with which I can cancel this out with my 10% NI? I cannot get onto the DSS website at the moment.

I know from the queues at the airport that there are loads of people in the same boat as me. What's everyone else doing?

8% pretax is a bit over 12% post-tax and we can't afford that kind of outgoing!!! We pay all our other local taxes, but this one is OTT!

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Are you going to eventually live in France as well? If so, I was in this position for 18 months whilst my husband finished off contracts inthe UK, paying the NI etc whilst he was there. I applied for a CDS for myself whilst he was still away and was refused at that time,although the Prefecture and the police headquarters who check applications gave me an attestation to carry round to say I had applied and was waiting for the breadwinner to arrive and that they were allowing us to live here meanwhile. The DSS issued me with a E109 which covered us for this period and as soon as my husband arrived, the very next week he registered to start a business here and we went straight into the state system with a private top up mutuelle which if we hadn't we would have been faced with some very large medical bills due to accidents which followed shortly afterwards.
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Sorry but forgot all your thread. At no time did we ever receive any bills of any sort for tax etc. I also add that I did not work before we left the UK or after.All outstanding bills were paid inthe UK before my husband left.
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My husband actually wondered if this bill you have received is to in fact cover your family with the state health care whilst you are still in England so that you are in effectively actually contributing to the system so that your wife can claim a CDS. This would then allow your children to go to school with the knowledge that should there be an accident, the paperwork is in place and payment has been made. You have to remember that you do not get something for nothing in France and they are very keen on insurance cover especially at school and for any sort of outdoor activities and travelling on the bus every day.
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E109 is the answer here in that it provides for your family to be covered if they live in another EU state to the one in which the spouse is working and paying NI contributions.

I hope you are not too late. It is important that whilst you contact the DWP in Newcastle your wife should get back to CPAM very quickly and make an appeal against the assessment on the grounds of pending E109. The reason for doing this is that the actual demand for payment comes from URSSAF ("Union de Recouvrement des cotisations de Securite Sociale et'Allocations Familiales"). This outfit is little more than the French State's debt collection agency and once the demand has been sent it is difficult to overturn it. Payments are made quarterly so if you do have to pay anything it may only be the first installment if you can get hold of this E109.

Peter Owen
[email protected]
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